Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.
View current git branch in titlebar
Make use of fallback fonts
Copy/Move files in a sidebar
Show tab trigger for snippets
Apple Touch Bar
Support for the new MacBook Pro touchbar as soon as possible would be heavily beneficial to speed up my programming.
api to add stuff to sidebar
Fully functional SVN/Git
I've done some searching and have come up with nothing other than the current plugin that is lacking the rest of the SVN functionality. (
Would also love to see Git integrated into Sublime Text 2. Many of my projects use SVN and many use Git. I love that Textmate gives me the abilty to use both within the editor.
This is and code folding are 2 things lacking from Sublime, but other wise I am LOVING it. Great job.
Highlight found text in minimap
Project based snippets
Forum thread is here:
Allow for transparency level of background color at colorscheme level
I would love to be able to set a transparency level in my color scheme for the background color so the desktop behind can be slightly visible. Also have a level of blur for the background behind.
Customer support service by UserEcho