Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Automatic Updates on Windows using WinSparkle

Luis Lavena fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 6
Hello, I love the Sparkle integration on OSX, but when I switch to Windows, I need to manually download it :-P

I think will be possible offer an appcast for both 32 and 64bits versions using WinSparkle:

Thank you.

Call it just "Sublime"

Rolando Murillo fa 13 anys en Plugin announcements updated by isatis fa 12 anys 5
It should be named just Sublime. It is more clear like that.


Mads Hartmann Jensen fa 12 anys actualitzat fa 12 anys 0


Being able to maneuver multiple cursors is really awesome. The following is a list of things that I think would be really, really great :)

  • Make is possible to focus cursors when multiple exists (i.e. leave some of the multiple cursors idle). This could be activated by clicking the cursor you want to focus with your mouse while holding down some keys but preferable some hotkeys should exist as well. Once a single cursor has the focus it would also be great with hotkeys for focusing the previous/next cursor
  • Make it possible to spawn a new cursor at the some position as the current one(s) leaving the old one(s) idle. This could work a quick bookmark functionality together with the previous suggestions but I could find a lot of other fun uses like pre/post-fixing a word at the same time: spawn cursor, ctrl + w, ctrl + f, extend cursor selection to previous cursor, start typing.

smarty suport

Vytenis Kučiauskas fa 13 anys en Plugin announcements actualitzat fa 13 anys 2
We need suport for smarty

Remove license from dev releases

Frankie The Coin fa 13 anys updated by bizoo fa 13 anys 3

Licensing dev releases in my opinion is not the best idea. Most of us it's using to make test on it. Help during development create some ideas. 

In other hand paying for not stable (development) release it's no really a best idea either. I'm really looking forward to pay for sublime. But not when the future is a bit fogy. 

API: Settings.set should cast strings to the appropriate type

guillermooo fa 13 anys updated by Oktay Acikalin fa 13 anys 3
For example, Settings.set("word_wrap", "false") should be interpreted as Settings.set("word_wrap", False).

Shortcut to comment out a selected block of code

Chris Hulbert fa 13 anys updated by Jon Skinner fa 13 anys 0
Jon Skinner fa 13 anys
Take a look at the Edit/Comment menu to see the key bindings that will do this.

jasmine plugin

Tejas Dinkar fa 12 anys en Plugin announcements updated by Sergey Shepelev fa 12 anys 1

Notice the forked from ;-).

Although, it is still quite immature


Detect *.mako file as HTML file

Андрей Бовсуновский fa 13 anys en Plugin announcements updated by Sergey Zarovski fa 13 anys 1
Detect *.mako file as HTML file