
embedded Command Line Interpreter

sepisoad 14 years ago updated by Will Bond 14 years ago 3
I think i would be cool if you embed and command line interpreter, so we can control our project easier, for example after I changed my source code I want to commit the changes, if there was and command line interpreter I could do it without leaving SublimeText.
In general adding such functionality makes the app more independent from other apps.
Like in the old file managers?

While that can be quite cool, with the CWD synced with the current file, and some env vars with the file path etc, I think the idea is that you don't need any of this since you have the python API.

In your example of committing changes, that can definitely be done via a plugins.

You can also assign a shortcut to commands like "Open PowerShell here".
This would be great, not just for version control but for running scripts (oddly, ST2 doesn't have a built-in "run this file" command for any of its syntaxes) and interacting with command-line heavy development frameworks like Rails.

The lack of integrated shell access makes full-screen mode essentially unusable for my development work. Which is a pity, because it's super-pretty.
When I first started using Sublime Text I was also thinking how nice it would be to have a full terminal available in the editor. After pondering the issue some more I realized integration like that leads to more of an IDE, and IDEs tend to have tons of mediocre tools, not the best of breed for each use.

Anyway, I solved the problem for myself by creating a plugin that allows launching a terminal in the folder of the current file being edited, the project folder, or any file or folder in the sidebar. It uses the standard terminal for your OS, but can be customized if you are running something custom. You can download it from https://github.com/wbond/sublime_terminal.

Hopefully others will find it useful too!