
Fantastic Software

Josh Benner 13 lat temu zaktualizowano 13 lat temu 0

I've been using a variety of text editors for decades, from vi to Notepad++ to TextMate to jEdit and beyond. Sublime surpasses them all, and has managed to exceed my expectations for a programmer's text editor.


Browse on files using keyboard (Project Drawer)

Carlos Brando 13 lat temu 0

Add a setting to enable bracket matching within strings

Trent Ogren 12 lat temu zaktualizowano 12 lat temu 0
For the poor saps like me who sometimes end up editing giant strings of SQL, it'd be nice to be able to enable bracket matching within strings. The way Vim does it is that brackets within strings can match other brackets within that same string, but never match brackets that are outside the string and vice-versa (i.e. brackets outside of a string never match brackets inside a string). That way, you get bracket matching within strings while avoiding the issue reported here:

If Sublime is closed and I open a file, it shows up in the last open windows instead of a new one

aristidesfl 13 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Rob Napier 12 lat temu 1
If Sublime is closed and I open a file, it shows up in the last open windows instead of a new one

Command line parameter to fork process

Felix Oghină 12 lat temu 0

There should be a command line parameter that will cause sublime to fork the process and detach from the shell when starting up. I'm often in a terminal window and want to open a file in sublime, but if it's not already started it will take over the command line until I exit it. However, if sublime is already running, it will open the file in an existing window and return control to my shell.

I'd like to have a parameter I can pass on the command line (and ultimately create an alias that contains it) that will fork and return control to my shell immediately after opening the file(s), regardless of whether sublime was already running or not.


Syntax highlighting and code intelligence for Scaml.

Adam Fraser 13 lat temu zaktualizowano 13 lat temu 0

Text Rendering Issue on OS X

Ryan Park 13 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Jon Skinner 13 lat temu 2

When connecting my MacBook to a non-Apple external monitor and using it as my only display, the text is anti-aliased incorrectly.

To reproduce,

1. Connect a MacBook to a non-Apple display (I was using a Samsung SyncMaster).

2. Make sure there are no Apple displays running including the laptops monitor.

3. Quit Sublime Text 2 if it is running.

4. Open or restart Sublime Text 2.

5. Note that the text's rendering is different and incorrect from the standard rendering of text in OS X.

Some notes:

I've found that when Sublime remains open while switching between monitors the method it anti-alias' the text remains. For example, if the rendering is incorrect and I switch to a display that traditionally renders it correctly, it will remain incorrect until I quit and restart Sublime Text 2.

Jon Skinner 13 lat temu
This appears to be an OS X quirk - information is at http://slackrw.wordpress.com/2010/07/31/mac-os-x-10-6-snow-leopard-re-enable-lcd-font-smoothing-for-some-monitors-via-macosxhints-com/

Renaming file in a project

Smirnov Yuri 13 lat temu zaktualizowano 13 lat temu 0
When you rename a file in a project, if it's already open, it's tab should remain associated with the renamed version. Now it just becomes the new "changed" file which causes problems.

Increase left margin to a comfortable level when gutter=false.

Nick Farina 13 lat temu zaktualizowano 12 lat temu 2

I prefer to use Sublime Text 2 on OS X with the gutter hidden completely. However, when the gutter is hidden, the left margin of text is a very narrow 2 pixels which is too close to the window border.

Most apps on OS X use a wider margin which is more visually pleasing. TextEdit on "plain text mode" uses a 6 pixel margin which is great. Please consider matching that.

Comparison screenshot:

Thanks. Loving ST2, I'm a convert. Nick

Recent Projects could bring already open project to front

Markus Peter 13 lat temu 0
The Recent Projects menu should not disable already open projects. Instead the menu items could stay enabled and when clicking on them, bring forward the already open project.

At the moment, if my screen is very busy with multiple projects and other applications' windows, I usually forgot whether a project is already open or not, so I always have to visit two different menus.

