Search & replace across projects/directories

There are plenty of tools to do this. Regexxer (http://regexxer.sourceforge.net/) is an excelent one. Plus, this is not something you do often. And when you do it, you usually take some time to do it, to avoid messing up your entire project.
So really, is it than a problem to open a third party app once in a while for a 5 minute job ? I don't think so. This feature is hard to implement and can wait.

As for this being "not something you do often", this is a function I need on a daily basis. Simple stuff like renaming a class or function in all of a project's files is a frequent task for me. With regard to the possibility of hosing your project with a bad multi S&R, I think just a "Preview" toggle would solve this nicely; just print a list of the replacements that would be performed in a new buffer.
Lastly, I disagree that this feature is particularly hard to implement. Sublime already has full S&R+regex functionality in place, so it is probably not a huge chunk of work to have this apply across multiple files. In fact, your assertion that this is hard to implement made me realize that this could probably be done by just writing a Sublime package (though the UI would probably have to be kinda gimped). So, I'm going to take a crack at writing just such a package.
Thanks for the link to Regexxer. There are certainly some benefits to the dedicated third-party tool approach, such as using a GUI that is crafted around a singular core goal ("do one thing, do it well"). Sublime will never (and shouldn't) have such a detailed GUI for multi S&R; we just need the basic functionality.

I've been trying text editors for so long and finally found Sublime Text thanks to top ruby developer Luis Lavena suggestion.
You guys have done such a great job and the editor worth paying for.
So far the only one missing functionality as for me is this one!(replace in files)
please please put it on your TODO list!! thanks.

The search functionality really needs to improve before I make the move to Sublime. It's great in every other way but this is a deal breaker.
I've been using the Sidebar Enhancement plugin, but it's really a downer having to use the mouse every time I wanna search through files in a folder. This functionality should be native to the software and easily accessible through keyboard shortcuts like everything else.
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