Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.
Copy, paste with nothing selected (i.e. a whole line) shouldn't break up current line
Project listing in the side bar for quick switching
Changing the surround text
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emmet built in!
Would love to see the plugin emmet come standard on sublime text 3, had a problem installing with version 2 (was not very user friendly)
Vintage Visual Mode Jump to Matching Bracket
When using Vintage for Vim visual mode, it would be nice if some Sublime shortcuts for navigation within a file worked while preserving the selection mode. The one that comes to mind is if I hit "Esc v" and hit "Ctrl+m", it will leave visual mode and jump to the matching brace without selecting the area in-between.
External File Change or Move
On Windows there is no warning if you change or move a file. Sublime doesn't even recognize the change. For Example: If you move a file in the explorer from one position to another and Sublime is open, Sublime will save the moved away file again under the old position. A function like notepad++ would be cool.
Tcl if/else does not reindent properly
The code block (in the midst of more advanced code or not) does not indent properly using the reindent feature:
if { 1 } {
puts "Hello"
} else {
puts "Goodbye"
The reindent option ignores the outdent on the } else { line. It indents to:
if { 1 } {
puts "Hello"
} else {
puts "Goodbye"
Java package directories detection
in java often we produce long directories path such as org.example.whatever.etc which creates under /src/org/example/whatever/etc/ which when unfolding results in a lot of unused space the browser could detect empty directories and show that path as one element like eclipse does
Kundesupport af UserEcho