
Launchbar open recent files not working

aristidesfl 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1

Launchbar is a powerful application launcher, file manager and utility tool for Mac OS X.

One of the features is allowing you to open recent files used by application.

I believe it is supposed to interact with the open recent menu of applications, but for some reason not working with sublime.
Maybe it is using some API incorrectly of not using at all..

Here is a video of it working with Git and Textmate: http://youtu.be/EVhs14xhtp0

quick zoom in grid view

srix sriramkumar 12 years ago updated by Julien Ammous 12 years ago 1
A shortcut key to quickly zoom in on one of the quadrant page on the grid view. On perssing the shortcut key the quadrant page zooms in ie becomes a full page and when I press the same shortcut key again in zooms out ie move back to the same position in the grid view with other pages and their relatie position in the grid intact.


Christian Cucchi 13 years ago updated by Shen Fangyang 11 years ago 1

Sublime Text 2 is awesome - easily my favourite text editor. My only concern is that you will not make nearly enough conversions from your unlimited evaluation with your current pricing scheme. $60 will be considered by most as waaaay too high for a text editor, especially when there is no real incentive to buy. I would suggest lowering the regular price significantly (maybe as low as even $10-15. Just look at Steam's pricing for games - this is a price bracket that many people are comfortable with and Valve is now valued at something like $6bn) whilst keeping the $60 fee as a "developer licence". I don't think there would be many enterprise users that would opt for the cheaper license fee just to save money, and I think you'd get many more conversions from regular users if you adopted this model.

As I mentioned, I'm a genuine fan and my suggestions are only an attempt to make sure you reap the benefits of your hard work effectively.


SQL Syntax Highlighter Error ('#' does NOT preface a comment)

Tomáš Krůta 13 years ago updated by Gary Hall 12 years ago 2
The rest of a line after a number sign '#' is wrongly highlighted as comment now.
A single number sign '#' prefixes names of local temporary tables. They should be highlighted the same way (or at least similar) as tables are.
And a double number sign '##' prefixes names of global temporary tables...

Reindent lines bug with Ruby

Joshua Siler 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 0
When a line of code has a partial comment, like:

User.find(1) # I hate this guy
The Reindent Lines feature will stop working correctly at that line.

folders in projects

Michael Kaiser-Cross 13 years ago updated by Dario Mangoni 8 years ago 4
For example I would like to create a project titled currentProjects with ProjectA, ProjectB, ProjectC each of which I can mix files and folders from different locations on my computer.

it should be possible to support for HDL .like verilog!

skypinglee 11 years ago updated by William Huang 11 years ago 1

many hardware programmer want to use it,but it not support HDL very well!


Not supporting other languages

Un Amigo 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 1
Sublime text is very lovely, but it doesn't support any other languages, such as Arabic, Persian etc. :(

Sidebar Directory Tree Text Overlap

Matthew Magliochetti 11 years ago 0

Directory tree took extra long to load after clicking to expand a level. I collapsed and expanded again (in typical "its not working user frenzy") and ended up with this:

Image 264

I blocked some text out on the fourth line, but the rest is accurate.  Below this point the tree seemed normal.  Sublime Text 3 Dev Build 3054 - Registered


Show commented text still syntax colored but dimmed

chaiguy 13 years ago 0
Here's an idea I had that I've never seen in any code editor: How about instead of showing commented text all in one color, continue to syntax color it, but show it dimmed (50% opacity).

This would be awesome for commented-out blocks of code as it would still be easily readable, but clearly not active.

It wouldn't work as well for textual comments, mind you.

Display matched count

James Brooks 14 years ago updated by Dustin Oprea 3 years ago 8
I'm sure I must have missed this somewhere, but for the life of me I cannot see the amount of matches found when using "Find".

It would be nice to know how far I've gone through. Perhaps also colouring the relative scrollbar position to match the line in accordance to the page, like Google Chrome!
Jon Skinner 13 years ago
This was added in build 2065

GoTo Expands Folder in Sidebar for Quick Navigation

Alex Heyd 12 years ago updated by Geoffrey Bachelet 12 years ago 1
Allow selecting folders in the GoTo panel that would expand it in the sidebar. Useful if you need to access a few files from that folder, rather than opening each file individually with GoTo Anything.

add 'clone file' to right click on a tab

ngstschr 13 years ago 0
When you right click a tab, add the 'clone file' menu item.
It's fast, it's logical.


Paolo Marani 11 years ago 0
VB.Net user should not be abandoned!


Minimap won't completely hide

Mark Cafaro 12 years ago 0
The minimap won't completely hide. It shows an unnecessary shadow on the right side of the window when hidden (and text extends beyond the edge).
Image 132

Allow plugins to add keybindings

Greg Williams 14 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 14 years ago 3
Jon Skinner 14 years ago
Plugins can define key bindings in their own packages. The file must be named "Default (<platform>).sublime-keymap"

Change the way of choosing the color scheme

baradei2011 13 years ago 0
The current way of changing the color scheme isn't user-friendly at all, because you must go into preferences > color scheme > choose a color scheme, and if you did not like it..you'll have to go through the same steps again..A much better way would be to open a small window when clicking color scheme, and the color scheme changes as you click on each scheme..and it would take much less time to choose a scheme.

Support file extensions other than .*

Mark Abramov 13 years ago updated by drkwv 12 years ago 2
Example: RSpec files have filenames like somename_spec.rb, however, you need to save them as somename.spec.rb in order for 'spec.rb' file extension to be assigned to RSpec. On the other hand, even if I save file as somename.spec.rb, I still see a dialog window saying that I used .rb extension and if I wanted to use spec.rb instead.

Such a simple addition would also allow for more interesting stuff, for example, we could add 'extension' Gemfile to ruby syntax and all gemfiles would be recognized as such (right now, there is no way to recognize them other than manually).


itisme 12 years ago 0

Correct auto-indentation on if block if a comment line is added.

Uber Bros 12 years ago updated by f p 12 years ago 1
If coding in python and a comment is left after an if clause, pressing enter does not automatically indent the line to define the new code block. Using the newest Sublime Text 2 on OSX