Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Running builds not killed when a file is closed

Lyndsy Simon fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
I'm developing in Python using Flask, which includes a built-in, self-reloading webserver.

When I close a file with the webserver still running, the process becomes orphaned and I cannot kill it without resorting to the operating system's method - on Windows, I have to use Task Manager.

Running build processes should be terminated when the active window is closed.

Syntax Highlight Based off SHEBANG lines

Scott Bowers fa 14 anys updated by Jon Skinner fa 14 anys 0
When working with with executable scripts, syntax highlighting is disabled because the file type cannot be detected.

This feature increases highlighting availability by mapping SHEBANG lines to mime types.
Jon Skinner fa 14 anys
This was added in the latest version

Have the current directory 'stick' to top of folders view when it is not visible (for long lists of files)

Adam Zielinski fa 11 anys 0
At the moment, if you have enough files in a directory you can no longer see the folder you and currently looking at files in. It would be nice if the current directory name stayed stuck to the top of the folder viewer while you scrolled around. Sort of like on websites whose nav bars stay at the top of the screen when you scroll down the page.

Closing a file opened in multiple tabs still displays the 'unsaved file' prompt

Ken Chatfield fa 12 anys 0

The user should be able to close files displayed in multiple views without being prompted to save changes until there is only one view remaining of that file (after which the user should be prompted as usual when trying to close)

It's also important this bug is fixed to allow for development of plugins that manage multiple views of files (I'm currently developing one)


add semicolon at the end of the line

Ricardo Cruz fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 2
how can I make a macro to put a semicolon at the end of the line?

html comment bug

Ahmad Shukr fa 12 anys 0

HTML comment like this(we use it in our template system) 

<!--- --->

cause editor to not end the comment and comment all text after comment end ,



First build's variant's shortcut is not shown in command palette

Timothy Basanov fa 12 anys 0

Ctrl-Shift-B is a shortcut for a first build variant, it works.

When I open command palette this variant does not show any shortcuts associated.

It's confusing.


Rename File from Command Palette

Dave Hulihan fa 11 anys updated by Martin Wicke fa 11 anys 1
Sublime should be able to rename a file from the command palette. Since sublime's Goto anything is so effective, I often don't even use the sidebar in my projects. This means I have to open the sidebar, find the file, right click and rename. Renaming from command palette would make this process much easier.

Force soft tabs (spaces) when using YAML syntax highlighting

Djuri Baars fa 12 anys updated by Joel Thornton fa 12 anys 1
When working in YAML files, you can't use tabs as indentation (as specified by the markup language) it would be good if you choose the YAML file type at the right bottom that "Indent using spaces" is forced just like in TextMate

Go to a specific char in a line - Vim's 'f' or 't' counterpart

Tomasz Wrobel fa 12 anys 0

Is it possible to go to a specific character/string  in a line, like 'f' or 't' in Vim? That'd be especially powerful in multiselect.

Not sure whether to post it in 'questions' or 'ideas'.