+7 041

Does SublimeText support programming ligatures font,like Fira Code?

rainki 9 лет назад обновлен Gustavo Reis 7 лет назад 95

I wish use programming ligatures font like FiraCode in Sublime improve visual performance.

But haven't found the way.


3k votes and no determination of the support part

I started think Sublime Text is abandoned :(


I agree that is a little disappointing not having ligatures... but from that to say it is abandoned...:

Image 419

Image 420


It's hard to see this editor getting older and not implementing some new cool features like font ligatures and so many others proposed by the community.

Ok, I made a mistake when said it's "abandoned".

PLEASE support font ligatures!


Is there any position of the Sublime Text team about the implementation of this feature in the next builds? Is there a date for us to expect this update?


Would be nice to get at least any kind of official feedback regarding that issue. Really missing that font feature in ST.


Seriously, please add this feature. I don't like any other editor, and I'm not planning to switch to another. Why can't you just add this? We can't even do it by ourselves because of the closed source


works fine for me on Linux build 3126

Image 430


Well yes the font works, it's the ligatures we are asking for....

Hey, can i ask. What desktop environment you use, looking very cool !

I think as coders / prosumers we become a little jaded. Like little arrows vs => is actually going to impact code execution. That said given how mature sublime is im wondering what the actual reason is behind it not having support... i mean if other text editors can do it?


It's a matter of paying $70 for something, (which is totally cheap for a tool I'm in 12+ hours a day, I don't regret the purchase) and then seeing the FOSS equivalent AND the OS built-in both support this helpful feature that my paid tool doesn't. You know? But I've been having a great time in VS Code so it's all good.


F*ing come on already! It has been nine months and nothing happened? I also switched to Atom for a short time, but it just was too slow.


Try Visual Studio Code, it's open source, free, and multiplatform and does so much cool stuff.


Tried it, but it was almost as slow as Atom on my not-exactly-new machines and also chugged RAM for breakfast.

I'm giving up on ligatures for now, because ultimately having a fast and lean tool is more important than bells and whistles. But I hope they add it soon.


I tired to post this two weeks ago but it's still waiting for moderation...




Guys come on this is getting ridiculous. Add ligature support so we don't have to use another editor to use them.


Guys, it's just stylish minor detail, fancy thing, nothing that someone can consider "production blocker". IMHO they just scrumble code even more. ST is not USA election, it's just helper to see what is missing not "the bigger score wins"


ligatures dont work for me on ST3 build 3126 :(


I find the absence of any input from the dev/devs here quite disconcerting. Given the almost 5,000 votes this has received, I feel like (especially as a paid user) it's not too much to ask for them to, at the very least, say "no, we're not going to do this."


I've been using Visual Studio code and i do not miss Sublime Text. And yes I was wrong, the avility to run a terminal in the editor is very good for productivity. Why don't you make the switch?

As fate would have it, I just installed it. The bigger problem here, though, is that I've got a product that:
  • I've been using for several years and generally meets all my needs
  • I have a lot of investment in (custom tooling [i.e. time], license [i.e. money])
  • I've paid for, and can't even get a comment from a product owner on a support thread with nearly 5k upvotes

Generally, it's a good, extensible editor that does what I need and want it to do. This is one feature that I would like to have and don't feel like it's to much to ask for a member/owner of the project to at least comment on the issue.

On the other hand, perhaps that should be the very reason which causes me to ditch it and never look back.

You can even map sublime text's shortcuts to it by using an extension.


I've been using Visual Studio code and i do not miss Sublime Text. And yes I was wrong, the ability to run a terminal in the editor is very good for productivity. Why don't you make the switch?


I'm on arch linux with xfce terminal configured in drop down mode, why would i need an integrated terminal when it's merely a hotkey press away at all times?


For example, in Visual Studio Code I can run commands in the integrated terminal, set a breakpoint in my code and debug - all at the same time, without having to switch contexts between the code, emulator, terminal and whatever else I happen to be running. It gives me a good overview of everything that's going on without me having to switch back and forth.

But hey, that's just me. Your paying users are clearly trying to communicate a shortcoming that they see in your product.


My 2 cents? I switched to Atom just because of the ligatures, used for a couple of months, now I'm back to ST. Pretty cool, but no big deal. ST is way smoother on my computers (home & work). Would like see it working on ST, but it isn't a "game change" feature, at least not for me anymore.


I'm a little disappointed when I found out that Sublime doesn't support ligatures.

It doesn't matter that much since Sublime is smooth and with loads of useful plugins, However this should really be implemented.


Any plans to support ligatures?


I's surprising that Sublime Text 3 doesn't support ligatures yet…


Please support ligature and I'll purchase a license.


support ligatures please! my eyes suddenly started to hurt!

no… really typography is one of the most important things in our way of communication, a app like sublime used by billions of professionals should support it.


I woke up this and thought Sublime Text had ligatures but then I realized it was just a dream. Maybe one day Fira Code and Sublime Text will meet and it will change the world. In any event, I love my Sublime Text and the only way you will take it away from me is from my cold dead hands.

Nah, you could just see the future four months ahead. :)


Please ad ligature support to sublime text! (Paid user)

I too would like to see this feature. I would also like to see support for variable-width fonts (which almost work now, except that the indentation markers on the left side are drawn in the wrong place). If I'm staring at something 8 hours a day, I sure want it to look nice! :)

Would be great, please !

Any news on that ?


Oh yes! Please add ligature support


Was this ever acknowledged ? This whole thread sadly feels like months and months of useless spam :/

What are the odds this is a feature of Sublime Text 4, a paid upgrade?


I wouldn't mind that personally, Sublime Text is well worth its price tag.


Any luck with this? Don't ignore us! -goes away dramatically-


I think the team is saying right now "they're really anoying, just let them going crazy"... Now, seriously, guys, at least an honest response would be something, at least a "we won't add this because it's against our philosophy", something...


Perhaps coincidentally, the new website supports ligatures. ("files")

It's not that "the site" supports ligatures, most browsers have had ligature support for a while now, so it's just a matter of picking a font whereas sublime would require core changes.


Build 3143 - huge update. But no ligatures.

WTF 2 years and not have ligature yet ? 


There are maybe 2-3 features missing that would convince me to buy the editor; and this is the top of the list.


Coincidentally, dev build 3146 released today includes ligature support--and it looks great. Rejoice!

Great. That's really cool. Love you Sublime.


Great news !

It works fine in everything I tried, but in Rust a few ligatures aren't applied, no idea why :

(this is fira code btw)

What could be causing this ? It seems weird to me that some works, but some don't.

Yeah, running into that as well. In some instances a symbol will work, in others the same one won't. Everything seems to work in a plain text file, so I think it could have something to do with the syntax parsing / highlighting?

I have install FiraCode font, and installed on my system, but the ligature appear not work. Any hint?  

Not all ligatures may work with all syntax definitions. Scopes can match parts of a ligature, which breaks it up into separate characters.

Holy jeebus, i absolutely positively just bought another license for my personal machine just because of this, now finally i can uninstall VScode and never look back.

 Hi.. i have a problem.. i use windows 7 32 bits...and my sublime text 3154 not work with ligatures. I dont know what happening.. i Install correctly Fira Code or Hasklig and i add on "font_face" option ,but this dont work on Sublime Text.. any can help me?

Report it to the official forum of ST.



All Ligature finally work!!!

i'm using Sublime Dev Version 3156


It has already worked 2 months ago, you are just too late.

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