Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


option for turning a selection into a column selection

Gavin Stark 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 0
One thing I find missing after converting from TextMate is the ability to highlight a start/end range and hit a key to turn this into a column selection. I know I can use the menu option "Add Previous/Next Line" but I'd prefer to highlight the start and end point as a selection and transform it into a column select.

MySQL Completion

alpha logic 11 лет назад 0

MySQL completion should be included in a distinct package (currently Sublime Text 2 include MySQL completion in PHP completion), 

because some MySQL functions are already deprecated and will be removed in the future and 

because MySQL has been extended with Mysqli, Mysqlnd, Mysqlnd_ms, Mysqlnd_qc, Mysqlnd_uh, Mysqlnd_mux and Mysqlnd_memcache.

MySQL Function completion should have the full syntax



Mysqli Class completion

Mysqli_stmt Class completion

Mysqli_result Class completion

Mysqli_driver Class completion

Mysqli_warning Class completion

Mysqlnd completion

Mysqlnd_ms completion

Mysqlnd_qc completion

Mysqlnd_uh completion

Mysqlnd_mux completion

Mysqlnd_memcache completion .


Writing unicode

Jakob Jensen 11 лет назад 0

There seem to be a lack of the very basic feature to ẃrite unicode with the ctrl+shit+u keyboard shortcut. It would be very nice not to have to copy paste from terminal, browser or any other texteditor which all support unicode :/


vintage mode - under the normal mode <ctrl+v > will performe paste action which should be perform column selction

Natsuki J 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 0

With multiple select, command clicking on a caret should remove it

Aaron Harpole 12 лет назад обновлен Toby Evans 12 лет назад 1
Right now you can use ⌘-click to add more carets to the document. But if you accidentally click where you don't want one, you cannot click again to remove it. This should be added to its functionality.

[linux] deleting a file from the side bar does nothing.

Zenobius Jiricek 12 лет назад обновлен Neven Blazic 12 лет назад 1
Ubuntu Linux 12.04, Gnome-Shell
v2.0.1 build 2217
  1. Right click file or folder in sidebar
  2. [expect] to see it gone from sidebar and removed from filesystem
  3. [reality] is that nothing happens.

Markers to jump instantly between lines of code or functions

Gary Fenton 13 лет назад обновлен adzenith 13 лет назад 1

This is the coolest function from TextPad and lets you place unlimited line markers in your code. Then by pressing F2 you can jump instantly between each marker.

So if I was working on a big file and there were 3 function in particular I needed to switch between I'd put a marker in all 3 of them (Ctrl+F2) and then press F2 to jump around.

Currently Sublime only supports 1 marker which is a pitty.


Calltips/Tooltips for Auto-Completion.

Simon Birkedal 11 лет назад обновлен robertcollier4 11 лет назад 1


Sublime Text 2 is extremely fast and flexible - but there is still missing some features, the biggest lack of this else BadAss product is the Calltips for auto-completed sentences.

Like so:


Please note that this was a Custom made Calltip for World of Warcraft - using SCiTE. - Lua!!

Until this is possible with ST2 i am not willing to pay a dime for it - sorry.

Also note that i already searched the web for equal packages etc but either they don't exist or none is supporting either Windows or the Lua language.

If something like this could be made, which supports lua - doesn't have to have any premade calltips or anything included i'm sure people will upload loads of packages supporting lua/w.e language if just the scripting to make it possible has been made. - I myself is one of them!


Close tag with ALT+. has bug

Jelle de Jong 11 лет назад 0

When using ALT+. in Sublime Text 2 (without plugins, default ST behaviour), it has a bug when using XSLT:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">

  <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" indent="yes"/>

  <xsl:template match="">

Now press "ALT+." it will close as </xsl:stylesheet> not </xsl:template>


Edit in Sublime

Mark Parson 12 лет назад обновлен 12 лет назад 1

One feature I loved in Textmate was its ability to edit text in other programs. For example, if I was updating a wikipedia article, I would:

1) Place my cursor in the browser's form field
2) Click "Edit in Textmate" which opened the field's text in a new textmate file
3) After editing the text, saving the file forwarded the updated text back to the browser's form field. 

Details: ... minal.html (see items 21.4 and 21.4)

This is mac specific, but would love to see something like this for sublime. 

I'm no mac dev, but does anyone know what it would take to build this for sublime?

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