
Regex character classes are not locale-aware

kofkof fa 12 anys actualitzat fa 11 anys 3

Hello. The \w and similar regex character classes ([a-z], [[:alpha:]], [[:word:]], etc.) are not locale-aware in the Find/Replace panel. For example, on my french computer, \w correctly matches "a" but not "à". I first mentionned this problem here, in case it helps. Thanks.


Synchronise settings between machines, either in app or through Dropbox

Paul Jones fa 14 anys updated by Nuno Santos fa 12 anys 2
It would be great if our settings and custom packages were synchronised between installs. If doing it directly is outside the scope of the project then simply adding a setting to choose where AppData gets saved would allow us to use Dropbox or similar programs to synchronise it ourselves.

Using more than one dictionaries at the same time

Alkis Petinis fa 12 anys 0
I'm currently writing a text that contains both Greek and English words. The problem is that I can't have spell check enabled for both languages at the same time. I would either have English words underlined as mistakes or the Greek ones, according to the active dictionary. I haven't found any way to enable both at the same time, so if this feature is already present, please ignore my request.

Use checkmarks inside view menu instead of "show/hide"

Dragan Espenschied fa 12 anys 0
This is not very easy to visually scan:

Show Sidebar
Hide Statusbar
Hide Tabs
Show Console

Dependent on the visibility state of an interface element, the verbs in the View menu change.

Using checkmarks would be much more comfortable


The menu entry would start with the name of the affected interface element, always at the same position, easy to scan which element is switched on or off

SQL syntax highlighting error in concatenated python strings

Bcj Brendan fa 12 anys updated by Joel Thornton fa 12 anys 1
In python strings that are broken up onto multiple lines (e.g. see below), SQL syntax highlighting only appears on the very first line of the string.
statement = ("SELECT <col> FROM <table> WHERE "
                    "<col> = <value> AND <col> = <value>;")

RegEx search should support lookaround.

Justin Hileman fa 13 anys 0
It would be great if RegEx search were lookaround aware.

It currently allows me to use lookaround, but considers the lookaround "part of the result" not a zero-width assertion as it should be. For example this search:

should (and does) find instances of 'Foo' immediately followed by 'Bar' in my document. But if it were truly lookaround-aware, it would only select 'Foo' as the "search result", instead of 'FooBar'.


Ctrl+9 should select last tab

Skalman fa 14 anys updated by eproxus fa 11 anys 2
Instead of selecting the 9th tab, it ought to select the last tab, regardless of its position.

This would imitate behavior in Firefox and Chrome.

Selective Editing ala KEdit (REXX)

Vic Schmekli fa 13 anys updated by John Foley fa 11 anys 1

Please, Please PLEASE add selective editing as in KEdit (REXX).  Your editor will blow all others away if you add this so it's not clumsy--no others do.


KEdit is unfortunately no longer maintained.

Please? See I asked nice!


I want a preference to prevent me from editing read-only files

Steven Johnson fa 13 anys updated by Anvar Sosnitski fa 13 anys 2
I use an SCM (Perforce) that keeps most of the source tree read-only; sometimes I forget if a file is checked out for editing or not, and start editing a non-checked-out file, only to realize it when I try to save. I'd like to instead be able to have ST2 just yell at me if I attempt to change a read-only file. Lots of other editors have this setting, please let me have it in ST2 as well. (If there is such a setting, well, nevermind, but I haven't been able to find it so far...)

More control over mouse bindings

Simon Jamie fa 13 anys updated by Baltasar Sanchez fa 12 anys 1
Currently it seems that you can redefine mouse bindings but there's little or no documentation and there doesn't seem to be a way to provide a context or remove bindings altogether. I'd like to be able to completely remove some default bindings rather than have all my mouse buttons hijacked by Sublime Text.

On a mac, build 2036, when I save a new file it assumes a .txt extension and asks if I'm sure I want to use a file extension that's not .txt

Brad Gessler fa 14 anys updated by Jon Skinner fa 14 anys 2
On a mac, build 2036, when I save a new file it assumes a .txt extension and asks if I'm sure I want to use a file extension that's not .txt. Forcing a .txt is a bit presumptious since most folks are saving .txt files with different extensions (like Ruby .rb files for example).

Screenshot https://skitch.com/bradgessler/rughc/sublime-text-2

Also, when I type in Cmd + A for the file name, I get an audible bell warning.

Highlight the contents of the html style attribute like it was css code.

Ken Corbett fa 13 anys updated by Sergey Zarovski fa 13 anys 1

Right now it displays as a plain string.  The Komodo Editor has this feature and I always found it nice.


Separate build/run actions

Jurriën Stutterheim fa 14 anys 0
Currently, there is only the Build action available, but I would also like a separate Run action.
In case of Haskell, Build would call "ghc --make", while Run would call "runhaskell".

Zoomed minimap

krant fa 14 anys actualitzat fa 14 anys 1
When viewing large log files minimap navigation become too sensitive - a little scroll movement can skip several pages. It would be really nice if minimap will act as zoom lense and scrolling become more smart.

Find in files: option to not warn about "Unable to open file".

Mike Cooper fa 12 anys 0

I have a project with a lot of broken symlinks that I can't really do anything about, so most of my "find in files" searches have a few dozen garbage lines that I can't really get rid of. It would be great if there was an option to turn these warnings off.


Add indentation event listener to API

Scott Allen Baldwin fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
Add an event which fires whenever the auto-indentation rules would be applied. This would allow plugins to override the default auto-indent mechanism and apply language-specific indentation rules. A feature like this could go a long way towards making the editor more Lisp-friendly.

A really great product!

Objective Sheep fa 13 anys 0
Thank you for this wonderful text editor. I understand the new version is still young and that a lot of things will be improved in the future but the foundations are astonishingly good. Switched from Textmate and I'm loving it so far. Bought the license to add fuel to its development. Keep up the good work!

line highlighting and spell check

Perry Kibler fa 12 anys updated by Keith David Bershatsky fa 11 anys 7

On the Mac version, if you have line highlighting and spell check both set to true, the spell check (at least with the Twilight theme) is very flakey. The lines always show up, but the text will go from black to white quite often. 


Jump to matching tag

Cideo fa 11 anys 0
"jump to matching bracket" (Ctrl+M) should works with XML/HTML tags


Embed the Sublime editor into other applications as a win32 control

Francis Crick fa 12 anys 0
At work a lot of people use Sublime Text 2 as a code and text editor, and we also use custom tools that combine text editing with a variety of other editing controls for various workflows.  It would be great if we could migrate our embedded editor from Scintilla to Sublime Text, then we could have a single framework of extensions that could be used both by our custom tools, and by all our Sublime Text users.