
Search markers

Eugene Uzix 13 років тому оновлено stijn 13 років тому 1
It would be wonderful if Sublime Text 2 get a markers on scrollbar, that indicate where located in document highlighted or searched word (like in NetBeans). Also user can click on any marker and immediately go to it location in document.

Code Formatting and indenting

Wasif Aleem 13 років тому оновлено Norman Casagrande 13 років тому 1
option for automatic code formatting 

Goto Line and Column by double-clicking in the status bar

ParticleMan 13 років тому 0
Because the current line number and column is displayed in the status bar, why not access their respective Goto commands by acting on these values directly--by double-clicking them in the status bar?

For example, double-clicking any character in the status bar containing "Line 1234" would change "1234" into an input box. This functionality could even be an alternative to the current input box method and placement for Goto Line.

What do you think, sirs?

Page Up/Down and Home End in GoTo Anything window

Me Whatever 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 0

It would be great if we could use page up+down and home + end functionality in lists generated as the results for Go To Anything. If I have a ton of files in my project and have to browse through them I can`t use the home/end keys and neither page up/down.

Thank you.

Python Raw String with Escape character bad color coding

Sylvain Berger 13 років тому оновлено Jindřich Vavruška 11 років тому 1
When declaring a raw string in python using this method:
a - r'This\is\a\stupid\windows\path\with\backslashes'

All the backslash and the following letters gets a different color coding.

It would be great if the raw string would totally ignore the escaping characters and gets color coded as a string


I wanted to exert my self to do a little more than just click a up vote button.

Senjuu Sakae 13 років тому оновлено Hugo Schmitt 12 років тому 1
Because I think this piece off software is absolutely brilliant. I've been using it every day since I first tried it. On windows, osx and on fedora. For work and for hobby.

And I get this big grin on my face every time I see there is a new version available. It's awesome to see the project so actively maintained! Thank you!

Support vim-style tabstop, shiftwidth etc to allow mixed tabs and spaces according to per-file rules.

-2370 14 років тому 0
e.g. http://tedlogan.com/techblog3.html

This would allow things like pressing tab to insert 4 spaces and pressing tab twice would convert 8 spaces to a tab then pressing tab a third time would produce another 4 spaces etc.

Indicate when sublime is loading project folders

Scott Bowers 14 років тому оновлено Oliver Rutherfurd 13 років тому 1
When sublime loads a project, it will load in a list of all the files in the folder list, which (I assume) powers Goto Anything.

On remote volumes, this process can take awhile, during which you have no idea when the process is completed and can expect Goto Anything to search properly.

I suggest putting an load indicator beside of remote volumes in the Side Bar that will indicate when the folder is not currently up to date. 

Sublime Text icon as a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file

Andrew P. 11 років тому 0

The new Sublime Text icon should be made available as a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file and included with the various sizes of bitmap icons.  Some operating system shells can use a single SVG file instead of a plethora of bitmaps, allowing the user to scale the icons smoothly to any desired size.


Mac OS case insensitive search not works for non latin chars (like А, Б...)

Александр Шелковский 12 років тому 0

Here is forum post about this bug http://www.sublimetext.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8245&p=42006

Pls do something with it, its really annoying.


Add form or dialog support for plugins

Neville Bagnall 13 років тому оновлено Luis Martins 11 років тому 1
More complicated plugins would benefit from some form of dialog/form for getting user input. Ideally a full declarative form language, but even multiple labeled editboxes would be a step forward

Column selection should be in the same column on all lines, even if the line isn't long enough

Nathan Brown 13 років тому оновлено William Payne 12 років тому 1
I noticed that the column selection was only recently added to Sublime, but it doesn't behave as one would expect or how most other editors handle column selection/editing.

In column selection mode, the selection should be precisely rectangular or vertical (depending if it has any width).  In code, there is often lines that have no characters and the column selection should add "virtual spaces" up to the column selector in case anything is typed in.  If character is typed (and added to every column in the selection) then the spaces would become real, otherwise they stay virtual (in the case of backspacing).

An easy demonstration of this problem is to column select multiple lines in the settings file, making sure you span multiple settings (which are separated by blank lines).  With the column selection having 0 width, press the backspace key a couple times, and you will end up deleting and the end of the previous line and not just in the line that you had selected.

Image 71

See Notepad++ for an expected behavior.

Image 72

An .deb file + installing via ppa for the ubuntu people.

