Provide statically linked linux builds

I have Gentoo too: there is an easy fix!
Gentoo provides slots for having multiple versions of a package installed at once. I assume the libpng you have at the moment is version 1.5.x - an up-to-date version. To get the old one (1.2.x), type
sudo emerge libpng:1.2
This will install the older version, which provides libpng12.so.0, side-by-side to the newer version.

Actually, you can legally link statically a release with GTK and make it available, even if it is LGPL. What you must do is to also provide the object files derivated from ST source code.
This is more work to do, but this would allow much more people using Linux to try ST. May be you can also just distribute the statically linked executable, and provide the obj files only on request (hoping that almost nobody will ask for it).
I personally have FC9 and I am a bit frustrated not to be able to test it.

I hate LGPL... it 'solves' a non-problem by introducing many real problems, and most devs who release code under it didn't bother to read it.

I want to use Sublime Text on RHEL5 and will gladly pay $$ to do so. But it needs to work on my system for which I don't have admin privileges.

Yeah, unfortunately, I can't use Sublime as my primary editor because of this. I would gladly pay otherwise. Kind of frustrating since I like Sublime Text 2 so much.

An alternative would be to just provide a recent libpng12.so.0 with the binaries. You might have to use either gcc's -rpath option or LD_LIBRARY_PATH to make sublime_text pick up the new version. This should be compliant with LGPL, and since libpng does not have many dependencies, should also work on older systems.

@jason mansour -
No go on CentOS5 with just the libpng12.so.0 provided. It fails with other libraries as well:
$ ./sublime_text
./sublime_text: /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by ./sublime_text)
./sublime_text: /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by ./sublime_text)
./sublime_text: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.11' not found (required by ./sublime_text)
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