
Auto Complete doesn't close automatically

jeffhatz fa 13 anys 0
I will type text in, and before the auto complete dialog appears, I'll arrow around, sometimes to the next line. However, the auto complete dialog will still appear after the Nms elapses. Arrowing around should cancel the auto complete dialog from appearing.

Clips system

J Hardy fa 13 anys 0
Is there a clips system like Coda has? I love the snippets but really love the clips system in Coda to create were I can have the clips window with my own code chunks.

Deep Blue Publications Group LLC, Tips fra ekspert på langsiktige investeringer

lauriceanderson fa 11 anys 0
Jeg har ofte understreket viktigheten av en diversifisert portefølje og har en betydelig del av aksjer i porteføljen din, selv i pensjon. Selv om jeg har blitt pensjonert i 18 år, opprettholde jeg fortsatt omtrent halvparten av min portefølje i noen form for aksjer - enten aksjene seg eller fond eller børsomsatte fond (ETF).

I en tidligere kolonne anbefalt jeg "aksjer for det lange løp" av Jeremy Siegel (McGraw-Hill) for investorer som ønsket å investere felles aksjer. Siegel er professor i økonomi ved Wharton School ved University of Pennsylvania. Han har revidert og oppdatert boken nå i sin femte utgave. Jeg har gjennomgått den nyeste utgaven, og jeg tror den inneholder verdifull informasjon for investorer som forventer å fortsette å investere i aksjemarkedet.

I denne utgaven, Siegel analyserer økonomien i Kina og India, og inneholder informasjon som vil gi veiledning for å investere i disse økonomiene. Han brukte mye oppmerksomhet til globale markeder, diskutere arten og omfanget av disse markedene og dele sin langsiktige framskrivninger. Han vektlegger viktigheten av inkludert investeringene i porteføljen.

Den viktigste kapittelet for de fleste investorer- tar opp temaet strukturering en portefølje for langsiktig vekst. Siegel angir retningslinjer for vellykket investering, som krever langsiktige fokus og en disiplinert investeringsstrategi. Her er noen av prinsippene han anbefaler, med kommentaren min.

-Hold dine forventninger i tråd med historie: de siste to århundrene, aksjer har returnert mellom 6 og 7 prosent etter inflasjon, inkludert re-investert utbytte. Videre har aksjer solgt på en gjennomsnittlig pris/inntjening (p/e)-forholdet mellom 15. I fremtiden, han påpeker, det kan være grunner at aksjemarkedet kan stige til en høyere inntjening enn 15, som lavere transaksjonskostnader og lavere bond returnerer. En god regel å huske når du er fremtiden er "regelen på 72." Hvis du deler 72 ved den forventede totalen avkastningen, er resultatet antall år for investeringen å doble i verdi. Dermed vil en 8 prosent avkastning double din investering i ni år.

--Lager avkastning er mye mer stabile i det lange løp enn på kort kjører: investeringer i aksjer vil hjelpe deg å kompensere for fremtidig inflasjon; obligasjoner vil ikke. Det vil være år der det generelle aksjemarkedet vil bli negativ. Det bør ikke hindre du opprettholde en betydelig del av aksjer i porteføljen etter et fall i aksjekurser. Investorer som bailed ut av aksjer helt etter aksjemarkedet falle i 2008 fant det svært vanskelig å komme tilbake i aksjemarkedet, og som et resultat de savnet utmerket avkastning i de siste årene.

-Investere den største prosentandelen av aksjeporteføljen i rimelig lager indeksen midler. Dette kan være en av de beste anbefalingene, særlig for investorer som ikke har en stor portefølje. På denne måten, selv om du har en liten portefølje, har du den samme diversifiseringen som en stor investor i samme fondet. Et godt eksempel på dette prinsippet i aksjon er for en bred fond som Vanguard totale aksjemarkedet indeksen fondet Investor aksjer (som jeg har investert i mange år) som returneres ca 30 prosent i 2013.

-Investere minst en tredjedel av porteføljen din egenkapital i internasjonale aksjer, spesielt de som ikke er basert i USA. Siegel advarsler investorer ikke å overweigh din portefølje i høy vekst land som inntjening overskrider 20.

