Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.
crash on search
Ubuntu PPA/.deb
I would love it if I could get a .deb package created for Sublime Text 2, either in the official sources or just on a private PPA. I would be willing to help with this process if needed.
Copy, paste with nothing selected (i.e. a whole line) shouldn't break up current line
Project listing in the side bar for quick switching
Changing the surround text
Download links do not work
400 Bad Request
Your browser sent an invalid request.
I am downloading from Pakistan.
emmet built in!
Would love to see the plugin emmet come standard on sublime text 3, had a problem installing with version 2 (was not very user friendly)
Vintage Visual Mode Jump to Matching Bracket
When using Vintage for Vim visual mode, it would be nice if some Sublime shortcuts for navigation within a file worked while preserving the selection mode. The one that comes to mind is if I hit "Esc v" and hit "Ctrl+m", it will leave visual mode and jump to the matching brace without selecting the area in-between.
Customer support service by UserEcho