Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Favourite languages

Josef . 12 år siden 0

 When clicking the button in the bottom right corner to select another language (syntax highlighting, that is), I'm greeted by a screen high menu.

It would be very convenient to have a "favourite languages" feature, which effectively groups all the non-favourites into a separate "other languages" submenu, thus saving me scrolling around and looking for that one of maybe 5 languages I could possibly need.


Is there a way of selecting all highlighted words?

Noor 13 år siden opdateret af Nolan Amy 11 år siden 7
After sublime highlights all occurrences of a selected word, is there a way to expand the selection to all highlights?


Feature Request: Put new tabs at the rightmost place in the tab bar, optionally

Jan Becker 13 år siden opdateret 13 år siden 0
first of all, thanks for your great text editor! I use it on a daily basis, and already bought a license (Under my private email adress).

I have a feature request (i'm not sure if the feature is already available, i didn't find it):
I would like to have the option that new tabs are added at the the rightmost place. Currently new tabs are added at the right of the currently selected tab. For me, that gets confusing. I would like to close all new tabs at once, and leave the old ones open. If new tabs were added at the rightmost place, i could simply use the "close tabs to the right" command. 
For Chrome, new tabs are opened at the rightmost place per default (not necessarily right of the currently active tab).

Take my money!

Xavura 13 år siden 0
I've tried dozens of editors over the years on every platform and this is by far my favourite. I  actually legitimately look forward to the day I can afford to buy a license, it's that good.

save_on_focus_lost enabled prevents Goto Anywhere from opening sometimes

Kasima Tharnpipitchai 13 år siden opdateret af Michel Vielmetter 13 år siden 4
I have 'save_on_focus_lost' enabled.  When I'm typing quickly in the document and then hit super+p, the Find menu (in the menubar) will flash as it normally does, but the Goto Anywhere overlay does not open.  It doesn't happen every time but it does happen often.  When I turn off 'save_on_focus_lost', the behavior goes away, Goto Anywhere is reliable again.  

It might be affecting more than the Goto Anywhere behavior.  That's just the one I've seen.

I'm on OS X 10.7.2, ST2 2139

Plugin to activate fullscreen always?

aristidesfl 13 år siden opdateret 13 år siden 0
I would like to have sublime always in fullscreen.
even when new files are opened/created.
Is it possible with the current API to create a plugin which enforces fullscreen in this cases?



obey preferred browser (OS setting)

Mateusz Mucha 13 år siden 0
ST2 opens URLs (for example when I click on Help -> Documentation) in Firefox, while my "preferred web browser" (a setting specified in my desktop environment's "preferred applications" tool) is Google Chrome.

I'm using ST 2.0.1, build 2217 on Linux Mint 13.  MATE 1.2.0 is my desktop environment.

Show and map the colors used in the current file.

DJ Pannella 12 år siden opdateret af Jeff Pannone 12 år siden 1

Create a panel or window that shows and maps the colors used in the current file, especially CSS files. Attached is a screen grab from TopStyle 4.

Image 213


Highlight the colon as operator with Ruby 1.9-style hashes

Lance Ivy 12 år siden opdateret 11 år siden 2

When both keys and values are symbols, the colors all run together. A simple fix would be to not consume the colon in the regular expression. I was able to accomplish this by changing "(:)(?!:)" to "(?=:)(?!::)", as in:


















Alt+backspace on a word should not delete whitespace

Alexander S. 14 år siden opdateret 13 år siden 2
Consider the following text, where | indicates caret:
{"foo": bar|}
Now if I hit alt+backspace to delete the word "bar", I get:
That's not good. It means I have to enter the space again. It doesn't really make sense for any kind of use case, I think. There are all sorts of situations (eg., arithmetic expressions like foo + bar + baz) where you'd like to position the caret at the end of a word and delete the word to replace it with something else.

I could use super+D to expand the selection + delete, but that works only if the caret is on a word, not something more complex like a quoted string.

Kundesupport af UserEcho