Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Vintage mode: 0 selected regions

Kristijan Husak hace 11 años 0
I'm using Vintage mode in Sublime Text 3, and i found one bug.
When i create an empty tag in html (<div></div>), and put my cursor on the opening div tag, in command mode pressing "cit" should empty anything inside the tag and put cursor in it.
This action works when there is something in the tag, but in the case when its empty, my cursor just disappears and in the bottom status bar i get info "0 selected regions", and i can get cursor back on the editor only if i manually click on it, no other way. This functionality in Vim works fine, so i guess it's ST3 related bug. Is there maybe a way to fix it ? Thanks.

Linux: Trigger sftp mounting when you open a project

Scott Bowers hace 14 años actualizado por Shauna Gordon hace 13 años 1
On linux, when you have folders added to a project over an ftp or sftp mount, sublime won't auto mount the volume if the mount isn't already mounted.

Most applications will trigger automatically mounting the volume, but sublime does not.  This means when sublime opens the project, all of your files are opened, but they are empty.  You then have to mount the volume, cycle through all of your tabs and reload each one.

Split a row into multiple views

Cristiam Reinoso hace 12 años 0

Basically I'd like the ability to have 2 rows and split the bottom row into multiple columns.

So I guess add the ability to create custom layouts that allow combos of splitting rows and columns as needed.


Layout should be local to current window, it should not change the state of all new windows

Allen A. Bargi hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
from time to time, I want to change my layout to two columns but then it will make all the new windows I open after that in the same layout. which is not probably what we want. 

Layout command should only change the current window by default, we can have another command to globally change the layout. 

Converter for transfering configuration files from other editors (primarily Notepad++).

Vadim Tukaev hace 13 años 0
Mainly I mean syntax highlighting (for exotic language), but not only. Even transfer of the color scheme can be useful. It will allow to work in a habitual situation right now, without control of a new environment. I very much like theme "Hot Frudge Sundae" in Notepad++, for example. I liked Sublime Text, but I can't migrate to it because I need make break in work for this purpose.

Move view command

Mark Steve Samson hace 13 años actualizado por Heinrich hace 12 años 2
I checked the API reference and there seems to be no command to move a view's position in the tabs bar. Maybe I just missed it (it's being done by a mouse drag after all...) but if it isn't available yet I would like to request for its addition. I find it more convenient to use Cmd + Shift + { or } to move around the tabs and Cmd + Shift + Left or Right (the keyboard binding I would probably use) to move the tabs' position.

Regex/Javascript syntax highlighting bug

Austin Condiff hace 12 años actualizado por Rockallite Wulf hace 10 años 1

I am using regex to validate an email input field as described here:

When I use that regex in my javascript, the syntax in rest of my document after the regex is incorrectly highlighted. Try copying and pasting the following code into a javascript file.

if($('').val() == '' || !$('').val().match(/[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?/)) {

        hasError = true;


        console.log('Email is at fault');


Is anyone else having this issue? I am using ST3, pretty sure it does it in 2 as well.


Add support for SASS css styling so it recognizes scss files

James Smith hace 12 años actualizado por Jake Wilson hace 11 años 1

Add suport for SASS styling so it recognizes scss files and syntax highlighting.  Sass is becoming widely used for python - django projects and ruby - rails projects.  Would be great to see this supported.


Word Highlighting / Matching words color

Krys AkaSpectral hace 11 años 0

When I double click on a word, it select it.. but I would like to see (with highlighted color) all the other matching words in the file !

I have see a blog post about that :

But it is difficult to see theses words... it will be fine to have a FULL background color (Something like read + border ...) and not only a simple border.


GoTo last edit in File

Stanislav Bozhkov hace 11 años 0
I miss this feature from VIM. I think it would be helpful to have a similar functionality in SublimeText, too.

Or maybe I'm missing something, and it has already been implemented?