Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Command Palette suggestion/request

Jake Wilson vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von anonymous vor 13 Jahren 1
The command palette is pretty awesome.  Really like it a lot.  One suggestion.  When you type something and a list of commands begin to show up, it would be great if pressing the TAB button would move you down the list of commands that are shown. 

So for example, lets say you type a few characters and then a list of commands shows up.  The command you want is the 3rd one down, you can just press TAB TAB TAB and then ENTER to run the command.  Alternatively, if you press TAB a couple times to start moving down the list, if you continue typing again, the position of the "cursor" would reset back to the top again as the list of commands continues to change based off the of whatever you are typing.

Also it would be nice if pressing SHIFT-TAB would move you back up the list one at a time.

Right now, pressing TAB while int he Command Palette simply inserts a TAB into the input box.  Not really helpful for anything.  Using it to move through the list would speed up command selection tremendously.  Right now you have to use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to move through it.

Keep up the good work

Down arrow doesn't make cursor go next line if text is selected

aristidesfl vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von shurcooL` vor 12 Jahren 4
If I've got text selected (for example after copying some text) and press the down arrow key, the cursor jumps to the end of the selection instead of the next line.

This behavior is unexpected, slows me down and not even useful since the right arrow accomplishes the same thing.

Clean up/remove extraneous tabs and spaces

Justin Drake vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Caribbean Diving vor 12 Jahren 2
It would be nice to have the possibility to quick clean up the code of extra tabs and spaces floating around. For example, consider a line of JavaScript:

var myVariable = 10;      <--- extra spaces between ';' and '<' that can be removed

would be converted to

var myVariable = 10;<--- no extra spaces

Find and replace only in the current file

Andy Toy vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Marty Powell vor 9 Jahren 5
It would be nice to be able to run a find and replace only in the selected tab. While having the ability to run a replacement of text on many files is nice, usually you do not need to. I do webdev and you come across a lot of index.php files, having to close out of all the 'open files' with the same name just to be able to run a replace on things inside the current file is more than a bit of a pain. It would also be nice to be able to step threw the find results one at a time and choose if you wanted to replace them.
Jon Skinner vor 13 Jahren
You can use the Find/Replace menu item for this

Buggy syntax highlighting for JS

Piotrek Koszuliński vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
This regexp breaks syntax highlighting for JS:


(source: - characters inside [] don't have to be escaped).

What's more - after this regexp next lines are highlighted as string, even though in JS there are no multi-line strings.

Fix toggling between single and multiple layouts

Idan Gazit vor 13 Jahren 0
Currently, layout switching doesn't remember layouts—if I have a three-pane layout and want to make one of them fullscreen for a little while, switching layouts to single and back will put all of my tabs in one pane, invalidating my brain's positional memory.

Desired outcome: I want a quick way to toggle "full-window" for a given pane in a layout, with the ability to return to how I was beforehand.

Sample user story:

Joe is editing 10 files in a three-pane layout. He now wants to focus on one of the files, and wants to get the other ones out of his line of sight for a little bit. He presses a key combination which expands the active pane to be the entire editing area, and when he's finished, he presses the same keycombo to return to the 3-pane layout. All of the tabs he had open are still attached to the panes they were in beforehand, and with the exception of the file he was just editing, their cursor/scroll location are unchanged as well.

Technical considerations:

You've already implemented layouts, which might make it easiest to just improve them instead of adding a whole new editing mode. Giving a project "layout history" will accomplish this nicely—I can switch to single-pane layout and back to three-pane layout without losing my structure.

$70 is just too expensive for Indian users. Price should make some sense.

Nikk Fs vor 11 Jahren 0

The price of $70 doesn't make any sense to someone like me who lives in a country like India. As of writing $1 = ₹62 and $70 = ₹4372. I can buy a Photoshop CS6 for both my Mac and PC from a website like Flipkart (An online shopping website.) for the same price. What I'm trying to say is Photoshop is a professional tool and it's still half of it's price. I seriously don't consider buying a single license for $70 worthy and I'll continue to use it for free until they do something about it.


Allow queries outside the UI thread

Filipe Cabecinhas vor 12 Jahren 0
What I want: To be able to perform queries to the UI outside the UI thread.

There's no sense in making only callable in the UI thread. That goes for several other methods that only query certain view properties and don't do anything else.


XML Folding Bug

acwj vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Jonathan Chayce Dickinson vor 12 Jahren 3
Sublime Text 2 Beta, Build 2181

The root element does not fold up correctly in this XML:



Missing menus when no window open on Mac

Ross Smith vor 13 Jahren 0
When there is no window open on the Mac, some of the menus are missing:
  • Sublime Text > Preferences > Browse Packages is disabled
  • File > Open Recent only lists folders, not files
Those are the ones I've noticed, there may be others.