Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


implement underline as part of fontStyle in .tmTheme

Matt Morrison fa 12 anys 0
In the user-defined .tmTheme files, fontStyle seems to only accept bold and italic at the moment. Adding support for underline would be greatly appreciated.


Haml Javascript syntax highlighting

Dane Morgridge fa 13 anys updated by jetinho fa 7 anys 1
Haml highlighting works great but as soon as you put a :javascript block in haml it doesn't highlight the javascript at all.  

Ctrl + Shift + D should duplicate not only current line, but current selection if available

Metin Amiroff fa 14 anys updated by Jon Skinner fa 13 anys 9
Currently the only way to duplicate a block of code is to go through a tedious process of select->copy->go down->unindent if needed->paste.

ST1 had a plugin (poweredit) that made Ctrl+Sift+D duplicate currently selected text if it's available. If not, it would duplicate current line. This is super useful and productive feature and I think must come by default with ST2.

Jon Skinner fa 13 anys

 This was done in build 2091


Sort files and folders together in sidebar

Joshua Jabbour fa 13 anys updated by Michael Avanessian fa 6 anys 7
Currently folders are sorted separately above files in the sidebar. Is there any way to have them interspersed? If not, then I suppose this is a feature request...

disable animation in side bar

matrushka fa 14 anys updated by Jon Skinner fa 13 anys 1
maybe a global preference to disable animations on side bar?
Jon Skinner fa 13 anys
The tree_animation_enabled global setting was added in 2139 to control this

Paste (HTML) formatted content from clipboard

Werchter fa 14 anys updated by EHLOVader fa 13 anys 1
An option to paste formatted text from clipboard. For example, the Visual Studio productivity power tools copies code in both plain text and HTML format (syntax colored) to the clipboard
In SublimeText (and I think almost in every text editor), you can only paste the plain text version. However, I would love to be able to paste the HTML formatted text (text including the HTML tags).
So essentially as MS-Word like "Paste special" functionality.

Minimap border

Josh Bjornson fa 14 anys updated by Jon Skinner fa 14 anys 7
Option to display a subtle border around the minimap to help distinguish between the content and the minimap (same as in Sublime Text 1)
Jon Skinner fa 14 anys
A shadow is now added when required to separate the minimap from the buffer

Integrate with Clang/libclang for C/C++

codex fa 13 anys updated by Rocco fa 12 anys 5
The holy grail of C/C++ text editors is to integrate with Clang/libclang and parse the code the way the compiler does--by actually compiling the code.  This would enable extremely expressive syntax highlighting, continuous build error reporting, and full refactoring, without having to maintain one's own parser.

Invisible tabs row, icons on the gutter

Aleksandr Gornostal fa 12 anys updated by Matthew Wild fa 12 anys 4

Image 176

When plugin uses add_regions API, sometimes tabs row or icons on the gutter (or both) disappear.

This bug was detected among the majority of Sublime versions and on all platforms.

Unfortunately it appears randomly. I can't tell how to reproduce it except using plugins that draw icons on the gutter (like Modific).


hex edit mode

Mike Kasprzak fa 13 anys 0
Add a means of editing/viewing binary and text files in hexadecimal.

Off hand, that looks to be the only feature missing from everything I regularly use in UltraEdit.