Are there any guidelines on the proper way of using the user echo?

Cory Bloor 12 år siden opdateret af FichteFoll 12 år siden 1
I'm new to both Sublime and the concept of the user-echo, so some things are unclear to me. For instance, it's pretty obvious that I should vote for suggestions I want implemented and vote against suggestions I particularly dislike. But it's less clear when I should be voting  a question up or down, or what things I should do in order to pose a good question myself. Indeed, I'm not sure that this question (about the user echo, rather than Sublime itself) is appropriate.
Especially if this question is inappropriate for the user echo, where should I have discovered that, and where should it be asked instead?

OS X - Changing .sublime-settings file does not update automatically the changes

Felipe Cypriano 13 år siden opdateret af Jon Skinner 13 år siden 1

I've put my Packages/User directory into Dropbox and made a sym link to it so I could have my settings on all my Macs. The thing is, when I change or create a new User setting SF2 doesn't load when I save I've to restart the app.

Is this the correct behavior?
Jon Skinner 13 år siden
This should be fixed in the current dev build (at http://www.sublimetext.com/dev), and will be in the next beta

Associated file extension to syntax

Jorge López 11 år siden opdateret 11 år siden 3

I have files with a proper extension MIF written in TCL language. How can I configure Sublime Text to always use syntax highlighting automatically with Tcl.

Tahnks in advance.


Issue with overlay scrollbars on OS X in some situations

Nick Hutchinson 12 år siden 0
OS X disables the overlay scrollbars by default on certain machines, e.g. older MacBooks. However if you connect an external device like a Magic Mouse, OS X switches to the overlay scrollbar style. Sublime Text doesn't handle this situation properly: scrollbars do not appear when scrolling using my Macbook's trackpad, whereas they do when using the Magic Mouse.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Attach a newfangled pointing device, e.g. a Magic Mouse, to your crusty old MacBook. OS X should switch to the overlay scrollbar style; the scrollbars will be hidden by default.
2. In Sublime Text, perform a two-finger scroll on the MacBook's trackpad.

Expected behaviour:
The scrollbars appear when you begin the two-finger scroll, and disappear shortly after you finish it.

Actual behaviour:
When you scroll using the trackpad, Sublime doesn't display scrollbars at all, leaving you rather confused as to your position within the current file. If you scroll using the Magic Mouse, the scrollbars do appear.

Avanti Group Review For UNILUX, Branding is Can Make a Difference

kendarnes 11 år siden i Plugin announcements 0
In this Information Technology Age, a company’s reputation is often measured according to its website’s quality, visibility and usefulness to its clients. Having a website, therefore, is sometimes not even enough. It must reach the company’s targeted market as much as possible at all times.

In order to revamp their brand and image online, UNILUX AM has turned to iHook Creative UNILUX Advanced Manufacturing, LLC took that crucial step back in October 2009 with the official launch of their revamped website

San-Diego-based branding agency iHook Creative, finished the final touches of the project while staying ahead of the schedule for a launch before the end of the year.

UNILUX AM had undertaken a major project to revamp their corporate image by initiating a complete revamp of their website, sales collateral and promotional message. “After speaking with several prospects, it became clear that iHook Creative had the talent and understanding of our needs, not only in website design and rollout, but also with our downstream marketing and branding needs,” said Larry Farrelly, UNILUX AM President.

“iHook is excited about the collaboration with UNILUX Advanced Manufacturing,” said Matt Faulk, iHook founder and art director. “Together we have created a dynamic web environment that communicates the UNILUX AM corporate message and positions them at the top of the increasingly competitive aviation industry. The new look is a combination of technology, efficiency, and power.”

The creative collaboration between the two companies hopes to enhance the reputation of UNILUX as a provider of excellent industrial products and for all industrial applications.

For the latest information about UNILUX, visit us now at http://www.uniluxam.com/.

Projects only shows up in Project Quick Switcher when opend with Project --> Switch Project

Allan Leander Rostock Hansen 11 år siden 0
To have my recent projects show op in the "Project Quick Switch" I need to use Project --> Switch Project... at least for the first project (haven't testet if it's enough to do it with just the first project).

Once the project startet to show up in the quick switch panel, the opened project could also be closed with the "Close Project" command, which otherwise didn't work.

hot_exit is enabled.

