Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Crash when opening a large file over 4GB in size

Robo210 Robo210 hace 12 años actualizado por Carlos K. hace 12 años 1
When trying to open a 4GB file, it will load for a while then crash, presumably when it runs out of address space. Even if it can't open files this large, it would be nice to see an error message rather than crashing.

Better highlighting of caret and matching parentheses

eproxus hace 12 años 0
For example, a block cursor and changed color or background of carets would make a big difference.

Where's my cursor?
Image 134

Spell checking only within HTML tags

Oliver Caldwell hace 13 años actualizado por Mikael Henriksson hace 13 años 1
Currently if you turn on spell checking while in a HTML (or similar document) almost all tags will be marked as incorrect.

Would it be possible to have selected spell checking? So within tags in HTML and within strings in other languages?

OS X 10.5.8

Patricia Lewis hace 12 años 0
Is there a version of Sublime Text Editor for 10.5.8. I cannot use the currect Sublime Text 2 on my computer.

Add an "Open in Finder" option when right-clicking on open files/tabs

Dino Angelov hace 12 años actualizado por robertcollier4 hace 12 años 1

Would be really helpful if there was a context menu option to open this file in Finder right from the open files tree on the left, or the tab bar. Otherwise, one has to hunt down the exact same file in the "folder" tree and then right click to Open in finder, which for large projects takes substantially longer than right clicking on the open file.

Image 224


Avoid blocking other tabs while saving via SSH (via gvfs)

Andrea Olivato hace 12 años 0

When saving/opening a remote file from a folder mounted locally (for example using gvfs on gnome based systems) the editor freezes for a few seconds (the time needed to save the current file).

It would be nice if the process of saving was blocking only the busy tab, leaving us the possibility to switch tab and continuing editing other files.


Please support more encodings for Asian users!

Heejun Kim hace 12 años actualizado por Sean Liang hace 12 años 1
Please please support more encodings for Asian users.
like EUC-KR and Shift-JIS.
(Korean and Japanese users are really need to use these encodings.)

Indent guide highlighting changed?

Asher Max Schweigart hace 13 años actualizado por Ryan Schumacher hace 11 años 3
I love the highlighted indent guides that were added in 2139, but since then they have changed. In 2139 the active guides would be highlighted, and the non-active would be the standard color:
Image 92
in 2181 that feature changed. The highlighting was no longer there:
Image 93
but can be re-added with "indent_guide_options": ["draw_active"]:
Image 94
Notice though that now only the active guides are being drawn, the other ones are not being rendered.
I like the way indent guides were in the 2139. Is there a setting I am missing to change it back to this?

Visual indicator of word wrap

Bryan Clark hace 12 años 0

I would love an option for more of a visual indicator of word wrap than just a gap in the line numbering. For example, a light line of dots extending from the gutter to the text of the wrapped line. As it stands, I hate word wrap, but I would gladly trade a few (clearly) wrapped lines to fit another column on my screen.


TextMate-like diff coloring.

Ryan Parman hace 13 años actualizado por Iulius Curt hace 12 años 1
TextMate has really good line coloring for diff files. I'd love to see similar coloring for diff files in Sublime Text 2.