
Ability to bind back and forward mouse / keyboard buttons to switch files.

Chad Hancock 13 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 13 years ago 5
My Lenovo laptop (as well as the keyboard plugged in to my docking station) have keys that bind to front / back in a browser. Similarly, my mouse has 2 buttons that do that as well. On TextPad for windows, you can use those buttons to switch back and forth between files. Would be great to have that in Sublime as well.


Mouse buttons are customizable in build 2046, and buttons 4/5 go to the next/prev file by default.
Try to override the key bindings for the prev_view and next_view commands. Also look at the next_view_in_stack and prev_view_in_stack commands.
You can use StrokeIt (http://www.tcbmi.com/strokeit/) to send keystrokes based on gestures or mouse buttons
Why stop at the back and forward mouse buttons. The new G700 mouse has 11 buttons!
Mouse buttons are customizable in build 2046, and buttons 4/5 go to the next/prev file by default.
I also suggest using the key commands cmd-[ and cmd-] to mean back and forward, to respect web browsers on the Mac. I have my mouse's back and forward buttons bound to those keystrokes.
This only appears to switch tabs in the order they appear in the window, not based on the order they were last used, which is actually what I need--able to navigate back and forth through a file history like a web browser.