Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Current group in fullscreen

Loïc 12 år siden 0

Add a new option "Put the current group/column/row in fullscreen".

I replaced my shell console by the powerfull Terminator console ( which has awesome features like the ability to split a pane horizontally and vertically and the ability to put the focused pane in fullscreen with a simple shortkey. This is quite useful in console, especially when the output of a command is really wide.

I think this ability to put a "pane" to fullscreen could be a useful feature in Sublime Text too : I develop with a 2 columns layout but I often need to focus on a single column. I can switch back to a single column layout but if I switch back to a 2 columns layout, I will have to move all files in the second group.

Actually, when I want to focus on a column, I reduce the width of the second column to the minimum but it would be easier with a simple shrotchut.


Long strings auto wrap (no lines, strings)

-2724 14 år siden 0
Say you have this code in Python (but the exemple works in other languages):

class Doh(object):
    def foo():
        if bar:
            except CrazyError:
                log("Oh my God we are all going to die. Don't panic. I said don't panic! You are panicking ! Ok we're all dead, and it's because of you. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh")

Now, you want to make you code fit into the 79 char limit:

class Doh(object):
    def foo():
        if bar:
            except CrazyError:
                log("""Oh my God we are all going to die. Don't panic.
                        I said don't panic! You are panicking !
                        Ok we're all dead, and it's because of you.

Wait, but now you got your log entries spreading on 4 lines in your log file and you can't parse it anymore.
So you are back to the old concatenation:

class Doh(object):
    def foo():
        if bar:
            except CrazyError:
                log("Oh my God we are all going to die. Don't panic."\
                      "I said don't panic! You are panicking !"\
                      "Ok we're all dead, and it's because of you."\

Woops, now you don't have white spaces at 4 places in your string.class Doh(object):
    def foo():
        if bar:
            except CrazyError:
                log("Oh my God we are all going to die. Don't panic. "\
                      "I said don't panic! You are panicking ! "\
                      "Ok we're all dead, and it's because of you. "\
                       Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ")

Well, my boss doesn't like the message, he wants it that way:

class Doh(object):
    def foo():
        if bar:
            except CrazyError:
                log("We are going to die. Don't panic. "\
                      "I said don't panic! You are panicking ! I know you do! I can see it!"\
                      "Ok we're all dead. "\
                       Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ")

Ok, now this is ugly, but I'm too lazy to make it pretty again. I would have to redo everything.

I don't know about you, but I do this VERY often.

I would be very nice to just be able to select a string and ask the computer to wrap it for you. Or wrap it again to avoid update this by hand.

I know, this is not easy to do this every language got it's own way plus you need to take care of a lot checks prior to making the wrap
but I'm pretty sure everybody feels the pain for doing this f***ing strings.

 Posts: 7Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 8:08 pm


access.log apache syntax highlighting

Felice Tartaro 13 år siden opdateret 13 år siden 0
wheni open an access.log file i want date ip and so on highlited

Use VIM Syntax Files and Checkers

Christopher George 13 år siden 0
ST2 is great, but sometimes the syntax files are lacking or incomplete. It would be awesome to be able to use the extensive libraries from vim and/or emacs for syntax highlighting and checking.

Support 'clone' Sublime 1.4 ability

Suresh Malakar 14 år siden opdateret af Jon Skinner 14 år siden 3
Sublime 1.4 has the ability to have multiple views into the same file, would really like to see this in Sublime2!

Syntax Highlighting Window

Ben Bader 14 år siden 0
A quick menu for syntax highlighting along the lines of that in the lower-right corner of version 1 would be nice - I miss that menu!

Thanks for a great editor, btw!

CSS classes and identifiers auto-completion

Tom Tomaash 13 år siden 0
Let's say I type:

<div class="m">

After I type m all CSS classes starting with "m" included in the project (or folder) will pop up.

The same for CSS identifiers:

<div id="i">

After I type i, all CSS identifiers starting with "i" pops up.


It should be possible to organize sidebar items into custom categories.

Miloš Levačić 13 år siden opdateret 11 år siden 4
I use Sublime Text 2 for web development. A lot of the times I will have 20+ files open in the sidebar (PHP models, views, controllers, configuration files, CSS files, javascript, etc.), and I would really appreciate an option to be able to sort them into custom categories. Ie. like there is the default "OPEN FILES" category, I would like to be able to add my own (and name them however I like), and drag files between them. Even better, a tree-like structure would be even awesomer - actually, it's something like a folder structure for a project, but I'd like to be able to customize it independently from the actual file system, since my file organization is usually a bit different due to the underlying framework in use, and I'd prefer seeing only the currently open files sorted by category, than the complete file/folder tree that shows up in the FOLDERS category, when you add a folder to the project.

Ignore file types and directories in project when using "Goto Anything"

Iain McGinniss 14 år siden opdateret af Jon Skinner 12 år siden 3
When working with my Scala projects, I would like the "target" folder, where all the outputs of a build go, so that files in that folder do not appear when I use the "Goto Anything" feature (CTRL+P). Or, at the very least, have them visibly deprioritised in the search results.

It would also be good to be able to do this with certain patterns of files, such as *.class files. A generalised regular expression based approach like that employed by Mercurial in it's .hgignore file would perhaps be a good all-round solution.
Jon Skinner 14 år siden
You can use the file_exclude_patterns global preference for this

Open File should be able to select directories

Andrew Pennebaker 14 år siden opdateret af adzenith 13 år siden 2
One thing I love about TextMate is its ability to easily open a directory as a project and edit the files inside.

Kundesupport af UserEcho