
"Replace" button has no default key binding

Chris Murphy fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
There appears to be no default key binding (i.e. shortcut) for the Replace button in Find/Replace, so I'm forced to use the mouse to replace text in this manner.


display ALL hidden characters

Mario Huluvu fa 11 anys 0

it is currently impossible to display some hidden characters (e.g. non joiner chars and new lines). it would be great to at least show some placeholder for unknown characters.


Is it possible to execute a command instead of inserting content for snippets?

Oktay Acikalin fa 14 anys updated by Rodrigo Flores fa 11 anys 3
Say I have text like YYYY-MM-DD and want to replace it with the value 2011-03-22. I don't want to do this via a key binding but rather via a tab trigger. The trigger would be YYYY-MM-DD and a TextCommand could return the proper content.
Is that possible?

Bracket indicator mixes comments and actual code

Jeff Yeo fa 14 anys updated by Asher Max Schweigart fa 13 anys 2
For example
1 - If(blah blah){
2 - //If(blah){ <-- commented out
3 - Code code
4 - }

The bracket indicator would pair line 2 and 4.
This happened to me in C++. I don't know how it's doing in other languages.
It would be awesome if this can be fixed.

Folders in a project don't always update

Seb Maynard fa 12 anys updated by Andy Jarrell fa 12 anys 1
I have a layout similar to:

  • prototypes
    • mm01
      • ebin
      • src
        • somefile.erl
    • mm02
      • ebin
      • src
        • somefile.erl
        • someotherfile.erl
However, sometimes it just shows the mm02 or mm02/src folder as empty - it usually seems to be only on the second or third folders (mm01 usually is correct); if I click Project->refresh folders, it updates and continues working properly. If I close SublimeText and open it again, the same seems to happen.

Having syntax highlighting for awk would be great!

Vladimir Lebedev fa 13 anys updated by Tyler Jensen fa 12 anys 1

I'm paid user of Sublime Text 2 beta. Using it for writing in Erlang and (g)AWK. It is quite sad, that sublime is not supporting awk syntax highlighting. Would pay another $59 for having it.

Best regards,

Create and edit a new temporary file

David Peixotto fa 13 anys 0
It would be nice to be able to create a new temporary file from within the editor. Many times I just want to stash some data in a file and edit it without having to give it a proper name. 

The temporary file should be deleted when the buffer is closed.

Precedence given to filenames in Goto File matches

Ryan Park fa 13 anys updated by Jon Skinner fa 13 anys 5
When I type FooBar.txt I usually mean:


in an extremely large project I'm getting far too many irrelevant matches.
Jon Skinner fa 13 anys
This is fixed in 2126

Side bar file name search

webArtisan fa 11 anys updated by Sourabh Verma fa 11 anys 3

It would be helpful to have a text zone at the top of the sidebar so we can show only the files and folders that we need by typing the name.


Uppercase regex not matching

ab30 fa 11 anys 0

[\l] or [[:l:]] or [[:lower:]] matches same characters as [\u] or [[:u:]] or [[:upper:]] in the regex find bar.

ST3 3047


Filter to show only matching lines

cmulcahy fa 13 anys updated by Yatharth Gupta fa 12 anys 2

This is probably a request for a plugin.

I'd like to be able to run a filter that provides only matching lines a la grep. I'd like it to filter out of the view any lines that do not match a provided regex. 



Mountain Lion Scrollbars

Niels Kobschätzki fa 12 anys updated by Sven Axelsson fa 12 anys 1
I'd really like to see Mountain Lion-scrollbars because they are superior to the Lion-scrollbars with the two-finger tap to make them visible and becoming wider when one tries to grab them

Hidden Characters Not Displaying

Joey Baker fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
The following characters show up as diamonds in TextMate:


However, SublimeText fails to show them at all.

Straighten quotes action

Khánh Lê fa 13 anys 0
Add edit action to straighten all quotes

Sublime Text 3 don't see settings files from the .sublime-package

kizu fa 12 anys 0

I've tried to use the new method of packaging as described in the porting guide — http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/porting_guide.html — but I use sublime.load_settings() in my plugin, and the file with settings is going with the plugin, so it's in the package.

But when I do so, the settings are not loaded — when I do sublime.load_settings("filename.json").get("settingname") it returns nothing when the plugin is packaged and returns the setting properly if it is not.


Allow translate sublime interface

Nekmo com fa 12 anys 0

Enable interface translation into different languages via plugins


Auto-complete: Display "verbose" information for the currently selected completion

Keith Holman fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
It would be very helpful (for plugin writers like me) if there was a place to display details about auto-complete options. In Eclipse, for example, the currently highlighted autocomplete suggestion has a tooltip-like panel displayed next to it that shows its documentation:

Image 111

Eclipse's version of the feature is very fancy -- merely allowing multi-line text would be more than enough to greatly improve Sublime auto-complete plugins.



Add panel param to hide_panel command

Will Bond fa 13 anys 0
I have written a plugin that uses output panels to display the result of an operation. I tried to implement an option so the output panel would hide after a specified timeout. Unfortunately the hide_panel command does not accept a panel parameter, so if the user's focus has changed to another panel (such as Goto Anything), that panel will be closed instead.

I would very much appreciate it if you would add an optional panel param to the hide_panel command. Thanks!

compilation buffer should support colorization

codex fa 13 anys 0
It would be nice to be able to tell from the build buffer whether a build has succeeded or failed based on the color, and to colorize error messages and warnings.

I'd like to use Sublime Text on my iPad ...

Joe1981 fa 11 anys 0

... will there be an ipad version?

... when will version 3 be available?