
Super+N open new window and Super+T new tab

aristidesfl vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 1

In order to stick with default OSbehavior and also improve the usability of creating new files I suggest assigning:

Super+N -> Open new window (like it does on textmate, finder, etc..)

Super+T -> Go to file/New file (Create new tab showing the current panel with a couple of teaks)

To open a file, it would work as usually:

Create new tab, type the name of the file, press return.

To create a file:

Create new tab and press esc to dismiss the overlay. 
As an enhanced behavior, the user could instead of pressing esc, type the name of the newfile+folder (somefolder/example.css) and press enter. If no folder is specified (example.css), the file would be created next to the previously displayed file. This would spare the user of having to save the file manually in order to have syntax features or having to deal with the save file dialog. 

All this could be complemented by a Create New File entry on the show_files overlay (the one which appears when you press super+t)

Build command, Build window crash

ttvd vor 13 Jahren 0

Hello I am experiencing a problem with most recent version of sublime 2. My build system (nmake) used to work just fine with previous version, but now it sometimes works and sometimes does not. When it does not work, it opens an empty dockedbuild window at the bottom, but does not show any build steps ~ text, errors etc. I know build is going on, just text is not shown. Also, when text is not shown and I click in a window with my mouse, sublime crashes. When build is going and text is shown and I click, everything is fine.


find.use_selected_text in ST2

adzenith vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 1
In Sublime Text 1, there was an option find.useSelectedText that you could set to false to prevent selected text from automatically being copied into the find box. Could this option be added into ST2?

Automatically highlight references to symbol under cursor

Vincent Abric vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Hugo Schmitt vor 11 Jahren 2
Same usefull feature as in this sublimetext 1 plug-in : HighlightCurrentWord

leaving full screen crashes

Eugene Wolfson vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 2
In Build 2128, on OS X, going in to Full Screen or Distraction Free mode and then exiting it causes Sublime Text 2 to crash.

If I reopen it, I do not lose my open tabs.

File dirty marker doesn't update on save when buffer has multiple views

Daniel Azuma vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 13 Jahren 2
If you open a buffer in multiple tabs (using, for example, Goto Anything), make some changes, and save the buffer, the "file dirty" marker asterisk disappears only on the tab that was active when you saved. The other tab retains the asterisk.

Build 2032 on Mac OS X.

* Choose vertical two pane layout.
* Open a file in group 1.
* Switch to group 2. Open the same file there using Goto Anything. The same buffer now appears in two tabs, one in each group.
* Make some changes to the buffer. A "file dirty" marker asterisk appears in both tabs.
* Save the buffer. The asterisk disappears in the tab that was active when the save command was issued, but it remains in the other tab.

Dubble click the tab, to open a file in the working directory

Jelle de Jong vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Denis Tomilin vor 13 Jahren 1

Typing "e" does not advance to next word in command mode

Travis Swicegood vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert vor 12 Jahren 0
There's an issue with the "e" key for moving the cursor in command mode.  It's supposed to move to the next word.  It does work if you switch to visual mode instead of command mode.

This appears to be a new bug, I've just noticed it after upgrading to build 2158.

access to all shortcuts via api

Goutham Vel vor 13 Jahren 0

access to all shortcuts via api. This can be used to create suggestions for shortcuts as we type. or can be used to create plugin


Vintage text objects do not work with <> brackets

James McLaughlin vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert vor 12 Jahren 1
Although you can e.g. ci" or ci( just fine, ci< does not work.

.ssh connection and an easy way to modify colors

Tony Brown vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert vor 12 Jahren 1

include an image so we can use it as an icon in linux

Matthew Ford vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 12 Jahren 0
Jon Skinner vor 12 Jahren
Take a look at ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/Default/Icon.png

Highlight multiple cursor(s) out-of-view

Andreas Schneider vor 11 Jahren 0

When you have multiple cursors/selections which are not in the current view (i.e. you scrolled away from them) it might easily happen that you type away without noticing, that you actually modify multiple places at once. It would be nice to have a clear warning when an additional cursor is not currently visible. For example by showing one or two of these cursors (in their respective scope; i.e. the line they are in) at the top or bottom (depending on where they are in relation to your current view) of the editing window.


Real-time debuging

Henry N vor 11 Jahren in Plugin announcements aktualisiert von Darin Morrison vor 11 Jahren 2

Sublime text should be able to spot errors in real-time like Java does and offer a few solutions and why it is an error for all major languages.


Create an option to make bottom dialogs span code area width only (and not span project view)

Sergey Morkovkin vor 12 Jahren 0
I'm talking about find/replace dialog, console, file/folder rename dialog. Currently it spans the entire width of the editor. It would be nice to have an option an make it span code editor width only. This results:
- Easier to switch/focus attention (especially for people with bad eyesight).
- More height for the project view.

"File open" dialog doesn't show all files

Hay Kranen vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert vor 12 Jahren 0
It seems the file open dialog doesn't always show all files in a folder. Sometimes you need to move back and forward before seeing all files. Sometimes the only way to prevent this is by restarting Sublime.

I'm using the latest build (2139) on Mac OS X Lion.

show symbol list on the bottom bar

Pavlos Vinieratos vor 12 Jahren 0
like textmate does

Open opening "Find", use currently selected text as "Find what"

uid vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 11 Jahren 2
If any text is currently selected in the focused document, opening "Find" should use it (as "Find what"). It saves an extra copy and paste.

I'd prefer to click a "Reset" button in the "Find dialog" in cases where the text for which i'm looking isn't highlighted, than focus the document, copy, paste to "Find What" before I can search
Jon Skinner vor 12 Jahren
The find_selected_text file setting is used for this. It defaults to false on OS X to adhere to platform conventions.

Improved Locked Document Editing

Foster Brereton vor 11 Jahren 0

Problems arise from the following set of steps:

  1. Open a locked document
  2. Make edits to the document
  3. Save -> Get Error about document being locked

The issue is getting the file unlocked painlessly so the user can save the edits made up to this point. I realize there are plugins that exist to auto-checkout files in source control, but this is an orthogonal issue. For example, if the checkout/unlock operation fails, the user is stranded with edits that cannot be saved.

Possible resolutions include:

  • Let the user drag the document icon (in OSX) in the window bar to another application to copy the file path. As of step 2 above it is greyed out and cannot be dragged without undoing the edits. 
  • Prevent the user from making edits in step 2 until the file has been unlocked. This is how other editors like BBEdit and Xcode behave. This would also be the point at which version control plugins would want to attempt to check out the file.
  • The ability to overwrite the locked file during step 3. Some kind of dialog to either cancel the edit or unlock the document. This would be a fallback option in the event a plugin failed to checkout/unlock the document, so the user could still save the edits (they would, of course, be on the hook for checking out the file manually.)
  • The ability to get the full path of the frontmost document quickly copied to the clipboard so it can be pasted in another application to checkout/unlock the locked file, making step 3 succeed.


sublime.status_message() should only be shown in the window were it got invoked in

Oktay Acikalin vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 1