Rails shortcuts?

Matthias Käppler 13 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Andy Jeffries 13 lat temu 1
I love the alpha so far, but I am missing some shortcuts I found extremely useful to have in TextMate:

* CTRL+SHIFT+D for duplicating a line
* CTRL+CMD+R for revealing a file in a directory tree
* basically all Rails shortcuts

I realize the last one would only be suited for a plug-in. Is it possible to write a plug-in that adds shortcuts like CTRL+P for creating a Rails params hash? I am also missing the CTRL+SHIFT+[<|>] shortcuts for generating markup.

"unsaved changes" status set when file wasn't changed

Jeff Petkau 11 lat temu 0

ST sets the "unsaved changes" if the file is removed from disk, even if not modified in ST. This leads to the following sequence of events:

1. open a file from removable media in ST

2. temporarily unmount the media

3. remount the media. ST now thinks it has changes to the file.

(This can also happen when switching to git/hg branches where those files are missing, or with network-mounted files that temporarily disappear when credentials expire.)

At this point ST will refuse to load actual external changes to files (e.g. when switching git branches) because it thinks it has modifications. You have to manually close every file, with a warning message about discarding alleged "changes" for each one.


When you rename a file via the sidebar, the filename textbox should be focused

Caleb Land 12 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Greg Sadetsky 12 lat temu 1
On OS X 10.7.3 with Sublime 2 2181, when I control+click a file in the sidebar and select rename, the rename panel comes up from the bottom, and it looks like the filename is selected, but when I type, nothing happens. I have to click the filename textbox to edit the contents.

It appears that my focus is still in the sidebar, since I can use arrow keys to move the selection around in the sidebar.

User-defined keyboard shortcuts should appear in menus

Ben Willmore 13 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Jon Skinner 13 lat temu 0
For example, if I assign a keyboard shortcut to the reindent command (which doesn't have a shortcut by default), the shortcut should appear next to Edit->Line->Reindent. This provides a way to for a user to relearn shortcuts which he assigned and then forgot.
Jon Skinner 13 lat temu
In the general case, they do.

Please note though, that on Linux and OS X, the menu APIs are limited, and not all possible key bindings are able to be displayed on the menu (e.g., it's not possible to display sequence key bindings in the menu on Linux)

Quickly adding BOM to current file.

abonec 13 lat temu 0
Very often utf files don't have BOM. To add this need to open uconv and convert or write own script. Please add this feature.

cmd+n should open a new window

Ben Willmore 13 lat temu zaktualizowano 13 lat temu 0
Currently, if there are no windows open (on Mac at least), cmd+n does nothing. You need to press cmd+shift+n to open a new window. I don't see why cmd+n shouldn't do the same as cmd+shift+n in this situation, and that would be handy for Mac users' muscle memory.

[Edit: This could be rephrased as: "cmd+n should do the same as File->New File when no window is open"]

Provide hard wrapping like vim's textwidth

Luke Hutton 12 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Michael Seiwald 12 lat temu 2

It'd be great if Sublime would support vim-esque hard text wrapping (eg. 'textwidth') without having to invoke a command. The current approach, being done retrospectively, makes it more likely that weird artefacts are introduced, such as paragraphs being collapsed (when editing LaTeX, I often find lines with individual commands are collapsed into one line, breaking it in the process). Hard wrapping as-you-type would also make it easier to track changes on a line-by-line basis in version control, whereas again the current approach often leads to equivalent lines being changed in less predictable ways.


Talk to subethaedit development team and look at merging their shared code capabilities with sublime text

Ed Henderson 13 lat temu zaktualizowano 13 lat temu 0

large file open speed

Robert Teshinsky 11 lat temu 0

When opening large files, SB takes too long to "cache" the file.

Modern text editors should open large files much faster. Per load the inital block and do your cache in the background or some such.

I have a 300MB log file (all text). It takes about 3 seconds in Notepad++.

It takes about 30 in sublime text.