Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


ST doesn't honor OS X smooth scrolling setting

Alexander S. 14 років тому оновлено Hendrik Mans 14 років тому 1
ST always smooth-scrolls the editor. In OS X there is a system-wide setting to enable/disable smooth scrolling, which I prefer to keep this off due to the latency involved in scrolling; however, ST does not honor that setting.

Live preview of themes

Polychronis Ypodimatopoulos 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 2
It would be great if I could choose from a theme list and preview the results live, without the list going away like it does when choosing from the menu.

Very long lines not rendered correctly

kib2 14 років тому оновлено Jon Skinner 14 років тому 1

I'm under Win7, with Sublime Text 2 editing a JavaScript file.

Some parts of long lines disappears for no apparent reason.
See a little video here:

Can someone confirm please ?
Jon Skinner 14 років тому
Should be fixed in build 2020

libpng12 is outdated library.

Oskarae Vulgaris 13 років тому оновлено Mark Keisler 13 років тому 2
Neet support new one to run Sublime on Arch linux.
Current version (for 20.12.2011):
$ pacman -Ss libpng
extra/libpng 1.4.8-1 [installed]
    A collection of routines used to create PNG format graphics files

syntax highlighting for new-style {} string formatting in python

glyph 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 0
%-style (AKA old-style) format codes are highlighted within Python strings in the included Python bundle, but {}-style (AKA new-style, AKA .format() style) format codes are not.  It would be great to highlight those as well.

Add sublime.Window.open_folder(folder_name) to API

Glen Robertson 13 років тому оновлено Felipe Prenholato 12 років тому 1
Give the API the ability to open a folder in the current window, similar to sublime.Window.open_file()
Would be useful for some plugins - e.g. the open module plugin so module folders can be opened.

Replace All keyboard shortcut

bits 14 років тому 0
Previously, Alt-Enter in the replace panel triggered Replace All, but since around version 2020, this has stopped working

Visual indicator of word wrap

Bryan Clark 12 років тому 0

I would love an option for more of a visual indicator of word wrap than just a gap in the line numbering. For example, a light line of dots extending from the gutter to the text of the wrapped line. As it stands, I hate word wrap, but I would gladly trade a few (clearly) wrapped lines to fit another column on my screen.


The clipboard can differ from the selected text [linux]

Matteo Bertini 14 років тому оновлено Johnny DvC 14 років тому 1

- select <foo():>
- move away
- middle click to paste

Actual Result
<foo()> <- quite random

Expected Result

Build 2046

word_separators is ignored for match_selection

Denis Sokolov 13 років тому 0
If i remove a character off word_separators and double-click a string containing that character, Sublime does not show me all other instances of that text.
In PHP I want to remove $ from word_separators.
Previously if I double-click on a variable, the variable without the dollar sign would be selected and all the other uses of the variable are highlighted.
After I removed $ from word_separators, however, although the whole variable is selected, all the other uses of the variables are not highlighted.