
Goto Anything can focus on already open file instead of opening it again.

qay xsw 13 år siden opdateret af Piotr Kalinowski 13 år siden 2
If opening file A in group one and then using Goto Anything for the same file in another group opens file A in that group again. Please, add an option to enabling focusing the already opened in any other group (starting with group 1).

Splitter between "Open Files" and "Folders" in sidebar

Matthew Lloyd 13 år siden opdateret af Paweł Mucha 8 år siden 3
It would be nice to have a splitter between the "Open Files" and "Folders" sections of the sidebar, so that "Open Files" doesn't get scrolled off the top of the screen by projects with large trees in the "Folders" section.

syntax for fortran

fujisan 13 år siden i Plugin announcements opdateret af jan otte 12 år siden 1
Is there a syntax for fortran code?

Lightbox style window to display full auto completion list and snippets for current syntax

Agile Apricot 14 år siden opdateret 14 år siden 1
The Zen Coding plugin had a great feature where you could press F1 and a lightbox style window would open with a full list of all CSS properties you could use. It would be great to have this for all languages and include auto completions.

Open directory as a new project

Alexandre Gravem 14 år siden opdateret af Jon Skinner 13 år siden 2
I would like to have a "Open directory" menu, like TextMate does to let me open a whole directory as a new project.

My workflow usualy runs more around folders, i like to create a new folder, throw some code in and see what happens from there. Have to clean all folders from the project and the new folders is a pain.
Jon Skinner 13 år siden
This was added in build 2111

ruby embedded code in HTML doesn't work properly

brenes 14 år siden 0
Ruby code embedded on erb templates is not rendered properly.

It seems as it doesn't detect the end of the ruby code (the %> token).

As an example, on <li<%= ' class="open"' if must_open %> id="menu_item_1">, "id='menu_item_1'>" is not rendered as HTML.

If I remove the second '%' and write <li<%= ' class="open"' if must_open > id="menu_item_1">, then "id='menu_item_1'>" is rendered as proper HTML.

I think it may have some issue with the '%' symbol?

Persian letters

Nima Ghaedsharafi 12 år siden 0
Hi Sublime,
I'm persian developer and I have to use persian letters in my codes, but in sublime they are not attached please give us a hotfix for it ;)


File size limit for Find in Files

Dmitriy Kuznetsov 13 år siden 0

I'm trying to "Find in Folder" from sidebar context menu (or Find in Files from main menu). Sublime Text 2 does not search in large files (size more then ~300K). Is it bug or feature. Can I change limit for file size to search in it.


PHP Trait are not indexed in ST3

Erwan Richard 12 år siden 0

The traits name are not matched as a symbol in the new ST3 index.


SQL nested in a python string is not highlighted if there's a newline at the start of the string

Alex Gaynor 12 år siden 0

Image 208

This screenshot displays the issue, if I remove the newline after the """ it highlights fine.


Chinese character, GBK GB2312 file encoding support

加华 刘 12 år siden 0

Sublime DOES NOT have Chinese Character support. This is very sad.

Everything is crap when I open a Chinese file.


API: pls add mouse position function

Sudden Imphead 12 år siden 0

This should be easy to add. It will  solve a problem that has been discussed in several posts in Plugin Dev. Implement something akin to the emacs function below. Note that it returns the position without any clicking. (Per legacy, emacs window/frame meanings below are switched.)

mouse-position is a built-in function in `C source code'.


Return a list (FRAME X . Y) giving the current mouse frame and position.
The position is given in character cells, where (0, 0) is the
upper-left corner of the frame, X is the horizontal offset, and Y is
the vertical offset.


.sass extension syntax is wrongly set in Ruby Haml settings

Michael Bashkirov 13 år siden opdateret af Vinicius da Costa Pires 12 år siden 4
By default Sublime Text "Ruby Haml.tmLanguage" has a wrong line

Also it somehow prevents 3rd party Sublime packages to reset default syntax highlighting for .sass files.

Smaller / narrower tabs

Matthew Lloyd 13 år siden opdateret 13 år siden 0
I find that the tabs at the top take up quite a lot of screen real estate. I know they can be disabled, and the list of "open files" can be used instead, but I find that doesn't always work well because on a big project the "open files" section might be scrolled off the top of the sidebar. It would be great to be able to make the tabs less tall and/or generally smaller.

Remember last goto anything

Scott Keller 13 år siden opdateret af Matthys Meintjes 13 år siden 3
I would be awesome if there was a setting to enable:

when you open goto anything, it would remember your last search query.

It could for example have the last query selected so you can overwrite it but i find myself wishing i could just change a few characters of my last goto query

Terminal pane, using iTerm

Zic 14 år siden 0
Terminal pane, using iTerm instead of trying to re-invent stuff. I would love to be able to start sublime with the terminal pane at the bottom, resizable, and from there be able to open files directly to sublime (e.g using the cli command)

selected tab should be more obvious

Vincent Côté-Roy 14 år siden opdateret af isatis 13 år siden 9
selected tab color should be more constrated against the others to be obvious which file you're editing.

Remember window size

jack 14 år siden opdateret af aristidesfl 14 år siden 1
When starting it should open with the same window size when last closed and/or there should be an option to set the default window size.

Middle click to close file in Side Bar

ivank 14 år siden opdateret af multinegthr 11 år siden 1
Middle-clicking on a file in the side bar should close the file.

On wrapped lines, display cursor at the start of the row instead of the end of the previous one

Joost Cassee 14 år siden opdateret af Jon Skinner 13 år siden 2
Suppose the cursor is in the middle of a long line that is wrapped a couple of times to form five rows. If I press 'home' to move the cursor to the start of the row, then it moves to the end of the previous row. This is logically the same place, but if I now move up, the cursor stays at the end of the row, even when I move to other lines.

I would expect to be able to move to the start of previous lines by pressing 'home' and then 'arrow-up' a couple of times.
Jon Skinner 13 år siden
Fixed in 2165

Kundesupport af UserEcho