Access Terminal (Mac OSX) while in Distraction Free Mode.
Windows 7 Alt + Space + N does not minimize
Add support for color highlighting in Console Tab
show inconsistent indentation bugs
How do you have a code outline w/ sublime text 2?
Sublime 2 slow when working with remote projects
Recently, I've been using sublime with a remote sftp project through a VPN. I've noticed that when sublime loads this project the sublime interface will gradually get slower over time.
Normally, after about an hour of use, there will be a delay between typing and when the characters display. Command keys, like find/replace will take 1-2 seconds to open, etc.
This problem will only occur when I open a remote project. If I stick to local projects, sublime will respond quickly. But if I switch to a remote project, even for just a second and then back again, sublime's response will degrade over time.
The problem isn't related to saving files, although saving files does freeze sublime until the operation completes.
This is on Ubuntu 11.04.
Panes navigation with keyboard
"Open Terminal here" as tab instead of window if possible
CD_CMD="cd "\\\"$(pwd)\\\"" && clear"
VERSION=$(sw_vers -productVersion)
if (( $(expr $VERSION '<' 10.7) )); then
tell application "System Events"
count(processes whose name is "Terminal")
end tell
if (( $RUNNING )); then
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Terminal" to keystroke "t" using command down
tell application "Terminal"
do script with command "$CD_CMD" in window 1
end tell
tell application "Terminal"
do script with command "$CD_CMD" in window 1
end tell
end tell
See filename of currently active documents
Completion overlay size too small
Screenshot: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/587049/sublime%202034%20too%20narrow%20overlay.png
Haskell Syntax Highlighting - improper highlighting in import and module declarations
Project Name's Listed Above Folders On Sidebar (on title bar too?)
Showing function's arguments when typing "(".
For example, if I type "unlink(", a tooltip will be openned with the arguments: "unlink(string $file..."
control click html links to open them in browser
- hotkey to open a selection of links
- cf. http://superuser.com/questions/209258/open-http-links-from-notepad-to-default-web-browser
Please fix the mouse trap below the mini code preview area
![Image 130](/s/attachments/2013/1/0/81dfb66d5e52c0c4729ff6a5c0398a2b.png)
Remember encodings for saved session
Open project opens new window
Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho