Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Implement SlickEdit's "complete-more" command

codex hace 14 años actualizado por John Hurst hace 13 años 2
SlickEdit has a feature which allows one to "continue" auto-completing a matched iine.  For example:


This will complete "foo", but I can hit "complete more" to complete the entire line one word at a time: foo->bar()->baz().  SlickEdit will show me a preview of the matching line, and I can use other keys to cycle between all matching lines to pick the one I want.  A great alternative to cutting and pasting, and one that doesn’t require any navigation.

Each "Open recent" should open the previous last opened

Bill Hunt hace 13 años actualizado por Jon Skinner hace 13 años 1
I just discovered ctrl-shift-t opens the last closed (awesome!). Pressing it again should open the second-to-last closed. A third should open third-to-last closed, etc. I.e. replicate the behavior in Chrome (ctrl-shift-t is the keystroke for this behavior in Chrome as well).

Highlighting within brackets

Peter Leary hace 12 años actualizado por Arunprasad Rajkumar hace 12 años 1

Hi there, 

Currently in sublime you get a little marker to show the start and end of any bracket you are within.  () [] or {} 

Image 239

It's handy but when you are in a large file it can be a bit like Where's Wally trying to find the other one sometimes, so I thought it might be nice if you had the option to slightly highlight that section so it's really easy to see where you are. 

Image 240

Just thought this might be kinda cool. 




When "finding next", reset x-axis view to 0

Jason Myers hace 13 años 0

When performing a "find next" within a document, if you hit a result that is "offscreen" to the right, the x axis (scrollbar) moves right so you can see the result

Then, when you continue "finding next", the scroll bar remains shifted right to the value of the previous find (which IMO is usually undesirable, since seeing the 0'th column in code is most important to gain your bearing)

My suggestion is to reset the view x-axis to 0 after every "find next"


Vintage mode: make yank work with multiple cursors

Michael hauser-r hace 11 años 0

When you have multiple cursors and copy then paste with sublime it pastes what each cursor copied. when you enter visual mode with multiple cursors, hit y and then hit p each cursor pastes what was copied from all the cursors one after the other.


Cursor doesn't move when you shift+click to select backwards

Caleb Land hace 13 años actualizado por lanzz hace 13 años 1
If I have a document with no selection, and I hold Shift and click somewhere in the document /before/ the cursor, the cursor does not move to where I clicked, but remains at the end of the selection.

Selecting forward does move the cursor forward.

Translate Sublime Text 2 to Spanish (Mexico)

Alfonso Commer hace 12 años 0

I volunteer to translate Sublime Text 2 to Spanish of Mexico. What do you think?


Option to move cursor in spaces as if they were tabs

Pelle Lindblad hace 11 años 0
Please add a feature so that the editor works identically even if the user chooses to emit spaces instead of tabs. Ie, pushing arrow right in a set of spaces would skip ahead to the next tab-stop.

Would probably make sense to add some kind of mechanics to toggle between the two if you, for whatever reason, want to reach a space in the middle of a bunch of spaces.

Please please add this. I've been changing editor like a million times mainly because of the consistent lack of said feature. If no one else cares to implement it, I will one day I will buckle down and write my editor :)

Thank you


Add ability to navigate quick panel using TAB key

Ignacy Sokołowski hace 12 años 0

When using Vintage mode, I rarely use arrow keys. It would be nice if I could navigate quick panel using TAB key instead.


Edit root files under linux

Brandon Watkins hace 13 años actualizado por Michael Kropat hace 11 años 2
It seems the this feature is only implemented in the OSX version of sublime. Under linux there is no way to edit files that need root access, since "sudo subl" does not work, and sublime does not prompt for a password (just says "unable to save"

This is a very important feature to have!