Diff - PSPad style!

Bernhard Hörl 11 років тому 0

Please make an awesome diff! I haven't found any editor which could mess with the power of the PSPad -TextDiff. I love Sublime and with this feature in the next release I will install it everywhere!


project view not updated when located on a windows / samba share

Vincent Côté-Roy 13 років тому 0

when a project folder is located on a windows (samba) shared drive, the project view does not get updated for any file/folder create/rename/delete, be it generated from within the editor or from outside.  for example, when creating a new file, it does not appear in the folder view.

the only way to update the view, then, is to go to Project -> refresh folders


wrong link to error line

thebugfinder 12 років тому 0

here is a ruby script:

class MyClass
  attr_non_existant :test

When i build this code,  i get

C:/ruby-test/break.rb:2:in `<class:MyClass>': undefined method `attr_non_existant' for MyClass:Class (NoMethodError)

from C:/ruby-test/break.rb:1:in `<main>'

[Finished in 0.2s with exit code 1]

if i click on the second link


it opens a new file called *weird square symbol*from C


Improper highlighting of GHC pragmas

Sergei Lebedev 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 0
Pragmas are basically comments with `#` going right after the opening and before the closing comment bracket, for example:

Image 78


Project Explorer should inherit colors from current theme

Joshua Henn 11 років тому 0

Would be nice if the left sidebar (Project Explorer) would inherit color scheme so doesn't contrast so harshly.

Image 246


Subblitext 2 quits suddenly

Victor Salvans Montesó 12 років тому оновлено Yuri Padilha 11 років тому 2
I have a very weird behavior, st2 crashes when I start editing a php file in one determined project. For example, click on "install.php" of that project, then I press enter couple of times in the code after the <?php and when I hit a letter, boom! the application quits suddenly.

I have:
MACOS Version 10.6.8
Sublime Text 2 Version of 2.0.1 . Build 2217 
with the following installed packages

And when it crashes I have this log:

23/07/12 14:04:56Sublime Text 2[563]unrecognized button type 7
23/07/12 14:05:05Sublime Text 2[563]unrecognized button type 7
23/07/12 14:05:06Sublime Text 2[563]unrecognized button type 7
23/07/12 14:05:10com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[205]([0x0-0x48048].com.sublimetext.2[563]) Exited abnormally: Broken pipe
23/07/12 14:05:11Path Finder[263]CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.

Any clue?


Fix symbol lookup for long method declarations

Matt Hauck 11 років тому 0

The symbol/method lookup gets a bit unwieldy when a method name/arguments are very long and have many spaces. For example, if writing in java, I may have a method that looks like this:

public static void doTheThing(final String foo,
  final FooManager fooManager,
 final BlahManager blahManager,
  final String name,
  final String color) throws IOException, AnotherException {
When this method name shows up in the symbol lookup, it is hardly recognizable. 

Image 254
The dots here are using up precious real estate for this long method declaration. I presume spaces are already being stripped out, but I'm not sure the logic used to display, for example, the name of the final argument, rather than the name of the method itself. I think method names should always appear in the symbol lookup, and their return types and arguments should be prioritized after. 

context in completions

Philipp Scheit 12 років тому 0
it would be really nice if we could use the context feature from keybindings in the completions file.
that would allow more context-sensitive completions and would allow more specific completion list


Change highlight color for file/folder side bar when focused

Ben Ma 12 років тому 0
It's difficult to tell when the file/folder side bar is focused to receive arrow key input (up/down). It'd be really useful and usable for an option to change the grey highlight color to a focused color (orange?) when the side bar is focused.

MacOS: add "Open Window" in context menu

Anton Danilchenko 11 років тому 0

When I right-click on SublimeTest3 icon I have not see option "New window", like I see on Safari or other programs. I work with two projects at the same time, and I need to open new window by click on "New window" option in this context menu.

Now I do this by select in top context menu "Project -> Open recent" and select project to open.

It's not major issue, but must have to be done. Thanks.


Setting Mark (as in EMACS)

Pratyush Mittal 14 років тому оновлено Jon Skinner 14 років тому 6
EMACS has the option of setting a mark using CTRL + Space (mainly used for selecting/highlighting text).
The same is helpful for easy selection/highlighting of text when coupled with customized key-bindings. Thus not requiring to move to arrow keys or requiring mouse.
Jon Skinner 14 років тому
Added in build 2027

Highlight Word Without Moving Cursor

Shawn McCool 13 років тому оновлено adzenith 13 років тому 1
I'd like to be able to hit a hotkey and highlight the word that my cursor is currently touching without moving my cursor.  This would dramatically reduce time walking through text in many situations.