Running ST3 Build 3047.

save file using keyboard

12 år siden opdateret af Rodrigue Cloutier 12 år siden 2

It would be great if when you save a file you can specify folder and file name  in shell-like style(with tab autocompleting and so on) instead of using system  standart gui dialog. When you writing code you usualy don't touch mouse, and when you have to do it it's quite frustrating.


Find function doesn't work consistently

Ryan Rizzio 12 år siden opdateret af jan otte 11 år siden 1

I notice that when using FIND within sublime text, I can put in a word and it will not be found. I could be looking at the word "image" in my code and using find comes up with nothing. The selected text option is NOT checked either.


The Role of Tribal Group - Westhill Consulting Clinical Coding

adea stimmen 11 år siden 0

Who are we looking for?

Our exacting clients require the highest standards of service from Tribal Health Services. In the past, this has meant that we only employed accredited clinical coders, with a minimum of three years of NHS clinical coding experience and additional skills in all specialities. But this is changing …

Tribal wants experienced non-ACC clinical coders!

Now, Tribal’s looking for experienced clinical coders – even if you don’t have your ACC qualification.
Why the change? Our clients demand a very high standard of clinical coding performance but are increasingly worried about cost. They’re looking for added value.
Tribal Health Services has built its reputation supplying quality clinical coders and this will not change. To ensure quality coding is delivered, new non-ACC employees will be assessed and trained to achieve the new Tribal “Certificate of Clinical Competence”.
We’re delighted to offer non-ACC clinical coders the opportunity for further training and support with us – and encourage our employees to achieve ACC standards. But if you’re happy to remain working for us without taking your ACC, then that’s fine too!

Are you ACC qualified?

Tribal always needs ACC qualified clinical coders, too! And, Tribal can offer you additional training, support and development opportunities to become a mentor, qualified trainer or auditor. (Read about our clinical coders’ personal experiences of working with Tribal …)

Are you a qualified trainer or auditor?

If you’re a qualified trainer or auditor already, we’d be delighted to work with you and encourage you to participate in delivered training or carrying out PbR audits.

What do we offer Tribal employees?

The Tribal group employs over 2,000 people. As part of Tribal, we offer the job security that comes with a bigger business and permanent roles, with excellent training and big company benefits.

Tribal benefits for employees includes:

  • A stakeholder pension scheme with an employers contribution of 2% of your salary (rising to 4% from 1 April 2010, 6% from 1 January 2011)
  • Private medical insurance for you
  • 25 days paid holiday a year + 8 Bank holiday (pro rata for part-time employees)
  • Life assurance (4 x salary cover)
  • Paid sick leave after successful completion of probationary period

What about expenses?

Tribal offers clinical coding employees:
  • Your own mobile phone (or business calls reimbursed, if you prefer to use your own phone)
  • A laptop for each trainer and auditor
  • Paid travel expenses *
  • Car hire *
  • Hotel accommodation *
(* as part of necessary business expenses)
And, you don’t have to book your hotel or car hire! Wherever we can, we take care of all the arrangements for you.


Our clinical coders go where the need arises. So, this has involved some travelling and overnight stays. But, we’ve decided to move away from this model and develop our business along regional areas.
Tribal has over 40 offices throughout the UK. We’re now making use of our offices in Sheffield, Manchester, Birmingham and London to create regional clinical coding centres - local bases for local coders. And, we've appointed four regional clinical coding managers in these cities, so far!
Our plans mean that we actively seek local clients for local coders, with the aim to match our local coding resource to local demand.


Accurate clinical coding is critical to our clients, both in the NHS and the private sector. So, we make sure that our clinical coding consultants receive extensive training, including:
  • Foundation course
  • Coding refresher courses
  • Pre-NCCQ course
  • Obstetrics
  • Trauma and orthopaedics
  • Cardiovascular
  • Neoplasms
  • Other specialty workshops, and
  • one to one mentoring
And, we have experts at the end of the phone for your clinical coding queries whilst you are on site …

Keen to have more training and support?

