
Instant feedback for code changes

Joe Lencioni hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
Bret Victor demonstrates in this video how instant feedback for code changes can revolutionize your process: https://vimeo.com/36579366

I would love to see this functionality in Sublime Text 2, whether it is built-in or as a plugin.

Use Xcode-style highlighting with find and when highlighting opposite brackets

Aaron Harpole hace 13 años 0
When a grouping symbol (open parens and curly braces and such) is selected, Sublime will show you the opposite one by underlining it. This is hard to see. I am fond of how Xcode handles it, by highlighting it and making that highlight pop up a little bit in front of you (there's probably a word for what it does, but just try it out and see). Would be awesome if Sublime did this when using the find function and when I move the cursor onto those characters.

Ignore whitespace in SEARCH

Jakub Novák hace 11 años 0
I miss a great functionality from Adobe Dreamveawer:
In search, there is option "Ignore whitespace" and if it's checked, then the search function ignores all spaces, like tabulators, new line breaks and classic spaces

It's super usefull in CSS search for example, because for now I have to rewrite spaces with some regex expression

Implement text drag&drop on Linux

nniico hace 12 años actualizado por Hiccup hace 9 años 1

Dragging and dropping text works on Windows. When will it be implemented on Linux?


highlight non-breaking space

Salz` hace 13 años actualizado por Floran Brutel hace 11 años 4
Would love to see an option to highlight all non-breaking spaces. It's to easy to "missplace" them behind []{}| on a i.e Germany Keyboard (where option/alt-key is needed for []{}|). 

Add ability to go back and forward in cursor location history

Nicolas Ch. hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
Very often, I am navigating code, and while command-T allows me to simulate a one step back/forward, I'd like to do it accross the same file or muliple files.

Include Python's select module on Windows

Geoff Greer hace 12 años 0

On Windows, the version of Python bundled with Sublime Text 2 lacks the select module. This makes it very difficult to keep persistent TCP connections open without blocking a thread.

I'm writing a plugin that uses a select() loop. I knew Python's select() could only be used on sockets on Windows. That was fine for my needs. Unfortunately, I didn't know the entire module was removed in Sublime Text 2's Python. I discovered this when a user reported a bug and gave me a traceback:

Reloading plugin C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\Floobits\floobits.py
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File ".\sublime_plugin.py", line 62, in reload_plugin
      File ".\floobits.py", line 15, in <module>
        from floo import api
      File ".\floo\__init__.py", line 2, in <module>
        from agent_connection import AgentConnection
      File ".\floo\agent_connection.py", line 6, in <module>
        import select
    ImportError: No module named select

Please fix this. It's hard enough to write plugins that work on OS X, Linux, and Windows without having to worry about missing modules.

I also ran into the ssl module missing on Linux, but that bug has already been reported.


command_history does not help determine last command

colinta hace 13 años actualizado por Carlos Rodriguez hace 13 años 1
The plugin I'm trying to fix is MoveText.  When you drag text up or down, it stores the initial column location, so that if you move to a row that doesn't have enough columns, it can remember the original column and use that if you move up to a  row that does have enough columns in it.  The important thing here is that I need to find out what the previous command was.

The mechanism for this is View.command_history, but it is not giving me the command I want.  This is a recent bug.  The way undo history works has changed.  It now groups more commands into one history entry (and I for one wish it didn't!).  And there is no way to control this.  It would be great to say "this is a change that should not be grouped with other changes".

The extra special frustration is that the console does return the most recent command, even though in the plugin it reports something different.

One easy way to fix this, if people disagree that undo history should be more granular, is to add a command to View that tells you the last command that was run, but not based on undo history.

Mac OS X doesn't trigger resize events when Sublime Text 2 is in fullscreen, and I unplug/plug-in my secondary monitor

Brad Gessler hace 14 años actualizado hace 14 años 1

Scenario: I'm using Sublime Text 2 on my big ass 30" Cinema Display in fullscreen. I get tired of sitting in my office so I unplug the monitor from my laptop and go into the living room. 

Problem: Sublime Text cuts off my editing window because it still thinks its plugged into a 30" screen. I exit fullscreen, the go back into it.

Fix: We've dealt with similar issues in one of our apps and this little API hook came to the rescue: http://www.cocoabuilder.com/archive/cocoa/1951-notification-of-resolution-arrangement-of-monitor-change.html

Could you wire up this hook so that it triggers a fullscreen resize when I unplug my monitor?


Bug in osx 'look up in dictionary" behaviour

Matthew Raso-Barnett hace 14 años actualizado hace 14 años 1
Usually in OSX applications you can look up words in text by hovering the mosue cursor over the word and pressing 'cmd+crtl+D' which will highlight the word and show a drop down dictionary window with the definition of that word. Alternatively you can right click the word and there is often a menu item to "Look up...".

In build 2112 (and maybe before?) the keyboard shortcut behaviour triggers the dictionary lookup still, although it actually highlights and looks up the word after the one the cursor is hovering over. The contextual menu item doesn't appear so perhaps this feature isn't supposed to be supported.

