Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


visually connect matching brackets in gutter

jeandeluxe 13 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez aristidesfl 13 lat temu 1
Hi, there are several topics on matching brackets, but - unless i missed it - i haven't seen anyone proposing this: connect the matching brackets visually with a line in the gutter.. this is _very_ helpfull if brackets span a bit more than just a few lines. Here's a screenshot of how jEdit does it:

thx for listening,

key bindings should not be restricted to alphanumeric

iandennismiller 14 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Jon Skinner 14 lat temu 2
I would like to use a key binding that includes [ and ] but these are reported as being invalid. I tried { and } as well, but these were also invalid. Here is the key binding in question, and the console log:

{ "keys": ["ctrl+super+alt+]"], "command": "insert_time" },

Unknown key ]
Unable to parse binding {command: insert_time, keys: [ctrl+super+alt+]]}

This binding works when I change ] to an alpha key like n.
Jon Skinner 14 lat temu
Every key resonable key should now be bindable on OS X and Linux as of build 2046

Backspace not working

vamsi sai 12 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Miro Nieminen 12 lat temu 2

Add an option to define the default folder to open files/folders from

Tom Turton 13 lat temu 0
I can only comment on the Windows version, but when I choose File > Open Folder the path seems to start in the Sublime Text 2 folder in my User Appdata folder. I don't like to store my work in this folder, so I would like to be able to define my default folder or at least for the program to remember which folder I last opened (which it does sometimes, but is not consistent).

HTML attribute auto completion

Paul Rose 13 lat temu 0
Would be good to have attribute hinting and auto completion available.

I.e. when I type <div cl a hint would come up with 'class' - tab to complete with class="" - tab to complete is currently there, but doesnt add ="" or ='' (user preference maybe?)

Would also be good if youre in a style="" attribute to show CSS auto completes and hints.

ruler wrap off by one in distraction-free mode

Patrick Byrne 13 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Sebastian Verschoor 11 lat temu 1
I have an 80-column ruler set and word wrap on (I don't want it on but that's another matter). When I enter 'distraction-free mode' my lines which are exactly 80 characters long are wrapped at 79 characters - shockin!


get cursor position in desktop screen space coordinates

Benson Russell 11 lat temu 0
We were looking for a way to grab the desktop screen space coordinates of the cursor in ST so we could have an external plugin library display a window near the cursor.  It would be nice to have a function that could return this :).

Handling External File Changes

Jonathan Stanton 13 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Collin Donahue-Oponski 13 lat temu 1
Right now if an external programs edits the file you are currently working on, with sublime text and then if you loose focus to the window and then gain focus it prompts you with 
"Has changed on disk.
Do you want to reload it?"

So my choice is to either, 
1) loose all of my changes
2) loose all of the other persons changes (assuming I save and overwrite their changes)

It would be great if you could have merge control accept / decline changes etc.. or at very least open the changed file in a new unsaved window so I can evaluate for myself the diff.

Output Html to web browser

Shattered_Vision 13 lat temu 0
It would be nice to be able to click on a html file to be able to view it in a chosen web browser while working on html and css. I'm sure there's a way to set a macro to do this and keybind it but if maybe in the right-click context menu there was an option it would be good.

Make syntax highlight menu at the right bottom corner work with mouse wheel

Juarez Mota 13 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Nick Portelli 13 lat temu 1
Make syntax highlight menu at the right bottom corner work with mouse wheel. For example: when I need to select xml syntax, mouse wheel doesnt work, I need to click the arrow many times untill get there.