Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


snippet to create a snippet

Jonathan King 13 лет назад 0
This is an idea straight from the top of my head, but the tools->New Snippet, to me, seems to defeat the purpose of the power of the snippet. Why not create a function that when you create a new snippet, you can tab through the new snippet like a regular one?

I threw this together as my first one (I'm new to sublime text, I'm still dealing with an escaping issue, but you get the just of my idea)


         <![CDATA[${1:Enter your snippet here}]]${2:>}
         <!-- Optional: Tab to trigger to activate the snippet -->
              <tabTrigger>${3:Enter your trigger here}</tabTrigger>

         <!-- Optional: Scope the tab trigger will be active in -->
              <scope>${4:Enter Scope Here}</scope>

         <!-- Optional: Description to show in menu -->
              <description>${5:Enter your Snippet Description Here}</description>


    <!-- Optional: Tab trigger to activate the snippet -->
    <!-- Optional: Enter the scope the tag trigger will be active in -->

    <!-- Optional: Description to show in the menu -->



Open as Sublime Project

funkjedi 14 лет назад обновлен Leon Zhang 13 лет назад 1
Add "Open as Sublime Project" to the context menu in Windows Explorer when right clicking on a folder.

Smart Caps for Find dialog

Nick Fisher 13 лет назад обновлен Markus Peter 13 лет назад 1
In Komodo, there are three "caps" matching options for Find: case-insensitive, case-sensitive and Smart Caps. In Smart Caps mode, if there are any upper case letters in the search term, it is case-sensitive, if it is all lower case, it is case-insensitive.

"foo" finds "foo", "Foo" and "FoO"
"Foo" only finds "Foo"

More relevant and informative code hints!

Erlend. 12 лет назад обновлен jan otte 12 лет назад 0

Sublime Text 2 needs more relevant and informative code hints! This is especially needed for object-oriented languages! This may come naturally if you implement build paths for some languages, like Java. Related:


Column Selection

Brent Dillingham 14 лет назад обновлен Jon Skinner 14 лет назад 0
TextMate allows you to do "column selection", by holding option while making a selection, or by making a normal selection and tapping option once.
Jon Skinner 14 лет назад

Support Arbitrary Pane Layouts

Chad Ostrowski 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 4

^ I should be able to do that. Like in vim. :-)

And then Cmd-T can support opening in a split pane by pressing <C-V> (new vertical pane) or simply <C-CR> (new horizontal pane).

And also, Vintage mode could support `:sp` and `:vs`.

Fix increaseIndentPattern for Erlang

kutu 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 1
no auto-indent after "->\n"

pattern should be:



Jan Pipek 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 0
I can't run Sublime Text 2 (build 2165) in 64bit linux due to newer libpng in my system. Could the executable be version-unspecific and tested against libpng14&15? 
Thank you,

Shortcut icon disappeared

Marco Kellershoff 12 лет назад 0

My icon of the shortcut for sublime text 2 acciedentially disappeared after registering. At least I think so. Weird thing is, that I am using it at 2 different computers, both running Win 7 and at my desktop it works and on my laptop it just disappeared.


Windows: Support scrolling in long menus or use multipane menus

Joel Thornton 14 лет назад 0
Long menus such as View->Syntax are a pain to use in Windows. They are not scroll-wheel aware, leaving repeatedly clicking of the "down" arrow as the only way to scroll the list.

Two ideas:

* Hook the mouse scroll wheel when over these menus.

* Break long menus into a series of menu panes stacked horizontally next to each other. This can be seen in some other Windows applications, e.g. XP's Start->Programs menu.

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