Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.

Does SublimeText support programming ligatures font,like Fira Code?
I wish use programming ligatures font like FiraCode in Sublime improve visual performance.
But haven't found the way.


RTL Languages Support in sublime text 2

I love sublime text 2

Open Source SublimeText

Filetype icons in the project tree

Add ability to show indentation lines

Drag ’n’ Drop files from the filesystem into the sidebar
Wouldn’t it be nice if it where possible to drag a file from the »Mac OS Finder« or »Windows Explorer« in a folder within in the sidebar?
In the filesystem the file should be moved (or copied) to that »new« destination.
The main use case is the following:
You downloaded a JavaScript library, jQuery Plugin or whatever on your computer to your download directory. Instead of browsing to your target destination (your project root) within the Finder you could simply drag the file(s) to your editor and drop it at the desired location.
Best regards,

Search & replace across projects/directories
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