-Vippe din portefølje mot verdiaksjer ved å kjøpe passiv indekserte porteføljer av verdiaksjer. Siegel påpeker at verdiaksjer, som har en lavere p/e ratio og høyere utbytte gir har hatt bedre resultater og lavere risiko enn vekst aksjer. Jeg enig helt. Jeg har konsekvent investert i en indeks fondet, og resultatene er veldig bra.

– Etablere faste regler for å holde din portefølje på sporet. Siegel vier et kapittel til å diskutere de vanlige psykologiske fallgruvene at dårlig salgsresultater. Det er altfor fristende å kjøpe når alle er bullish og selge når alle er bearish.

Bekymret at aksjemarkedet er grunn for en korreksjon? Siegel tilbyr følgende veiledning for 2014: "denne oksen markedet er ikke over, selv om gevinster ikke vil være så stor som 2013. Lager returnerer sannsynlig til gjennomsnittlig 6 prosent til 7 prosent de neste tre til fem år."


Add support for folder / file authentication (Windows)

risomt fa 12 anys 0

If you open a project that includes a network folder in Sublime Text (2) in Windows, and the folder requires authentication, ST2 will not prompt you for said authentication or present any information about the authentication being required.  Instead, it hangs on refresh / reload and, once out of the hang, does nothing. 

A work around to this is to remove the folder from the project and re-add it.  ST2 notices the authentication is required, Windows prompts for it, and upon entering it the folder can be added.  Rather inconvenient, though!

Expected: ST2 shows some special marking for an authenticated-required folder and, if un-authenticated or it cannot open it, prompts the user with a message.  This is assuming the windows authentication can be identified as the problem, which I am unsure exists in the windows API.


Westhill Consulting Travel and Tours: Jakarta Travel Tips

Sam Allih fa 11 anys 0
By travelwesthill
The largest city in Indonesia and one of the most thickly populated city in the world, Jakarta, is still very famous for tourists to visit. You will find a remarkable skyline and be impressed with some of the tallest buildings on the planet. This symbolizes the city’s financial prowess.
The city is finished with a display of regions and suburbs. All of which are particularly dissimilar, which makes this hub of Asia is a true melting pot of cultures.
The city has had a chaotic history going back to the 12th century and the influence conquering nations have had on Jakarta is obvious. Portuguese, Dutch, Chinese and British architecture can be seen in different parts in the entire city.
Jakarta is one of the extravagant cities you would want to visit and represented globalization in almost every admiration.
After deciding on what hotel you want to stay, then the next thing you have to worry about is getting there. The most convenient means to roam around the city is to fly into Soekarno Hatta International Airport. The airport is serviced by most major airlines and you will find that getting to your Jakarta hotel from here is easy just 20 km outside the city.
There is a free shuttle bus into the city, but it can be random, so pre-booking a taxi could be the better choice. But, these can be very costly.
One more option is to rent a car so you can go directly to your Jakarta hotel without any trouble, but be very patient with the traffic because it can be a nightmare.
Travelling to and from the city is trouble-free by train and there are many of excellent connections. Commuter services start running early from 5.00 a.m. local time, and they frequently up until late into the night. The service is usually dependable and you can choose from four distinctive services such as air-conditioned non-stop trains, semi-express trains, ekonomi AC – which will stop at every station but is air conditioned – and ekonomi.
If you are tight on cash, an upgrade is worthwhile since your journey will be a great deal.
Bus connections are good and the means of transport are rather comfortable because not so crowded than the train. On the other hand, it is suitable not to travel from your hotel in Jakarta during rush hour.
There are also less considerable means of transport like other destinations. Jakarta has an enormous number of bajajes. This can be used as a fast and convenient if you know precisely where you are headed.

Scroll wheel sensitivity config

Lucas Neil Brown fa 13 anys 0
On the Windows version I've noticed that using the scroll wheel isn't as sensitive as I'd like it (especially coming from Notepad++ that zooms around). It would be great if there as a way to configure this!

Cloud based version

John Jamie fa 12 anys 0

Version that can be accessed via Chrome, Firefox or other browsers so device doesn't matter and content can be accessed anywhere.


