Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Code hint documentation and a FTP client!

Vinicius Cenci hace 13 años 0
What SublimeText 2 really needs (to make me leave Dreamweaver) is to implement documentation directly on code hits (like in Dreamweaver) and on the next versions a  FTP client feature. With this 2 features will be more awesome to develop in SublimeText! 

Advanced snippets

Erwan Richard hace 13 años actualizado por Liam Cain hace 13 años 4
Please provide nested substitution, python code evalution or builtin commande evalutaion inside snippet content.

I'm trying to make a PHP class definition snippet with classname and namespace according to the current filename and the filepath. 
The problem is that I need to make 2 or 3 substitutions of TM_FILEPATH to properly get the namespace declaration.

A great functionnality would be the possibility to evaluate some python code or a set of builtin command with a kind of `substitute('foo','f','b')` syntax like in vim snippet.

Goto Anything should accept relative paths: "./Foo" would search in the focused file's directory

Jordi Boggiano hace 13 años 0

Sometimes I do have one file open and would like to open one that sits besides, but has a fairly common name, this can happen quite a bit in large projects with deep structures and many files.

The ability to say "look only in path x" easily by starting my search with "./" or "../" etc would help narrow down the possibilities quite a bit.


Add text to files and folders in the side bar

Nick Fisher hace 13 años 0
If it were possible to have plugins add text to folders (and files?) in the sidebar, I could see some great uses out of it. For example, it would be really helpful to be able to see the current git branch I'm working on, or which files have been modified since the last checkin.

eg (imagine this is the sidebar):

JSDocs (develop)
- (*)
- Base File.sublime-settings

This shows that the JSDocs folder is on the develop branch and that I have local modifications to

Visual feedback when browsing the views stack

aristidesfl hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 2
Using a combination of "Goto Anything..." + "next/prev_view_in_stack" can be a very efficient complement/alternative to tabs, both in terms of speed and space.

When browsing the views in the stack, a representation of the views, and an indicator of witch view is currently being displayed would be really useful (pretty much like the application switcher in Windows, Ubuntu(alt+tab) or Mac OS X(cmd+tab)). 

This could be achieved with a palette containing the views in the stack, which gets shown when the "next_view_in_stack/prev_view_in_stack" is called, and dismissed when the modifier key (cmd/alt/ctrl) used in the shortcut is released.

Allow copying of segments highlighted by search.

Pranava Adduri hace 13 años actualizado por Jon Skinner hace 13 años 1
When searching for a pattern (be it regex or plain text), Sublime auto-highlights all matches to the expression. It would be invaluable for log analysis to be able to copy ALL the highlighted/outlined chunks to the clipboard. Some key combo to allow this would be super handy. Thanks!
Jon Skinner hace 13 años
Use the Find All button on the find panel to select all the matches, you can then copy them to the clipboard as usual.

Remove/lock the 'Ideas and Feature Requests' forum

Skalman hace 14 años actualizado por aristidesfl hace 14 años 1
This is about the website:
When entering there's nothing indicating that you shouldn't use the 'Ideas and Feature Requests' forum. Either there should be a clear link here, or else there should be a sticky in that forum indicating that feature requests go here, preferably while also locking that forum in order to prevent people from submitting feedback in vain.

Chrome-like label for opening a new tab

Artem Gordinskiy hace 13 años actualizado hace 12 años 2
It would be very handy.

Transient Side Bar

Kai Grossjohann hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
WIBNI there was a way to make the side bar "transient"?  In this mode, a keybinding would open the side bar and then focus it straight away.  And selecting a file in the side bar would select the file, focus it, and hide the side bar.

Left side scrollbars

Brian Vito hace 13 años 0
Have an option to have scrollbars and/or minimap on the left side of windows; the scrollbar and minimap options should be separate (i.e., it should be possible to keep the minimap on the right and move the scrollbars to the left).