Innovative Farmers Using Solar-Biomass

Aleksandr Zlenko 11 років тому 0

LIKE many poultry farmers in the UK, Brian and David Jamieson - brothers and proprietors of two broiler chicken farms up in Angus, Scotland - were facing rising fuel and electricity costs and inevitable diminishing returns.

Undaunted by the challenge, the two brothers turned to renewable energy as a way to reduce their costs and generate a welcome source of income. However, unlike many farmers who tend to choose a single renewable option, the Jamiesons went for two.

Brian Jamieson replaced his existing LPG heating with a powerful solar-biomass renewable energy combination consisting of a 499kw ‘Woodpecker Blaze’ woodchip biomass boiler for heating and a 50 kWp roof mounted REC solar PV array to generate power for ventilation and lighting. A second 25kWp roof mounted solar PV array was also installed on David Jamieson’s neighbouring farm. The solar PV generation has been so successful that Brian added a further 50kW solar array, taking Brian’s pv capacity to 100kWp.

Neither of the brothers had any prior experience dealing with renewable energy installers so choosing the right company for the job was paramount. In the end they went for Greenpower Technology, a recommended biomass and solar installer with a strong track record in the poultry sector.

Brian Jamieson says: “The reason we went for Greenpower is their knowledge of our sector. Greenpower Technology installed the system over three separate phases, undertaking the majority of the work during natural breaks in the broiler calendar. Every six weeks the farm is emptied of chickens giving us one week to wash down the sheds and prepare for the next batch. Tom and the team worked hard during these intervals so that there was minimal disruption to our business – after just seven weeks everything was done.”

The power of solar-biomass

Combining solar with biomass is a particularly effective solution for broiler chicken farmers because each respective technology works most effectively when heat and electricity demand is at its highest.
For example, electricity demand is at its peak during the summer, when power is needed to run ventilation systems to keep the chickens cool. Solar PV produces the most power when the sun is shining, which mirrors these daily and seasonal peaks in demand. During the winter months, the biomass boiler produces cheap, low carbon heat to keep the sheds warm and dry, again at a time when heat is most needed.

In addition to this beneficial seasonal match, the biomass element of the solution produced some unexpected benefits for the Jamiesons.

For example, Mr Jamieson’s original LPG heating was proving expensive to run – LPG was the second largest overhead on the farm. The biomass boiler delivers heat via hot water and radiators and this creates a dryer atmosphere within the chicken sheds. This dry heat produces a higher grade litter, which doesn’t need to be replaced as often, saving money and reducing associated health problems for the chickens.

Financial returns

The combined solar-biomass solution is also set to deliver considerable cost savings and income for the Jamieson brothers.

For example, woodchip – the fuel used for most commercial grade biomass boilers - is up to 30 per cent cheaper than LPG, the fuel choice for many conventional boilers, and the electricity produced by the solar PV arrays is in effect, completely free. In addition, the Jamiesons will benefit from annual income from both the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and Feed in Tariff (FIT).

Solar-biomass – advice for poultry farmers

Installing a biomass-solar system is not all plain sailing, and the Jamiesons needed to take into consideration a number of factors before they took the plunge. These included:


Choosing good quality wood chip or pellets was of paramount importance. Poor grade or damp wood chips/pellets have a habit of clogging up the boiler which can cause maintenance headaches.

Planning permission is often required and time and money should be allowed for this. In Mr Jamieson’s case, Greenpower Technology managed the whole planning process, but some farmers may choose to complete this themselves – if this is the case, seeking sound advice and information from the installer is paramount. When applying for planning permission, environmental services will also require emissions information, so farmers are advised to check this out with the installer too.

Other considerations that the farmer had to take into account included ensuring he had a good, firm foundation for his boiler – on some occasions additional concrete foundations will be required which will add to the overall cost.

He also had to make sure there was not only enough space for the boiler, but additional space to store the fuel. In Brian’s case space was not an issue, but if a suitable plant room is not available, installing a specialised container is an option.

Solar PV

Before embarking on any solar PV installation, it is critically important that the farmer commissions a feasibility report from the PV installer. Any professional installer developing a commercial scale site should do this as par for the course. The feasibility study will inform the design of the solar PV installation, by taking into consideration variables such as irradiation levels, shade, distance to grid, roof direction and roof pitch.