Here is a picture, where my mouse cursor is actually over the word 'this' (although you cannot see it).Image 24  

Additionally the highlighting of the word is misaligned with the underlying text:
Image 25


Automatically show Source & Header side by side -option.

walter lynsdale hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 1
When this option is enabled, the editor would *always* open and/or show the associated counterpart (header for source)  in an adjacent column.
If this isn't possible (or deemed to unusual) a hotkey to do the same inspired by x-codes' "show counterpart" (CMD-Enter) would do a similar job.
The automatic option would reduce the number of hotkey to remember.

API: write protected (read-only) regions

Daniel Mescheder hace 13 años 0
For plugin development it would be handy to have something like write protected regions.
i.e. in addition to view.set_read_only(value) provide something like view.set_region_read_only(region).
Possible use cases:
  • I think it would be a nice feature for SublimeREPL to protect everything but the current input.
  • Currently it is all to easy to accidentally delete folded regions - with read-only-regions it would be possible to (optionally) protect folds.
Probably I could work around this missing feature using on_selection_modified to find out where the cursor is and set_read_only to protect the buffer accordingly.
However, that seems terribly inefficient to me as I would like to avoid the on_selection_modified roundtrip.

Add an option to disable tabs switching using scroll wheel.

wahlig hace 14 años actualizado por drkwv hace 8 años 4
Imagine having a mouse with freely rotating scroll wheel (like Logitech Anywhere MX) which allows you to quickly scroll through large files. Now imagine what happens if you accidently move the pointer over the tabs. Yes, the tabs start switching like crazy. It would be nice to be able to disable that so that the buffer keeps scrolling instead.
Jon Skinner hace 14 años

This can be controlled with the mouse_wheel_switches_tabs global setting.


Add command to display full path of current file, even in distraction-free and full-screen modes

Michael Krueger hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 1
It would be very useful to have a command that displays the name and full path of the current file in the status bar, as vi does when Ctrl-G is pressed in command mode.  If the path is too long to fit in the status bar, the status bar should be temporarily enlarged to hold it, just as vi does for long paths.  If temporary resizing of the status bar is not possible, the command could display the path in the same sort of window used by search and replace, with the window disappearing when Esc is pressed.

Isn't this redundant?

No.  I know that the file name and path are displayed in the main window title bar and the tab title bar, but these are not always visible.  In full-screen mode, the window title bar is hidden, and the tab title bars are usually too small to show the full path of the current file, or even the complete file name.  In distraction-free mode, neither the window title bar nor the tabs are visible.


Switch spaces when opening files (Mac)

Joshua Jabbour hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
I think this is an issue with Sublime Text's integration with Spaces on Mac OS X, but when I right-click a file in the Finder and select "Open with Sublime Text", the file is opened properly and Sublime Text becomes the front-most app. However, if ST is in another Space, the user isn't switched to that space.

The correct behavior occurs when you do all of the above, but the file you've selected is already open in a ST project or window. In that case, you are properly switched to the other Space.

From my testing, it doesn't matter if ST is full-screen or not.

Desired behavior: The selected/opened file becomes active and visible to the user.

Brazilian Portuguese (ABNT2) international keyboard is not recognized

Lucas Crivellari Macieira hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 1
It couses many shortcuts not to work. For Example the "ctrl+/" shortcut to comment a line is fired by the "ctrl+;" combination.

Other examples:

  • "ctrl+[" -> "ctrl+´"
  • "ctrl+]" -> "ctrl+["
  • "ctrl+;" ->  "ctrl+ç" 

Symbolic links files editing broken on Linux, when points to different device (Invalid cross-device link)

kodx hace 12 años 0

I got error on saving edited file, which is symlink points to another device

Image 252

If i set atomic_save to false, this error dissapears.

OS: Ubuntu GNU/Linux 13.04 AMD64

Sublime Text: v3 build 3047


Vintage "a" behavior at beginning of empty line

David Niergarth hace 13 años 0
With Vintage active, typing "a" in command mode at the beginning of an empty line causes the cursor to advance to the next line when it should stay on the same line.

The relevant key binding in Vintage/Default.sublime-keymap seems to be
{ "keys": ["a"], "command": "enter_insert_mode", "args":      {"insert_command": "move", "insert_args": {"by": "characters", "forward": true} },      "context": [{"key": "setting.command_mode"}]   },
Any suggestions on how to go about modifying this behavior so "a" never advances to the next line?




Line Length Limit

Adam Gold hace 13 años actualizado por Charles Jenkins hace 13 años 3
For those of us who are following a specific coding standards, it will be useful to have a maximum line length that will automatically move to the next line, or maybe something to inform that we have reached line length limit.

HiDPI Windows 7

Kyle Weicht hace 13 años 0
While Sublime Text looks awesome in OSX on the Retina Macbook Pro's, it doesn't in Windows. It doesn't seem to support Windows 7's native DPI support, so when the UI scaling is set to 150%, all the text (including the menus) is stretch and looks quite poor.