Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


line number scroll lock

Sandor 13 лет назад обновлен Modulo m 11 лет назад 2
I love Sublime Text 2 mostly because I can set the layout to see more than one files side by side at the same time. This is very useful when comparing configuration files or translating texts. However it would be very nice to have a kind of "line number scroll lock" or "line comparison mode" between the open files function for these tasks. This means that if I scroll in one pane the others would follow, showing the same scroll or line position in all the panes.

Please add API to Goto Anything engine

Greg Williams 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 0

Option to not wait when receiving input from stdin

Asger Drewsen 12 лет назад обновлен Bill 9 лет назад 4
From doing `subl --help` you can read that "--wait is implied if reading from stdin."

However I would like to pass text to Sublime Text via a pipe, without it having to wait.
There is currently no option to do so.

Indent html lines automatically when you press enter

Eugene Pimenov 13 лет назад 0
When you have the following structure:
where | is the cursor positon, and you press enter you get:


(ignore the newline, your issue tracker is weird).

E.g. if you do that in ruby (or C++):
hello {|}
and press enter you get the following structure:
hello {

(ignore the newline here as well)
Which is the correct one. If you do the same to HTML in the TextMate you'll get the correct behavior.

better file management

Domi Barton 13 лет назад обновлен Mike Bartlett 12 лет назад 2

I would appreciate the following two functions in the project sidebar:

new file

- create new file from context menu
- instead of opening a new "untitled" file, create a new empty file and focus the filename field to (re)name the file directly after creation

duplicate file

- right click on an existing file
- select duplicate file
- copy the existing file and set the focus on the filename field to rename the duplicated file (w/o selecting suffix)

The suffix thing can be tricky, because there can be multiple suffixes (e.g. .php / .inc.php).


Better Syntax Highlighting

Rob Graham 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 6
I'd really like to see better syntax highlighting in the next version of Sublime Text 2. While we have highlighting, it's incredibly difficult to see where the relationships are. A single bracket for example { is already white. When highlighted it has a few white dots under it that are easily missed. Same goes for tags. Like Notepad ++ or Coda, PLEASE give us the options of changing colors and highlighting the whole tag/bracket. This is the biggest peeve I've ever had with your software and it's such a good program. This would complete me!!!!

Keep up the good work

Add folders and files icons to the project navigation.

Fabrice Delaneau 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 0
Adding some icons would help parsing the project more easily.
Textmate Coda or Espresso feature icons in their navigation. Textmate 2 push it further by using rather different colors for the different file type making this even easier to spot the file you search (could be specially helpful for the "Open file" part).

embedded Command Line Interpreter

sepisoad 14 лет назад обновлен Will Bond 13 лет назад 3
I think i would be cool if you embed and command line interpreter, so we can control our project easier, for example after I changed my source code I want to commit the changes, if there was and command line interpreter I could do it without leaving SublimeText.
In general adding such functionality makes the app more independent from other apps.

Edit All Occurrences of String in Scope

Itai Ferber 12 лет назад обновлен 12 лет назад 2
Xcode (the Objective-C IDE) has a great feature where you can simultaneously edit all occurrences of a string at once within a given scope. This is really handy when renaming method parameters or variable names — it saves a lot of time, and prevents any of the mishaps that Find and Replace and introduce. This would be a great addition to Sublime Text 2...

Simple localization

Ivan Smirnov 12 лет назад 0
Please add identifiers for each menu item. This allows to translate an application without change some system files by using a simple plug-in with 'Main.sublime-menu' file. For example:



    "id": "file", 
     "caption": "Файл" // for Russian 






    "id": "file", 
    "caption": "Fichier" // for French 



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