Choosing high quality, durable solar PV panels and cabling systems is also important, particularly for poultry farmers because chicken droppings create toxic gases that can cause long term damage to the system.

Under the current DECC proposals, an EPC certificate, giving a classification of D or above is required on one of the buildings that connects to the electricity supply. This means that the building with the solar array, does not necessarily have to obtain the D rating, as long as one of the other buildings, such as a farm office or farmhouse, has the D rating or above and shares the same electricity supply. The impact on energy performance of the solar array itself can also contribute towards the energy performance classification.

Mr Jamieson adds: “I think the financial benefits and seasonal fit that biomass and solar delivers to broiler farmers is compelling. Farmers are always looking for new ways to generate income and reduce costs, and renewable energy can deliver both. We are also aware of the pressure supermarkets are under to buy chicken from low carbon sources. It is only a matter of time before this pressure becomes a requirement, and those farmers who have already taken steps to reduce their carbon footprint will benefit in the long term.”

Tom Morley, managing director of Greenpower Technology says: “We are advising landowners or farmers who are considering installing renewable energy solutions to act quickly. The Feed-In-Tariff and Renewable Heat Incentive rates have been falling since they were first introduced, so early adopters will reap greater financial returns than those who wait longer.”

Read more: http://crowncapitalmngt.com/


allow to wipe spaces at end of line

KES 11 років тому 0

Allow to wipe spaces at end of line only on those line which were edited not on entire file. This will give benefit when I commit my changes to repositary. So I will not be the author of not mine lines in case when spaces at end are removed at entire file.

if I change this line and there the space at end



  keep space at end


clickable functions/classes (click through)

Tim Verhees 12 років тому оновлено FichteFoll 12 років тому 3

The only main thing I'm missing in sublime text is the functionality that a lot of IDE's have: The possibility to click (through) on a function- or class-name that opens the file and centers the function/class in the view is a must in a happy development ;-).

Until then I'll keep using my IDE. If implemented let me know, I'm glad to change to Sublime text with a whole team of developers.


Truncated results from extract_completions()

T-R 12 років тому 0

In build 2217 on Linux 64-bit, calling extract_completions, e.g.,


(as is done in the All Autocomplete plugin) returns some, but not all, strings truncated by one character, e.g., 

[u'insertTopic', u'insertTopi', u'insertSubPoin', u'insertRevisio', u'insertOpinio', u'insertContributo', u'insertCommen', u'index', u'id_Users', u'id_Topics', u'id_Revisions', u'id']

The strings aren't defined truncated anywhere in the project.

Default Autocomplete (without All Autocomplete plugin) shows the correct results (insertTopic, insertSubPoint, etc.), but calling extract_completions directly from the console produces the above result.


Non-Profit Business by Westhill Consulting

Burnell Duffet 11 років тому 0

Noble team Westhill

Like last year joined the Team Noble packages . Through this project, the Christmas season is not only intenstywny, but valuable. Again we find that dawjący receives more than bestowing!

Do what you love!

in on the action, just like us!

Project LEGEND!

Westhill Consulting for the third year in a row is a guest at the time of the Polish National Exhibition of Higher Schools. In our lectures involving more than 150 graduates. What a representative of the generation X can say Gen Y? PROJECT LEGEND! very pleased to undertake the conduct of such lectures. And just between us ... Emotions and stress before the audience is larger than the pursuit of strategic workshops for corporate board!

Take a look…
Youtube video


Westhill Consulting About Business

Shane McMillian 11 років тому 0

Been on the market since 2004, implementing solutions, consultancy and training in the areas of management and customer service . Through specialization , we can in these areas to support our clients comprehensively, often going beyond their expectations. Through our actions, we consistently build the image of the company based on clear principles with projects to ensure a true partner to build relationships with customers and employees. Referring to the values of honesty and long-term relationships with our clients, we undertake only those projects that give real effect. Important for us is the satisfaction and pride in the fact that we do honest work. In business, wherever there is no ready-made solutions, we turn to our experience and common sense. Below chosen from our offer unique products for our customers :

Design, implementation and monitoring of the Customer Service Standards LEVEL UP ™.

Difficult conversations with customers by model 5 STEPS LADDER ™.

Sales partner: expert and - advisory.

