Precedence given to filenames in Goto File matches
When I type FooBar.txt I usually mean:
in an extremely large project I'm getting far too many irrelevant matches.

Jon Skinner 13 years ago
This is fixed in 2126

I'd like to add that it is especially problematic when you have situations like finding a file called :
It will match:
When all you want is a file called
In my case, the file I was looking for was the 47th result.

I made a project with the two files mentioned (with the same directory structure as given in the description), and typed "foobar" in the Goto Anything dialog. FooBar.txt was the first result, and Bar.txt was the second result, as it should be.
If you can give me a full example, I can look into this, otherwise it seems everything is working as it should.

I have a project with about 35,000+ files which you can check out (SVN) at
as user "guest" with no password.
Then try opening "LiferayRepository.java"
I'm amazed at the speed it returns results but it is returning this file near the bottom.

I've included a screen shot where the match is the 47th result, note the location of the scroll bar.

Yes, I absolutely agree with this. There seems to be too much weight given to the folder name; ideally I'd like an option to not match on folder name at all.
I guess it's large Java projects that mainly experience this issue - the example given is Liferay, but I'm finding the same problem with the Alfresco source code.
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