Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


sublimetext 2 and 3 beta menu are disable on Ubuntu 13.10 Gnome 3.10

udomsak chundang fa 11 anys 0
I use sublimetext 2 and 3 Beta on Ubntu Linux 13.10 after i replacement  my desktop from Unity to Gnome 3.10  then  SublimeText  menus both version 2 and 3 Beta not working ( disable ) .

But  Shortcut command some work fine ( nothing to test all ).  

Even if  i try to delete ~/.config/{sublime config}  but nothing to fix any


Publish files remotely on target box

Aurélien Slodzian fa 12 anys 0

Several people mentioned the usefulness of remote editing via ssh or sftp. That would allow one to edit scripts/programs on a remote machine.

Such a feature, if coupled with a terminal window would indeed boost the edit/test cycle.

However, it would be even better if one could edit files locally and, at some point, when the code is ready, publish it on a remote box, e.g. for testing.

In order to do so now, I have manually copy (drap or scp) the file to the remote box and then switch to a terminal window or browser for testing.

The idea would be to keep the reference source code on the local computer and to have a testing/running copy on the remote box. But that would require that ST2 keeps some sort of mapping between the local files and the path of their remote counterparts.


Sublime Python import error

Aman Kapur fa 12 anys actualitzat fa 12 anys 2

I'm writing a plugin for sublime and require sleekxmpp module from python. Upon importing it, I get an error saying module not found. I copied the sleepxmpp folder into my plugin directory and that worked but created more import problems. I've run other python applications with sleekxmpp on my machine and have had no such errors. 

Does sublime use it's own version of python?Is there a way to link the python path for sublime to the local python installation path so all imports work ok ?


Is there a way to highlight the line where the cursor is?

Felipe Cypriano fa 13 anys updated by Kai Grossjohann fa 13 anys 2
Currently SF2 highlights the line number where the cursor is, but I'd like the whole line to be highlighted.

I'd like to be to create a project from a folder in the right-click context menu

James Lamar fa 12 anys 0

This would make project creation much easier IMO


question preview feature

drwe fa 11 anys 0

In the preview pane can I make the entire text of any file fit in the available space? I'd rather see the whole file without scrolling rather than scroll - even at the loss of resolution.


Ruby 2 array of symbols

Ruby 2.0 introduce new syntax for symbol arrays. Ruby.tmLanguage should recognize "%i(...)" as a symbols array like "%w(...)". How can i achieve this?


Undo close tab restores position in file

Angus Iron fa 11 anys updated by Matthijs Steen fa 11 anys 1

Hey, when you ctrl+shift+t to restore a tab it goes to the top of the file instead of where you were in the file. It would be great if Sublime could go back to the same spot in the file. Thanks for the great editor!


subl cmd utility broken in 2200?

aristidesfl fa 12 anys updated by Carlos Duarte Do Nascimento fa 11 anys 1
subl command line utility which comes with sublime seems not to be opening the files passed as paramenters. 
Instead it just opens a new file.

Anyone else seeing this?

Typo when 'saving workspace as'

Dunnkers fa 11 anys 0
When selecting: Project > Save Workspace, then in the file chooser, the word 'workspace' in the type is spelled wrong: it says "Sublime Text Wokrspace".

Image 275

Edit: I'm using Windows 8.1 with Sublime Text 3 x64