Train-the-Trainers and Train-the-coaches

Creating a Coaching Standards and its implementation in teams.

Development Center aimed at both managers and specialist projects within the emergence of internal coaches or under the Talent Management.

First Steps - a comprehensive program implementation staff, and in the spirit grywalizacji.

Development and implementation of the Regular Assessment Systems.

Business Coaching for Managers (use coaching tools in working with subordinates).

Managing the process of change based on the model of Bridges.

Management based on the concept of strengths / potential self-management and employees connected with the analysis of test TALENTREFLECT ™.

Analysis of the quality of teams in the company on the basis of a tool TEAM PLUS ™ If you are determined (or just planning) project changes in the organization, we invite you to cooperation!

Westhill Consulting

Guy Scott Tells Mining and Energy Conference: We Are an Intelligent Government

Marc Blackhawk 11 років тому 0

The introduction of Statutory Instrument No.32 is not meant to “kill” the mining sector or is it a form of exchange controls but is aimed at ensuring that the proceeds from the mineral resources benefits the Zambian people said VICE President Guy Scott.

Government would ensure that taxes remitted by companies were thoroughly scrutinized so that they could fully benefit the nation said Dr Scott.

“Some sectors feel we are going backwards by claiming that we are introducing exchange controls but I want to tell you that we are an intelligent Government that wants to ensure that the resources are properly managed through the implementation of the SI 32,” he said.

Dr Scott said while speaking during the 3rd Zambia International Mining and Energy Conference (ZIMEC) in Lusaka yesterday, it was sad that more money continued to leave the country through tax avoidance hence the need to intensify policies that would ensure transparency in the industry.

Issues globally with the on-going Group of eight nations meeting on taxation and transparency in Northern Ireland being timely as it would assist countries like Zambia find a lasting solution to the challenges Dr Scott further added.

“We are very in line with this meeting and we expect that we will have increased transparency and access to offshore bank accounts,” he said.

Government would continue to create an enabling environment for investors in the mining and energy industries saying the sectors were key in national economic development, Dr Scott said.

He further said that investors should also ensure they ploughed back to the communities they operated in through job creation and other corporate social responsibility activities.

“Government was not elected by the people of Zambia to extract 750,000 tonnes of copper a year but to see to it that the minerals are beneficial to the people of Zambia. If it was important, we would not allow for the extraction of minerals but we allowed it because the minerals are supposed to provide jobs, taxation and other multiplier benefits,” Dr Scott said.

He said the mining industry should support local industries by buying locally produced equipment unlike the current trend where all equipment’s was imported.

“We want locally value-added content in the inputs used by the mines. We want local industries to process steel boards and other equipment used by the mines, that way more jobs will be generated from the mining industries.

“It does not make sense again for local enterprises to import equipment and supply it to the mines but it is better to have foreign firms that are established in the country and are engaging local people to produce the equipment,” he said.

The conferences which was held two days aimed at creating a platform for stakeholders in the energy and mining sectors to engage on issues that would enhance the mining and energy sectors.

Over 300 delegates and mining giants including Mopani copper mines Rio Tinto, First Quantum Minerals, among others was attracted by the conference organized by AME Trade in partnership with Association of Zambian Mineral Exploration Companies.

The mine would continue to invest in Zambia, with the mining firm investing over US$2billion to date, Mopani Copper mines chief executive officer Danny Callow said.

“Mopani will remain a committed partner in Zambia as demonstrated through the expansion drive and infrastructure upgrade we have embarked on,” he said.

Mr Callow said copper production was expected to increase to 1.5 million tonnes by 2016 due to expansion projects being undertaken by various mines across the country adding that the expected production capacity would only be sustainable if reliable energy and good road and railway infrastructure were enhanced.

He said Government and the mining firms should continue to dialogue on various policy issues if the industry was to be fully developed.




Font vertically cropped

Eliot Shepard 11 років тому 0

The top pixel of my preferred programming font (Pragmata) is cropped in ST3, leading to unpleasant visual artifacts.

Example, ST3 vs. Textmate 1:

Relevant preferences set. (Problem still occurs without any User preferences.)

"font_face": "Pragmata",
"font_size": 12,
"font_options": [ "no_bold", "no_italic", "no_round", "subpixel_antialias" ],
"line_padding_bottom": 1,
"line_padding_top": 1

Something I have to live with due to a flaky font, or possible to fix with available options?
