
Provide a sort option for open files in the sidebar

Neville Bagnall 12 лет назад обновлен Jeremy Dill 12 лет назад 3

My file layout is not particularly suited to project treatment, yet I often have dozens of files open.

Open Files in the sidebar is most useful when many files are open at once, whereas the tab bar becomes unusable.

However, finding a particular file among dozens, or scanning the list quickly to see if the file is already open is nearly impossible because the files are not in a sorted order.

Goto Anything helps, but feels sub-optimal.

Ideally, and incorporating other preferences suggested here, I'd like to be able to toggle between Sorted, Modified, Stack or Tab order.

But even a user-setting to pick my preferred order would be great.


Sublime Text 3 Find all symbol references

Andy Jarrell 11 лет назад обновлен mindlube 11 лет назад 1

The new updates in Sublime Text 3 are fan-freaking-tastic.  I absolutely love using sublime.  The "Goto Symbol in Project" and "Goto Definition" are going to be huge timesavers for me.  I work on projects that involve C, CSS, HTML, Javascript, Lua, and large makefiles.  In particular, many C functions are called by Lua, but referred to as strings.  The "Goto Definition" is huge for being able to find the original C function being referred to.  Thank you.

While "Find in Files" does allow me to find all the references to a symbol by direct search, it would be nice to have a "Goto References" or "List References" option to quickly list all references to the symbol in the project as a faster method vs direct search.  I'm not sure if the project index is structured in such a way to make that easy.

I cannot praise Sublime Text 3 enough.  What an amazing piece of software.


hi please add RTL (right to left) languages support to sublime text

Samer Taha 8 лет назад 0

hi please add RTL (right to left) languages support to sublime text , RTL languages like arabic and hebrew and maybe other languages , sublime text should detect the current language changed in the OS like windows 7 and give support for it ...


Syntax highlighting for HAML and SASS/SCSS

ravinggenius 13 лет назад обновлен Tim Gummer 12 лет назад 6
HAML is an indentation-based syntax for generating HTML. SASS is an indentation-based syntax for generating CSS. SASS also has a nested syntax called SCSS that is closer in appearance to CSS. Both languages are really popular in the Ruby/Rails communities. As much as I love Sublime Text 2 (thanks for the Linux love, by the way), it is nearly useless when editing these files.


Set the sidebar on the right

homer0 12 лет назад обновлен Blair Williams 12 лет назад 3
Allow the users to move the sidebar from the left to the right. I'm trying to leave Dreamweaver and I'm really used to have the sidebar on the right.

Please add printing features!

ryan gurnick 12 лет назад обновлен rsp 8 лет назад 2

It would be really nice if you where able to print your code.


Add an option to auto-hide minimap -> unhide on scroll or overlay

Olivier Poitrey 13 лет назад обновлен Art Lawry 11 лет назад 3
The minimap takes some real estate and isn't relevant while editing, but only when seeking for another file location.

Please support code ligature from FicaCode font!

林佳俊 8 лет назад обновлен icc97 8 лет назад 1

Ligature fonts are awesome! It's a shame Sublime doesn't support them!


Pascal syntax support.

Alan Gott 12 лет назад обновлен Fernando Macedo 11 лет назад 2
Add support for Pascal syntax (*.pas), as well as recognition for Lazarus source code files (*.lpr).

Minimap highlights on search results.

Guillaume Amringer 12 лет назад обновлен Ryan Harris 11 лет назад 2
When searching for a string in a file, the minimap also show highlighted results, but it's kinda hard to see. Maybe disable text syntax highlight in minimap when searching to make the search highlight stand out.

PHP namespace support

Christian Kruse 12 лет назад обновлен Luke Ashe-Browne 11 лет назад 2
PHP namespace support is missing

Add AppleScript support

Stian Håklev 12 лет назад обновлен juan falgueras 8 лет назад 10
I love to be able to script my applications, and build workflows. It would be very useful if it were possible to interact with ST2 via AppleScript. Even a simple bridge that let you execute a command (just like when you're binding keyboard shortcuts) through AppleScript would instantly expose most of the application (because of the way it is built). For example a way for a script to open a new window with two files in each pane, in a certain layout etc. (Dynamically).