At Tribal, we’re keen for people to develop with us.
We’re now recruiting experienced, non-ACC clinical coders. So, we’re keen to offer specially designed mentoring and training programmes for non-ACC coders to achieve our new Tribal "Certificate in clinical coding competence".
With our support, many of our ACC clinical coding consultants have gone on to become mentors and qualified as trainers and auditors, as well as supporting healthcare consultancy projects. (Read about our clinical coders’ personal experiences of working with Tribal …)
As part of the Tribal Group, we offer management and business skills courses, for example:
  • Introduction into management
  • Recruitment and selection
  • Performance management
  • Inspirational leadership
  • Presentation / sales skills training and "presenting with impact"
  • Facilitating groups
  • Writing excellent reports
  • Technical writing skills
  • Managing projects effectively and PRINCE 2
  • ECDL based courses in IT

As a market leader in clinical coding services, we’re committed to offering our employees ongoing support, as well as training.
Tribal holds regular coding events, so that our coding staff can catch up on new ideas and with each other. Auditor training days, followed by dinners, are a regular feature. And, we’re now planning our next trainers’ gathering …
All the Tribal Health Services team, including non-coders and business consultants, participate in these regular get togethers. Recent team away days have included a spa day in Bath for the girls and a day at an F1 centre, where driving the F1 simulator was the highlight of the day for the men! Our Christmas “do” always remains a mystery until the last moment!
Talk to us about the opportunities that could be available for you at Tribal!



Recognize patterns

Nihar Gagneja 11 år siden 0
What if Sublime Text could recognize patterns? For example, if you were creating an array with the days of the week, and you started typing:

string daysOfWeek [7] {Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 

it would offer a suggestion to complete it to

string daysOfWeek [7] {Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday};

shift-middleclick to close a tab skipping "save changes" dialog

Sergio Nalin 12 år siden 0

The title says it all :)

Shift could really be ctrl, or alt, or whatever other key. 

Just having a mouse+keyboard combination to close a tab with no forced interactions would be fantastic for when you want to quickly get rid of multiple tabs with useless temporary content.


Add a keyboard shortcut for Expand Selection to Paragraph

Andrew R. Brown 11 år siden opdateret af Sven Axelsson 11 år siden 2
It's frustrating having this selection option without a keyboard shortcut. This is VERY useful for Extempore live coding using ST.


linux c# build system

Nobody Important. 11 år siden 0

I am unable to find a build system for linux to build c#

if anyone could create one or find one i would be a very happy noobie coder


​​In the past, we must not act

li Say 9 år siden 0

In the past, we must not act. Atom, Edit Komodo, nuclide, electron, Studio Code Visual and so on have come, but also does not support IBus Chinese


Command to show view (file?) and hide side bar

Kai Grossjohann 13 år siden opdateret af Brian Gallagher 13 år siden 1
Right now, in the side bar, I can hit Enter to focus the currently highlighted file.  I would like to have the option to also close the side bar.  (As if I had typed Super+K, Super+B after hitting Enter.)

Perhaps Ctrl+Enter or Super+Enter or Alt+Enter could do that.

If users think that closing the side bar is something they need more often, they could switch the two keybindings around.

CSS closing bracket scope not set

Jon Linklater-Johnson 11 år siden 0
The closing } of CSS blocks does not have a scope set causing it to be incorrectly syntax highlighted with some themes.

I fixed this in the original TextMate bundle but it seems Sublime Text 3 has not pulled bundle fixes upstream. The fix is here:


The same change line 253 of Packages/CSS/CSS.tmLaunaguge

Essentially the endCapture string value at that line needs change from \} to (\})


how do I zoom on Sublime Text on a mac

dtueme 11 år siden opdateret af Donna Klinton 11 år siden 1

I had Sublime Text in a pc with windows as my operating system, but recently i  changed to a mac and i cannot zoom in


Undo cursor movement

Jonathan Marshall 13 år siden opdateret af Jon Skinner 13 år siden 0
On my Macs I'm forever accidentally pressing CMD and up/down and ending up at the top or bottom of the file. (Usually because I meant to press CMD and left/right - the arrow keys are tiny on modern macs)

VIM allows you to undo a cursor movement by pressing CTRL+O. So it's a pretty painless mistake in VIM but quite painful to correct in Sublime. Could this feature be added?

Jon Skinner 13 år siden
You can do this with Soft Undo, accessible from the Edit/Undo Selection menu.

The default OS X key binding is Command+U

please implement a 'dontDriveMeCrazy' option which disables all background processing and all plugins for selected files

asoki 11 år siden 0

sublime eating up all my cpu while i editing a php file with more than 4000 lines (file size 200k), even if i select plain text syntax..

to quit sublime takes 30 seconds

it would be helpful to be able to disable all this background processing...

Kundesupport af UserEcho