Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


The new auto complete is amazing!

chaiguy 13 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 13 jaar geleden 0
Just wanted to say I *love* the new autocomplete popup in the latest build. It's gorgeous and incredibly handy. I don't know how it works but it seems to be incredibly smart about guessing what I want to type. The old inline one was kind of driving me crazy. Great work!

Don't make me think about where to put project files

Taco Ekkel 13 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Filipe Cabecinhas 13 jaar geleden 2
Right now I have to figure out where to put (two!) project files for every project I make. Don't make think about that. Just store them in your appdata somewhere. The current overhead goes against the grain a little bit of Sublime's 'zen fluidity'.

Show Autocomplete while typing

SiSo Mollov 14 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Leonid Riaboshtan 13 jaar geleden 2

Display key bindings in menus

mrmachine 14 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 14 jaar geleden 2
Some key bindings are not displayed in the menus, which makes it difficult to learn basic shortcuts for common features.

E.g. "super+k, super+u" for "Edit > Convert Case > Upper Case". No keyboard shortcut is displayed on the menu.

I only found this shortcut by chance when googling about Sublime Text. Sure, you can open the keymap file and try to read 500+ lines of JSON, but that's not very friendly.

Highlighting DOM nodes in the browser from ST, click on an item in browser to jump to its source code

Matthew Sanderson 12 jaar geleden 0

See 'espresso' for mac's 'X-Ray' feature for somehting similar - this would make life much easier - click in the browser to go to the relevant HTML or CSS in Sublime Text


Allow trailing comma in settings lists

codex 14 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Joel Thornton 13 jaar geleden 2
It would be nice if this were a legal config:

"foo": "bar",

It's easier to cut and paste individual settings this way.

Support OS X's native text substitution

Malik Barrett 12 jaar geleden 0

The system wide text substitution on OS X 10.6+ is unsupported in Sublime Text 2. The feature is found under System Preferences > Language & Text > Text. 


Bookmark Creation

Damir Handoyo 13 jaar geleden 0
Clicking on the line number column creates a new bookmark on the document, and is shown in the minimap, and is save-able in the project with a list of searchable bookmarks...

Preferences UI

lutzroeder 13 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 13 jaar geleden 0
UI to customize Preferences.

Find in files: keyboard shortcut to open results (alternative to double click)

aristidesfl 12 jaar geleden 0

Keyboard junkies like me don't like to be forced to pick the mouse to navigate to results