Fully functional SVN/Git
I've done some searching and have come up with nothing other than the current plugin that is lacking the rest of the SVN functionality. (https://github.com/burriko/sublime-subversion)
Would also love to see Git integrated into Sublime Text 2. Many of my projects use SVN and many use Git. I love that Textmate gives me the abilty to use both within the editor.
This is and code folding are 2 things lacking from Sublime, but other wise I am LOVING it. Great job.
Customer support service by UserEcho
There's code folding support in the newest dev builds.
We use it EVERY DAY. Modify a few files, hit CMD + G and commit changes, CMD + G do a pull, CMD + G do a push. Quick, simple, and I haven't left my text editor. Maybe it's not useful to you, but it's useful to my entire team.