Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.
Add a history of editions spots
It's very handy since you do a lot of back and forth while editing code, and you don't have to 'remember' to set a bookmark.
it's hard to do since you have to decide what to do in cases such as file and lines deletion.
Faster Startup / Close = Hide
Document history tree feature like in E-TextEditor with Visual history navigation.
If you look at the link I include below you will see that it has a visual panel that comes up and lets you click on the different changes and branches and see what you had where. This allows the user to easily pluck deleted code from the history and add it back in without all that undoing and saving a bunch of other snippets into open blank document windows that you might have to do now.
Also, being able to use a diff tool on this would be even better so that you can see the differences between two different points in history or between the current version and a different point in history.
Allow "Open Files" to be docked to top of sidebar
This would make it a more complete replacement for the tab bar, which I would prefer to hide, as vertical screen space is at a premium compared to horizontal space with widescreen monitors. And I'm the type of person that likes to see as many lines of code on screen as possible.
For a good example of this type of functionality, take a look at Espresso 2's UI ( Or even Chocolat (
Clickable urls
Preview .tm Themes
A preview, while moving my mouse , or up-down keys on the menu items would be very helpful for those who would like to play around with themes like me..
Add new sublime.window method: open_project
There is window.open_file() that can be used for opening .sublime-project files. However, it opens the file to a new tab for editing. The suggested window.open_project() would work differently. Instead of opening the file to the tab, it would act similarly if Project - Open Project... had selected from the toolbar.
class FooCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
standard file browser in sidebar
Syntax color wizard (like Textmate), but better
TextMate's was a bit messy because these colors were global. You had to add names (classes?) globally in Preferences. It would be nice if you could specify which names were colored in the language and what the default color is. Then when you view this "wizard" it shows you the options based on the current language (TextMate mixes functions with Markup). From there you could customize a color scheme for a language, or globally (for those that share names).
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