Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.
Online profiles for multi-machine consistency
In the case of Sublime this would be some sort database where all the packages you have installed are listed, and your personal settings, such as hotkeys, are stored. This would be absolutely awesome for me since I keep sublime on many different machines, and from time to time I find some awesome packages that I want. Currently I need to go to each machine and install it, if I remember. To have this automagically installed on the other machines when I boot up sublime would be great.
You should be allowed to opt out, of course, if you prefer having different setups on your different machines.
RegEx: Generate a sequence of numbers. Incremental replacement.
This would be a greatly valued feature!
Expression: Effect:
\i Replace with numbers starting from 1, incrementing by 1.
\i(10) Replace with numbers starting from 10, incrementing by 1.
\i(0,10) Replace with numbers starting from 0, incrementing by 10.
\i(100,-10) Replace with numbers starting from 100, decrementing by -10.
There are other, lesser, IDEs that replicate this functionality. A little bit of Python functionality in the replace field could address this issue. Python functionality in the replace field could address a lot of issues.
proxy server user/pass not in plain text for package control
I want to bring Sublime Text into a big company but there is a proxy server that requires authentication and I won't be able to get approval to bring this in from the security team if I have to put my user/pass in clear text to use Package Control. It would be great if Sublime Text could somehow hook into Windows > Internet Options > Local Area Network Settings > Proxy server.
Westhill Consulting Jakarta: What You Need to Know About IPO Investments
Westhill Consulting is a reputable investment advisory firm based in Jakarta Indonesia, dedicated to providing you the most advantageous investments based on how you want your portfolio managed for the private middle market.
You might be wondering how you can increase the profits you make from your market investing strategies. If you're searching for the most profitable forms of investing that are available today, you should definitely investigate the possibilities of using Initial Public Offering (IPO) investments.
A simple description of an IPO includes the fact that you're buying a business that is just entering the open marketplace. The moment the IPO is released to the public is the first time anyone has the ability to buy the company openly, and this will surely give you a good idea on where the stock itself resides when it comes to the value of the offering. You can wage it is preparing for a large rise in its value because they are just releasing their stock to the public.
Though most of the Initial Public Offering stocks skyrocket after they are first released, you must keep in mind that they are hardly a definite investment. Because of this, there are several factors you must definitely examine before you place your capital into this type of investment.
One of the first factors you must take into consideration before investing into the stock you are interested in is the basic fact that once the stock is available on the market you can't guess if there will be a great deal demand or a total lack.
Because of this, you must do your best to ascertain every bit of information available about the company before making a purchase.
As you comb the market for the best IPOs available today, you must consider the fact that IPOs are usually offered only to the market when a company plans on expansion. There are other instances where companies only want to increase their ability to borrow capital, but IPOs are mostly released to increase the amount of funds they have available for expansion plans.
It may look like a company which is preparing to expand is a sure bet on the stock market. However, that is not really the case. IPO stocks are usually considered as high-risk investments. That is why if you want to secure your investments to a degree, you must explore the overall performance of the company's operations in the long run.
When you have analyzed the essentials of the company you are interested on, you must also try to guess where the capital generated from the IPO will be used by the company. If you think the company's only choice is to put their capital into expansion activities, you can be sure that the stock value will increase over time because of the expanding capabilities of the business operation. As you examine the essentials of the company and estimate where the capital will be going once the IPO is sold to the public, you can make a reasonable evaluation of how the stocks are going to fare in the future. Being one of the top advisory firms in the industry, we gain the confidence of our clients by acting with integrity on all our business decisions.
Westhill Consulting practices a specific valuation procedure to determine how much a profitable business is worth and determine possible market opportunities.
Expand Group View
It would be great if we could expand a tab group so that it takes up the full width of the screen (so that the layout looks like it goes to a single column, instead of two). There would be an icon next to the first tab of each group and a vertical bar next to the sidebar could show you what groups are available (and allow you to swap between groups). Please see image below as a potential mock-up.
Environmental effects: It’s our doing
Environmental effects: It’s our doing“Because the rates of emissions are growing, it looks like we could burn through the other half in the next 25 years” under one of the more dire scenarios outlined in the report.
Other scenarios show that the threshold will be reached later this century. The finding constitutes a warning to governments to cut emissions of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, which is generated by the burning of fossil fuels, industrial activity and deforestation.
Calling climate change “the greatest challenge of our time,” panel co-chair Thomas Stocker said humankind’s fate in the next 100 years “depends crucially on how much carbon dioxide will be emitted in the future”.
In the report, the panel said it is 95% certain that human activity is the dominant cause of the global warming observed since the 1950s. That is up from 90% six years ago.
“Human influence has been detected in warming of the atmosphere and the ocean, in changes in the global water cycle, in reductions in snow and ice, in global mean sea level rise, and in changes in some climate extremes,” the report said.
The report is the panel’s fifth major assessment since 1990. It reaffirms many of the conclusions of past reports, but with greater confidence.
“The atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amounts of snow and ice have diminished, sea level has risen and the concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased,” the panel wrote in a 36-page summary of its findings.
Can't insert a TAB next to the word "YES" due to tab completion "feature"
A) How do I disable tab completion in the settings?
B) Can this be turned off by default in future versions?
* Sublime Text 2.0.1
* Windows 7
html inline style
Is there a package that can re-DOM the inline style into classes? Thanks heaps.
Replacing in with a blank string causes the replace field to be repopulated with previous string
umount filesystem causes sublime 2 to freeze
Hi, this is not really sublimes fault but I think it could be handled better. If you unmount the filesystem that sublime is running on the whole application freezes and you have to force quit. I've only used sublime on Mac OSX, but I would expect the same thing to happen on Linux or windows. It would be nice if there was some sort of error message and or option to save in a new location when this happens. Really anything other than the hangup that happens now.
--Edit: Forgot to mention sublime version.
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