Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Better indentation support

Leonardo Santagada 14 aastat tagasi uuendaja Geoff Gerrietts 12 aastat tagasi 3
Sublimetext2 should have better indentation support, for example when you want to format your code following PEP8 for python you see a lot of places where sublime indents wrong and you have to manually align. One such places is aligning multiple arguments of a function call each line should start after the last open ( and not at the same indentation level of the previous line)

Do not display contents of image files in editor

kencoxdesign 14 aastat tagasi uuendaja Donna Klinton 11 aastat tagasi 3
Selecting images which are part of the project currently displays the binary data on screen (after an annoying  pause for larger images). Since this data is meaningless to a text editor, images should instead be ignored (display nothing in editor).

Make it possible to save a file I don't have the rights to by letting me enter the admin-password.

Holgerh 14 aastat tagasi uuendaja Jon Skinner 13 aastat tagasi 1
On OS X I have some files I can only read but not write with the currently logged in user. When I try to save the file, the system should give me the opportunity to enter the admin-password and enable me to save the file.
Jon Skinner 13 aastat tagasi
Added in 2165

Allow view.replace to not add to the undo stack

John Doe 12 aastat tagasi 0

The API command view.replace always adds to the undo stack. However, it is useful for certain plugins to do a replace without actually adding to the undo stack. This will primarily be useful for collaborative editing plugins, where usually the other person's changes need to be replicated in your view, but each person keeps a separate undo stack (like in Google Docs).


completions from other files

David Alexander 14 aastat tagasi uuendaja ibbles 13 aastat tagasi 5
It would be nice if ST2 would support completions found in other files. Right now it seems like it only uses words in the current file as potential completions.

Emacs does this out-of-the-box with M-/, and it's one of those features that you become unable to live without.

Please add RTL support

Ahmed Murad 11 aastat tagasi 0

It is very frustrating without RTL support and currently there is no package available as a work around like in ST2


project-wide completion

EricS 14 aastat tagasi uuendaja pospi ` 14 aastat tagasi 7
What about project-wide completion for the verbose language or framework like Zend Framework.

selection highlight shouldn't have border radius

Allen A. Bargi 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Александр Колокольцов 5 aastat tagasi 6
I hate this small border radius around selected text. It should have sharp corner or at least let us configure it. 

Image 58

"Use Selection for Find" should use global register instead of per-window.

Dan Rogers 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Ricci Adams 13 aastat tagasi 4
In almost all other editors on OSX, the Command+E shortcut will place the selected text into a system-wide register so that the selection can be used as the search string in other apps + windows. 

Use case example: Select some text in Safari, hit Cmd+E, then switch to a file in TextEdit (or TextMate, MacVim, Xcode) and hit Cmd+G to find the string from the global register. This string would also populate the search field in the Cmd+F dialog box.

Question: This seems to be an intentional behavior to isolate the find strings between separate windows in ST2. Can we have a setting to allow Command+E to use the global clipboard/register instead?

Support for Assembly Language

Matt Whitlow 13 aastat tagasi uuendatud 13 aastat tagasi 0
Support and syntax highlighting for assembly language for use on microcontrollers