
Open directory as a new project

Alexandre Gravem 14 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 14 years ago 2
I would like to have a "Open directory" menu, like TextMate does to let me open a whole directory as a new project.

My workflow usualy runs more around folders, i like to create a new folder, throw some code in and see what happens from there. Have to clean all folders from the project and the new folders is a pain.


This was added in build 2111
I would love to have projects work like .git files.

Instead of having to name a project and having to save a visible file, and then open the project manually, just store a invisible file on the folder automatically and open it automatically when that folder is opened.

You might argue that some projects might involve more that 1 folder. While that is true, there is most certainly a main folder for a project and accessory folders and accessory files. 

If no folder exist, then probably it isn't big enough to be considered a project of to benefit from anything a project have to offer.

How to choose the main folder? Use the 1st opened folder.

Make projects transparent to users. The project name = main folder name. When the user, opens the folder again, load the .sublime-project invisible file, and he/she will have the project and configurations loaded automatically.

PS: Windows users might not understand what I'm talking about.

This was added in build 2111