
new column view by dragging file (as in visual c++)

Maciej Partyka 12 years ago updated by jan otte 12 years ago 1

When I drag a file, there should be an option to create a new column view(such as in Visual c++ 2010,2011 and 2012)


Status bar draggable in OSX

Dan Rogers 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1
I'd like the option to drag the status bar in OSX to move the main Sublime window around, similar to Finder / Safari.

Support for Fountain, markup for screenwriting files

Ricardo José 13 years ago 0

Could you please add support for Fountain? There are other apps already supporting it, but not yet Sublime Text.

better project management

michelangelo giacomelli 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
if i set "remember_open_files": false, when open a project file it not restore workspace, i would not sublime remember workspace but when use project should do
Not a bug

Fix the error where you end up with two cursors and anything you write or delete is deleted two places.

Mark Gray 13 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 13 years ago 2
Fix the error where you end up with two cursors and anything you write or delete is deleted two places.

Viewer out of synch

Anouchka van Riel 13 years ago 0
We imported the video as a quicktime and imported the text as a txt file. At the beginning of our feature, some of the text does not match picture in the viewer and we cannot fix it manually. The viewer shows video in the wrong order for the first 2 minutes. Can anybody help with this? Thank you

Opening a new file only shows a tab when the file has been modified

Dan Higham 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 2
Only just started happening but every time I open a file no tab appears until I modify the file. http://vimeo.com/35984182

Can't type semicolon in PHP files

peaks 13 years ago 0
After the latest update I can't type semicolons in PHP files anymore. When I try to type in one, it just selects some text above in the document.

Code or File Compare

hamed narimani 13 years ago in Plugin announcements 0
Need a plugin to compare two files



Goto file single line palette layout

aristidesfl 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 2
The double line layout is very hard to scan, and reduces the number of items displayable in the palette.
I would rather have single line items with the details in front of them, instead of under.

Btw, what are the numbers which appear to the left of files while searching?

I would love to be able to rename the folder name in the sidebar without renaming the original folder name

FloFlow 12 years ago 0

In Dropbox my project folders, things are organized like that :



         -> SUPPORT

         -> CONTRATS

         -> WEB

                -> capture

                -> decoupe

                -> design

                -> docs

                -> HTML

And and my files for each clients are in these HTML folders so I add several projects I have many HTML folders, not really easy to manage isn't it ? :)

I think it would be awesome to have in addition of the actual rename function the possibilty to rename the folder but only for Sublime Text


1. preview in browser button and commands ... (multiple browsers) 2. preview in sublime... with a refresh on save... like bbedit...

derek wood 13 years ago updated by Tom Kelly 12 years ago 2
i want you so bad... but i need 2 things - before we can be together:  

1. preview in browser button and commands ... (multiple browsers)  

2.  preview in sublime... with a refresh on save... like bbedit...

PLEASE !  it would be sooo easy for you !  I am so confused - why wont you meet me half way ?

Combine 32-bit and 64-bit versions into one package for Linux

Andy Triggs 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
Perhaps combine the 32 bit and 64 bit versions into one package - I run it from my Dropbox on multiple machines.

Import fonts and colors from visual studio

Cory Bloor 13 years ago 0
I'm considering moving over to Sublime from Visual Studio and I'm trying to set up my Sublime color scheme to match my old VS colour scheme.

It's easy to export an XML document (*.vssettings) with VS's fonts and colors. It would be nice if I could easily import from that, rather than re-creating it by hand. At the moment, it seems that I have to copy/paste a few dozen color hex values from one XML file to another to get my theme across.

Allow to save user files to dropbox or as a gist

Zoran Simic 13 years ago updated by Joel Thornton 13 years ago 5
It would be awesome if the various user settings files could be stored as gist on github. That's what I'm doing now (keeping a copy of those files on github), but it would be awesome if I didn't have to periodically apply them to all my machines.

It could be done for example by putting a file in ~/.sublimetext on Unix systems (and a similar place on Windows) for example. For github, user's API token (or whatever's needed) could be stored there and ST2 would go then ahead and read/save files from gist.github.com instead of the local FS.

Those who'd like to use this would then only need to copy that one file to their machines and get the benefit of having shared settings.

paste hyperlinks

Anna 13 years ago updated by Joel Thornton 13 years ago 1
I would like to paste hyperlinks into sublime text and save it in html. I would also like to print to pdf if possible

Empty line formatting

Jussi Rytkönen 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0

I guess this is bit unconventional for traditional text editors, but would there be any support for option that allows making empty lines smaller than lines with text? For example, their height could be half of a normal line, though this would be a pixel height setting that could be set by user.

This would allow for much more clearer structuring of code, since normally using empty lines for structuring is not that precise.


ubuntu 12.10 64

Marcos Nassif 12 years ago 0
I'm testing Sublime text 2 in ubuntu 32, but in 64 bits it opens but any menu doesn't appear. I can't find the solution.


Keymap preference option

Mr xles McFyzzypants 13 years ago 0
It would be wonderful if you could predefine a keymap preference. I have the (bad?) habit of switching between Swedish and US keymaps when I'm working on different things, for instance I code with a US keymap and write prose with a Swedish keymap. And for ever newly opened file it defaults back to the OS default, which can be a tad annoying. Currently on OS X 10.7.4.