Rahul kolasseri 13 років тому оновлено Fabio Kreusch 13 років тому 1
It would make 'installing', and updating sublime text a lot cleaner and easier!

Double click project file should open the project

Sean Hess 13 років тому оновлено Jon Skinner 12 років тому 1
On OS X, if I create a project file, then open it later by double clicking it (or CMD-O, etc), it will open the project file for editing instead of opening the project. 

Standard behavior would suggest, I think, that it should open the project as if you had used the project menu. 
Jon Skinner 13 років тому
Added in 2165

RegEx replace with math on captured numbers

Chris S. 13 років тому оновлено Joel Thornton 13 років тому 2

It would be very cool if we could do enhanced replacing with regular expressions that capture numbers.

I would like to write a regular expression that captures a number and then make use of the captured number in the replace field and add an offset to it for example.

This would be very useful for files that contain positions or coordinates which need an offset.


Unattended (Silent) Install

vini42 12 років тому оновлено Ethan Brown 12 років тому 1

Please, document the unattended (silent) install options for Sublime into Win32/Win64.

I already found the /VERYSILENT /NORESTART, but I wish to also install the (Windows Explorer) context menu items. There is already a command-line parameter for this?


Easier horizontal scrolling

Amr Mostafa 13 років тому 0
Two suggestions for horizontal scrolling:
  1. Mouse-based: Holding middle mouse button and dragging
  2. Keyboard-based: Alt+Shift+LeftArrow, Alt+Shift+RightArrow


Have an option to "run in background"

Joe Esposito 12 років тому 0

I have two machines, a fast one for work, and a slower one for side projects. I relied on Crimson Editor before coming across Sublime Text. It had some good features, but best of all it opened almost instantly. Trying to keep a clean taskbar, I only keep open the applications I'm actively using. Speed is important when opening new code files so that flow isn't disrupted.

Could there be an option to run Sublime Text in the background so that opening files is lightning-fast? Chrome does this to keep the browser feeling fast and it's a wonderful experience. It also has a "run in background on startup" option so it feels extremely responsive from the first "run".


Folding Improvements

Илья Веселов 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 0
I really like the Sublime Text 2, but I'm still hesitant to switch from jEdit because of folding functionality - it's still very basic.

Things that I really want to be implemented/fixed:
1) option for folding of code blocks, depending on syntax
2) unfolding the node should unfold only one level deep (separate command to unfold everything in this node)
3) unfolding shouldn't select the block (why is that useful anyway? at least, make it configurable)
4) make it less buggy (i.e. if I create new file, then save it - I'll get the folding blocks, then if I'll add a new block, it won't be foldable - see http://i.imgur.com/b8PKB.png)

Feedback on Find / Replace

Jonathan Marshall 13 років тому оновлено Mikel Ward 13 років тому 1

Some (probably minor) gripes about find and replace in ST2, and not in any particular order. I think this is the area where I feel the most frustration with ST2 on a daily basis.

For those of us lucky enough to have 27" monitors, having the find & replace text & options on the far left hand side and the buttons on the far right hand side results in a lot of mouse and eyeball travel to operate the dialog box. This is especially true if you are editing a buffer on the far left of a multi-column layout in full screen mode. I think it would be better if the dialog box was kept smaller & closer to the action - perhaps even just at the bottom of the current column only? (it's 60cm wide at the moment!) 

There's no default keyboard shortcut for the Replace button in Find/Replace (or at least none is shown in the tooltip).  

When you press Find in Find/Replace the found text is highlighted with a bright yellow background. If you replace the text, the cursor moves to the next find but the background is not highlighted (but it comes back on the following find)  

Similarly if you find next when the find dialog box is open you get a yellow background. But if you dismiss the dialog box and find next, no yellow background. I guess I have a lot of problems locating the cursor in ST2 so I normally use 'line highlight' to help. The removal of the line highlight during find plus jumping the cursor and then not sufficiently highlighting the new cursor location makes it hard.

An undo last replace option would be nice (without dismissing the find/replace dialog box or switching focus back to the file).

If I have text like this in a file



and I find '.helloworld' with whole word matching on, then ST2 finds the text. However if I try to replace with '.monkey' when I click replace nothing happens. If I only have one (foo.helloworld) in the file it works fine.

Lastly some changes that I think have already been suggested in the forum: 1) Find and Replace across open files and/or projects. 2) the option to have find in files results to look like the output from ack, with keyboard shortcuts to find prev / next.