Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Blue Crown Capital | Bank of America liable for Countrywide mortgage fraud

fearlharbor 11 years ago 0

(Reuters) - Bank of America Corp was found liable for fraud on Wednesday over defective mortgages sold by its Countrywide unit, a major win for the U.S. government in one of the few trials stemming from the financial crisis.

After a four-week trial, a federal jury in New York found the bank liable on one civil fraud charge. Countrywide originated shoddy home loans in a process called "Hustle" and sold them to government mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government said.

The four men and six women on the jury also found former Countrywide executive Rebecca Mairone liable on the one fraud charge she faced.

The U.S. Justice Department has said it would seek up to $848.2 million, the gross loss it said Fannie and Freddie suffered on the loans. But it will be up to U.S. 

District Judge Jed Rakoff to decide on the penalty. Arguments on how the judge will assess penalties are set for December 5.

Any penalty would add to the more than $40 billion Bank of America has spent on disputes stemming from the 2008 financial crisis.

"The jury's decision concerned a single Countrywide program that lasted several months and ended before Bank of America's acquisition of the company," Bank of America spokesman Lawrence Grayson said. "We will evaluate our options for appeal."

Marc Mukasey, a lawyer for Mairone, called his client a "woman of integrity, ethics and honesty," adding they would fight on. "She never engaged in fraud, because there was no fraud," he said.

Wednesday's verdict was a major victory for the Justice Department, which has been criticized for failing to hold banks and executives accountable for their roles in the events leading up to the financial crisis.

The government continues to investigate banks for conduct related to the financial crisis. The verdict comes as the government is negotiating a $13 billion settlement with JPMorgan Chase & Co to resolve a number of probes and claims arising from its mortgage business, including the sale of mortgage bonds.

blue crown capital mortgages


The lawsuit stemmed from a whistleblower case originally brought by Edward O'Donnell, a former Countrywide executive who stands to earn up to $1.6 million for his role.

The case centered on a program called the "High Speed Swim Lane" - also called "HSSL" or "Hustle" - that government lawyers said Countrywide started in 2007.

The Justice Department contended that fraud and other defects were rampant in HSSL loans because Countrywide eliminated loan-quality checkpoints and paid employees based on loan volume and speed.

The Justice Department said the process was overseen by Mairone, a former chief operating officer of Countrywide's Full Spectrum Lending division. Mairone is now a managing director at JPMorgan.

About 43 percent of the loans sold to the mortgage giants were materially defective, the government said.

Bank of America bought Countrywide in July 2008. Two months later, the government took over Fannie and Freddie.

Bank of America and Mairone denied wrongdoing. Lawyers for the bank sought to show the jury that Countrywide had tried to ensure it was issuing quality loans and that no fraud occurred.

The lawsuit was the first financial crisis-related case against a bank by the Justice Department to go to trial under the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act (FIRREA).

The law, passed in the wake of the 1980s savings-and-loan scandals, covers fraud affecting federally insured financial institutions.

The Justice Department, and particularly lawyers in the office of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara in the Southern District of New York, have sought to dust off the rarely used law and bring cases against banks accused of fraud.

Among its attractions, FIRREA provides a statute of limitations of 10 years and allows the government to bring civil cases for alleged criminal wrongdoing.

Virginia Gibson, a lawyer at the law firm Hogan Lovells, said the Bank of America verdict was a "big deal because it shows the scope of a tool the government has not used frequently since its inception."

Gibson and other lawyers say any appeal by Bank of America would likely focus on a ruling made by the judge before the trial that endorsed a government position that it can bring a FIRREA case against a bank when the bank itself was the financial institution affected by the fraud.

The case was one of three lawsuits in New York where judges had endorsed that interpretation. Banks have generally argued that the interpretation is contrary to the intent of Congress, which they said is more focused on others committing fraud on banks.

Bank of America's case was the first to go to trial, a rarity given that banks more typically choose to settle government claims instead of face a jury. But Bank of America had said that it "can't be expected to compensate every entity that claims losses that actually were caused by the economic downturn."

In a statement, Bharara said Bank of America "chose to defend Countrywide's conduct with all its might and money, claiming there was no case here."

"This office will never hesitate to go to trial to expose fraudulent corporate conduct and to hold companies accountable, particularly when it has caused such harm to the public," Bharara said.

In late afternoon trading, Bank of America shares were down 27 cents at $14.25 on the New York Stock Exchange.

The case is U.S. ex rel. O'Donnell v. Bank of America Corp et al, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 12-01422.


OS specific Run configurations

Annan Yearian 12 years ago 0

I think it should be possible to have OS specific Run configurations.

So Ctrl + Shift + B does a different command in Windows than in Linux.

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Center text around cursor on keystroke

Syzygy 13 years ago updated by Gustavo Delfino 7 years ago 5
It should be possible to set a keystroke to center the current window around the cursor. That is, the current line should go to the middle of the sublime text window (even if there are no lines after the cursor), thus enabling the user to see what comes below the window-bottom.

To see this in action, open a large text file in emacs and type CTRL+L (I think QQ)
Jon Skinner 13 years ago
The Goto/Scroll menu has an entry for doing this.

On OS X, you may also want to enable the scroll_past_end setting

Keep the current position visible in the scroll pane on the right

11 years ago 0

Sublime Text 2 kept the current scroll position window visible at all times in the scroll pane on the right; bring it back, so I know where I'm at in my files!



Richard Guay 11 years ago 0

On the Mac, I use Alfred a whole lot. I use it to open files using AppleScript, but that is about all I can do with it. I would like to be able to setup default window layouts, but Sublime does not respond to any scripting commands of that nature. I dear say others would like to have some way to control Sublime from the outside using some scripting language (python, node, zsh, etc). On X Windows, this would be easy. But, under OS X, I have not found any way to do it (window layout control). If plugins can control window placement, then it would be easy to write a plugin for this (I think).

+1 doesn't allow '.' char

The regular expression for matching the xml tag localname isn't correctly.

the '.' is allowed in the localname so the correct expression should be:


If have simply added the \. in the last group ... could you please add this in the XML.tmLanguage file THX ...

And: Sublime text is amazing! I will purchase a licence for Xmas for ME ;)


File doesn't appear in "Find in Files" result if it contains ASCII control character 1C

Alex Warren 12 years ago 0
If a file contains ASCII character 1C ("File separator"), then it never appears in "Find in Files" results.

Searches within the document seem fine, it's just for "Find in files" that it doesn't appear.

To reproduce, create a file containing some known text, plus a 1C character. Then find in files for that known text. The file does not appear in the results.

Please, add F# to SublimeText!

Caxap Puc 9 years ago 0

Functional languages need to get boost:)


Snippet for multiply scopes

baurzhan zhakashev 12 years ago updated by FichteFoll 12 years ago 1





<!--      assert_equal(${1:expected}, ${0:actual}) -->






not working for scope.html

how to do it for several scopes


File modified status (*) out of sync on title bar in Linux

T-R 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 1
Very minor bug -  In Linux, when a file is modified or saved with ctrl+s, an asterisk is added to or removed from the tab, but not always in the title bar. The tab title always reflects the proper state, whereas after this happens the title bar shows the opposite state as the tab (i.e. ctrl+s adds an asterisk, modifying removes it), until they are resynchronized (either by producing the bug again, or switching tabs).

I have been able to reproduce this most consistently by deleting whitespace from an opened file that is unmodified since last saved. I have also produced this bug in other ways, but have been unable to do so consistently.

I am running the latest build (2051) on Ubuntu Desktop 64bit.