Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


View current git branch in titlebar

Eric Hamiter hace 14 años actualizado por opensas opensas hace 13 años 9
Confirming which git branch I'm in at a glance would be spectacular. Mock-up here:

Make use of fallback fonts

Frank Smit hace 13 años actualizado por Roger Sperberg hace 12 años 3
Make use of fallback fonts so that Japanese (and Chinese, etc.) can be displayed if the currently used font doesn't support those characters.

Copy/Move files in a sidebar

V B hace 13 años actualizado por Ian Maddox hace 8 años 5
Sidebar file actions are limited to Delete/Rename for some reason. One of the most common tasks when working with projects is rearranging files or folders inside your project directory. Any time I need to quickly move files between folders, I can do it via fast sidebar drag-and-drop in pretty much ANY IDE or programmer editor (like Textmate). Except for ST2, for all its other niceties. Every time I need to copy or move a file I have to take detour into Finder which is VERY frustrating.

This is pretty much THE only missing feature preventing me from buying the product. I'd guess this is a showstopper not only for me but for many other people considering lack of this essential feature as a sign of product immaturity, to put it simply.

Show tab trigger for snippets

Oktay Acikalin hace 14 años actualizado por Jon Skinner hace 13 años 1
One cannot see which tab triggers have been defined when browsing the snippets menu. It would be nice to see them there, too.
Jon Skinner hace 13 años
In 2165, the snippets menu has been replaced with the Command Palette, which does show the tab trigger

Apple Touch Bar

Alistair hace 8 años actualizado por Alexander Mextner hace 8 años 1

Support for the new MacBook Pro touchbar as soon as possible would be heavily beneficial to speed up my programming.


api to add stuff to sidebar

Dmitry Afanasyev hace 13 años actualizado por Mauricio Lopez T. hace 13 años 2
It would be nice to have API that can add stuff to sidebar. 
For example, I want to make a plugin that display Ruby on Rails projects not by its directory structure but in logical one, i.e. templates under controllers, etc
I thing it would be useful for many kinds of plugins such as VCS systems, FTP plugins and more

Fully functional SVN/Git

Jarod Taylor hace 13 años actualizado por Petros Diveris hace 13 años 10

I've done some searching and have come up with nothing other than the current plugin that is lacking the rest of the SVN functionality. (

Would also love to see Git integrated into Sublime Text 2. Many of my projects use SVN and many use Git. I love that Textmate gives me the abilty to use both within the editor. 

This is and code folding are 2 things lacking from Sublime, but other wise I am LOVING it. Great job.


Highlight found text in minimap

Ian Henry hace 14 años actualizado por stijn hace 13 años 4
Kind of like how Chrome's find on page feature shows you where to scroll, it'd be nice to have a yellow line or something appear on the minimap for matches.

Project based snippets

n00ge hace 14 años actualizado por Jason Maskell hace 5 años 2
A lot of times I have reusable code that relates only to a specific project and would love to create snippets for it but don't want to muddy up the snippet pool for all projects. It would be useful to have a way to create project based snippets.

Forum thread is here:

Allow for transparency level of background color at colorscheme level

Nick Silverman hace 8 años actualizado por amorris hace 7 años 3

I would love to be able to set a transparency level in my color scheme for the background color so the desktop behind can be slightly visible. Also have a level of blur for the background behind.