
Access Terminal (Mac OSX) while in Distraction Free Mode.

Philip David Harvey 13 years ago 0
Rather than the python console (I don't use Sublime for writing python). I use it for Node.js and Mono

Windows 7 Alt + Space + N does not minimize

L N 13 years ago 0
On Windows 7 x64, Build #2111, pressing Alt + Space + N does not minimize the window like it does with most other applications.  Both "Minimize" and "New File" have "n" as their hotkey.

Add support for color highlighting in Console Tab

Fran Diéguez 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
This is particular useful for executing Test Suites with pymox or phpunit as these frameworks puts green for successfully executed tests or red for failed test.

show inconsistent indentation bugs

Vincent Côté-Roy 14 years ago 0
for indent-sensitive languages like python, ruby, etc., enable a mode where inconsistent indentation is highlighted. for example, 3-space indent surrounded by 4-space indent.


How do you have a code outline w/ sublime text 2?

John Asmuth 14 years ago updated by Shoaib Burq 13 years ago 2
I searched through the "ideas" section, and found a post saying that we already have a way to make an outline based on expression matching. My question is, how do you do this in sublime text 2?

Sublime 2 slow when working with remote projects

Scott Bowers 14 years ago updated by Hans Nielsen 13 years ago 2

Recently, I've been using sublime with a remote sftp project through a VPN.  I've noticed that when sublime loads this project the sublime interface will gradually get slower over time.

Normally, after about an hour of use, there will be a delay between typing and when the characters display.  Command keys, like find/replace will take 1-2 seconds to open, etc.

This problem will only occur when I open a remote project. If I stick to local projects, sublime will respond quickly. But if I switch to a remote project, even for just a second and then back again, sublime's response will degrade over time.

The problem isn't related to saving files, although saving files does freeze sublime until the operation completes.  

This is on Ubuntu 11.04.


Panes navigation with keyboard

gearheart 13 years ago updated by Jan Olsen 13 years ago 3
It would be nice to have keyboard navigation between panes. It's really hard to use Sublime Text after Vim without this.

startup to sowly

志龙 黄 14 years ago updated by Davis Ford 13 years ago 1
when i open a file it cost me about 5S to open it

"Open Terminal here" as tab instead of window if possible

Brian Gilbert 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
I used the iTerm.sh as a basis for this:


CD_CMD="cd "\\\"$(pwd)\\\"" && clear"
VERSION=$(sw_vers -productVersion)

if (( $(expr $VERSION '<' 10.7) )); then
    tell application "System Events"
        count(processes whose name is "Terminal")
    end tell

if (( $RUNNING )); then
  tell application "System Events"
    tell process "Terminal" to keystroke "t" using command down
    tell application "Terminal"
        do script with command "$CD_CMD" in window 1
    end tell
    tell application "Terminal"
        do script with command "$CD_CMD" in window 1
        end tell
    end tell


See filename of currently active documents

James Harris 14 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 13 years ago 1
I want to be able to see the path of the current document I have open in each editing pane. I often have files open for different sites with the same name, so I'd like to be able to see I'm editing the correct file without having to hover over the tab name to verify each time.
Jon Skinner 13 years ago
This was added in build 2091

Completion overlay size too small

Oktay Acikalin 14 years ago 0
When hitting ctrl+space for getting the completion overlay popped up, many of our longer class/method/function names get shortened to fit into the narrow window. It seems to be the fuzzy algo which does this. It would be better to let the window grow horizontally a little more - the screen is big enough :).

Screenshot: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/587049/sublime%202034%20too%20narrow%20overlay.png

Haskell Syntax Highlighting - improper highlighting in import and module declarations

T-R 14 years ago 0
statements like:

module Text.Disassembler.X86Disassembler(
  ) where


import Text.Disassembler.X86Disassembler

leave 86, 86function, and 86 (respectively) unhighlighted.


import Control.Applicative((<$>),(<*>))

leaves (<*>) unhighlighted (&, and other characters that might be used in operators are also unhighlighted).

Project Name's Listed Above Folders On Sidebar (on title bar too?)

Cody Morgan Massin 13 years ago updated by AJ Michels 12 years ago 1
I would like it if a project could have a name associated with it and if it can be listed in the sidebar above or around 'folders'. It would also be great if this could be listed on the title bar as well. I have multiple sites with near identical folder structures. Adding all the different sites into one project is not realistic due to to many speed reasons and search reasons etc. Thank you so much!


Michael Aye 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1
For the wisdom of Feynman I can't make my PYTHONPATH known to the build system. I have now added it to the Environment.plist (rebooted), to my .bash_profile and also added the commands to make it known to the launchctl on my Mac. But still SublimeText can not find my PYTHONPATH.
I also tried to set an ENV variable with the build system as somebody else tried on stack overflow, but as for him it was unsuccessful for me as well.
It really should not be so hard to do this, should it?
Any other ideas?

Showing function's arguments when typing "(".

Jefrey Sobreira Santos 12 years ago 0

 For example, if I type "unlink(", a tooltip will be openned with the arguments: "unlink(string $file..."


control click html links to open them in browser

KimatBoven CredUcl 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1

Please fix the mouse trap below the mini code preview area

Alan Hogan 13 years ago 0
Clicking in this invisible area for extremely valid reasons has the unintentional, immediate, and frustrating effect of scrolling me all the way down to the bottom.

I understand “why” this happens — clearly the preview thing extends to the bottom of the window — but it should not

This is very annoying and frustrating when it comes up. It forces me to think about yet one more thing when working with my code, and reduces my target click area at the end of long lines (violating Fitts’ Law).

Image 130


Jeremy Duff 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
A joy to use and if it stays in beta forever, even better!

Remember encodings for saved session

Pavel Perestoronin 13 years ago 0
When remember_open_files option is True it's desirable to remember encoding with which every file was opened. E.g. if I've opened a file, then chosen "Reopen with encoding - Windows 1252", closed the editor and then opened it - I would like to see my opened file in Windows 1252.

Open project opens new window

Michael Mackus 13 years ago updated 12 years ago 3
Hi, when I "open project" it normally opens a new sublime window for the new project. This is great when I'm juggling multiple projects at one time. However, when I have no project "open" and I go to project -> open, it still opens the new project in a new window. IMO it would be a lot easier if it just opened the project in the same sublime window (but only if there isn't already an existing project open).