Multiple rows of tabs

chaiguy 12 лет назад обновлен 12 лет назад 2
There needs to be some way of handling many open tabs, such as wrapping them to another line.

Folders vs Groups (virtual folder / workspace)

Luke Scott 13 лет назад обновлен Michael Kaiser-Cross 12 лет назад 1
There seems to be two key areas of the "side bar". Active files (open), and Project files. Active files are under "Files" or "Group #", and Project files are under "Folders".

I feel that "Files" are a bit redundant when you have tabs. What would be better is a "virtual workspace" of files/folders that aren't open. Basically have a "Group" that is a "virtual folder" that contains references to other files/folders. If the side bar looked like this (https://github.com/jezdez/textmate-missingdrawer) you could give actual folders a blue icon and groups a yellow icon.

The side bar would essentially be what's under "Folders" (with a different look). You can add physical folders to the project. When you add a "Group" they are mixed in with top-level folders with a yellow folder icon. You can drag other folders/sub-folders/files into a group and have it copy those references.

The reason behind this is "Groups" are a temporary workspace that can be easily removed (delete key deletes reference without asking). "Folders" are permanent parts of your project (delete asks you if you want to delete the actual file). With "top-level" folders you can either delete the actual folder or reference.

I know some others may actually prefer having "active files" in a side bar instead of tabs. This should be a different stackable panel.

With the tabs themselves, would be nice if they worked like Firefox's tabs (don't squish tabs too much, they fall off at some point and arrows appear, and a menu is on the right side to see all tabs).

Sublime Text port on FreeBSD

Abhijit Soman 11 лет назад 0
It would be nice to have Sublime Text port for FreeBSD


Generate a sequence of numbers; increment replace

Chris Casey 12 лет назад обновлен Dhirendra Jaiswar 7 лет назад 8
This is a regex feature that seems to be unique to TexPad on Windows. From their help files:

Expression: Effect: 
\i Replace with numbers starting from 1, incrementing by 1. 
\i(10) Replace with numbers starting from 10, incrementing by 1. 
\i(0,10) Replace with numbers starting from 0, incrementing by 10. 
\i(100,-10) Replace with numbers starting from 100, decrementing by -10. 

To insert line numbers at the start of each line: 
Search for:^ 
Replace with:\i 
To update sequence numbers of the form Axxx, Bxxx, … ,Zxxx where "xxx" is any number >= 100, independent of the letters, which are to be preserved: 
Search for:\([A-Z]\)[1-9][0-9][0-9]+ 
Replace with:\1\i(100) 

That would be seriously cool. We're looking at migrating from TextPad to Sublime, and would love to retain this feature.

Vintage mode requests

Aaron Kavlie 13 лет назад обновлен David Niergarth 12 лет назад 8
A few requests for Vintage mode:

- Don't know any way to escape from highlight mode, aside from clicking with the mouse. In vim ESC clears the highlight. Please add this.
- It would be great if command mode had a block cursor, rather than an underline

- Though not a standard vim feature, matchit.vim allows me to jump between open and close html tags with %. I don't know of any way to do this in Sublime Text (Vintage mode or otherwise).

Sublime Text 2 is fantastic so far, and keeps getting better. Thanks for all your hard work!

Command Palette should include everything

Oliver Rutherfurd 13 лет назад обновлен robertcollier4 11 лет назад 5

Maybe I'm misunderstanding or missing a setting, but it appears things have have key bindings (Open File, Close File, etc.. don't appear) in the command palette.  This is frustrating as a new user, since I don't know all the shortcuts and why exclude these from the list?


provide a way to flatten sidebar tree structure so it only includes directories with files, like intellij

Brett Dargan 13 лет назад 0

some projects have an annoying amount of directories, without files, just more directories to navigate down till you get to files.

intellij and some other editors. 

provide a way to flatten the directory tree. so instead we have a list of shortened dir names for those dirs that contain src files.

in java projects: instead of a collapsed directory tree that needs expanding and takes up lots of space in the sidebar with uninteresting dirs like: src/main/java/com/blah/blah...
allow a view with a list like structure:


Make Goto Anything work when you're in the text field for find

Tim Haines 12 лет назад обновлен Sakae Marcus 12 лет назад 6
When you're in the find box (Command-F), it would be nice if the shortcut key for 'Goto Anything' (Command P) still worked.

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