Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.
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Dragging last file from a window should close window
Currently, dragging the last file file from a window to a different or new window leaves behind an empty window, which in the vast majority of cases you'll want to close. I suggest closing the window automatically once the last file has been removed.
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arabic support
I loved sublime from the first time , but it dose not support arabic :( which disappointed me , I hope you support Arabic and encoding file changing like notepad++
Intelligent case-sensitivity for searches
A semi-intelligent case-sensitivity mode for searches as option, like in Emacs, where, if I type the word to search in all-lowercase, it will search case-insensitively and as soon as I type something containing uppercase, it will search case-sensitively exactly for what I typed.
API support for adding custom items to the sidebar
I was searching for a ftp/sftp plugin just like Zend Studio 5.5 / Notepad++ etc. I stumbled upon this thread:
Because it isn't yet possible for a plugin to add custom items to the sidebar such a plugin can't be created.
Drag/Drop (reorder) files/folders via Project Sidebar
It would be awesome if you could drag/drop to reorder files and folders in the sidebar!
Syntax Highlighting and Style for PowerShell and VBS files
Contextual highlighting and syntax style for PowerShell and VB Script.
Open Containing Folder
When right-clicking on a file tab, it would be useful to have "Open Containing Folder" like in Visual Studio
Code folding of one line functions
You are now able to fold functions when there's more then 1 line of code.
It would be nice to also fold on-lined functions
It would be nice to also fold on-lined functions
"Find in selection" shouldn't be the default
Finding text inside my selection is never what I want to do, and yet it happens by default if anything is selected.
This makes me think that text doesn't exist in my code, when it actually does.
It's particularly bad because if I've just searched for something else, the result is *selected* and I have to clear the selection before I can proceed!
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