PHP # comment bug

Gerwin van Royen fa 13 anys updated by Mihkel Miliste fa 13 anys 1
When coding in PHP, a # shouldn't be a comment. 

replace with preserve case bug

PhalconPHP fa 13 anys updated by Saad Farooq fa 12 anys 3
I think the "replace all" option have a bug, follow these steps:

Write: MySQL

Replace all MySQL by PostgreSQL, final replacement is: PoSTGreSQL

Preserve Case is enabled.

Why do I have tabs, when I open a file with sublime?

aristidesfl fa 13 anys updated by Jon Skinner fa 13 anys 0
If I open one file with sublime, why do I see a tab which has no functionality?
Jon Skinner fa 13 anys
By Design

In session versioning and diff history.

John Sundberg fa 13 anys 0
Would like to highlight a section of code (or a couple of lines) -- and see the version history of the selected code (not the whole file) -- also don't want to do undo a bunch of times to get back to where I was (as this also modifies other unrelated sections that may have been modified in the meantime. Would require some sort of built-in hidden versioning. 

PHP <<<EOF issue

Joe Simpson fa 13 anys 0
When typing <<<EOF with the fuzzy matching plugin on, it automatically changes it to <<<enchant_broker_fee. Can you add some logic to prevent it from doing that?

Thanks :)

Smart comments - update on save

PatrickTaylorEdwards fa 12 anys updated by Jacob Gardner fa 12 anys 1

Perhaps this already exists, but I would love my comments to be updated each time I save a file. For example, I have a comment at the start of all my JavaScript files and when I save the file I would like my comment to update, automatically. The comment includes information such as 'Modified By', 'Date last edited', and the file name. A plugin or feature to add a default comment with this information, in my set format, would be really useful; I imagine it would work in the same way as default email signatures - but with variables.


How can I create a selection?

Oktay Acikalin fa 14 anys actualitzat fa 14 anys 2
I've written a plugin which replaces the selected regions with some other content. Now I would like to reselect the results to show the user what has been replaced. How can I do this?

Upgrading to 3 automatically import all your pluggins and UI settings from v2

Craig Russo fa 12 anys 0

When 3 is released can it import all your settings and plugins from 2 so you don't have to install and configure all that stuff again? I have the side bar in a dark color scheme and just a punch of plugins installed that while its easy to install them when you have a lot it's a pain.


navigation - sidebar text preview

walter lynsdale fa 13 anys 0

see Mac email client.

how about an option to show 1 or 2 lines of text from the current location in each open file in the sidebar

Only enable when the sidebar is expanded beyond a certain size.

This preview text would be in a small, faint font so as not to distract from the filename itself


With this multiple views into file this could do a similar job to bookmarks, or could almost be like a textual "Expose"


Selecting text should hide the cursor until a selection is made

Caleb Land fa 13 anys updated by lanzz fa 13 anys 1
In OS X at least, while dragging to make a selection, the cursor disappears. It makes making selections in Sublime feel a little off. Usually on OS X, the cursor isn't available at all while the selection is in place, but I understand that Sublime needs to show the cursor position while a selection is made.

I think Sublime should hide the cursor while dragging.

File dialogs always open in list view Mac-side, instead of column view

Matt Harzewski fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
On OS X, the general convention is for open/save dialogs to automatically retain the user's chosen view style instead of reverting to a default one like Sublime Text 2 currently does. (I tend to prefer the Column view myself.)

How to select other tab via keyboard?

Denis Tomilin fa 14 anys updated by Jon Skinner fa 14 anys 1
I know Alt+num = split screen modes.
Shift+Ctrl+num = move file into different group.
Ctrl+num = move focus to different group.
But how i can move focus on different tab in current group?
Jon Skinner fa 14 anys
20110203 now has a menu (File/Switch File) that lists the different commands to switch files.

You can switch directly to a tab via Alt+<number> on Linux and Windows, and Command+<number> on OS X

Feature Request: Blank Document By Default

Jesse Squire fa 14 anys updated by Jon Skinner fa 14 anys 1
I would be interested in an option to allow a new (blank) document to be opened by default when there were no documents from the previous session to restore.